We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

All That Hair

“Josh,” I whined as he walked past the bathroom but as I called his name he poked his cute little head in.

“What baby?” he asked.

“Do I look alright? I feel so fat and I feel like these jeans and shirt make me look fatter,” I pouted.

“Honey,” Josh chuckled. “You look gorgeous. You don’t look fat in any way, you just look pregnant and that’s kind of unavoidable at six months pregnant.”

“Yeah, I just don’t want to look fat,” I pouted out my lower lip.

“You don’t look fat,” Josh laughed again. “Besides, even if you were I’d still love you because I love you for who you are, not what you look like.”

“You’re so sweet,” I sighed while falling into his embrace.

“Although,” He started. “I don’t mind that you’re so gorgeous. I do find you really attractive.”

“Well I find you more attractive,” I giggled.

We shared some yummy kisses before walking downstairs with our fingers laced together. Josh had planned a little baby shower for me. You want to know the funniest part? Josh planned the baby shower with a bunch of the metal mulisha guys!

When Josh first told me this I almost died of laughter. I seriously almost passed out from laughing too hard. Apparently this was happening at Deegan’s house and Josh had been there all morning but came home to pick me up. Emma was already there, helping everyone. I don’t even want to know how hyper she’s being right now.

Once we arrived, Josh hooked his arm around my waist and led me inside where everything was all decorated and everyone was there. It was so sweet! My eyes even started to gloss over.

“Wow, the pregnant lady is crying already,” Todd just had to speak up.

“Shut up Todd!” I shot at him. “Do you want me to come beat you down?”

“Sounds like Todd is the one who’ll be crying here in a minute,” Twitch laughed.

“Mommy!” Emma shouted while running over to me.

“Hey sweetie,” I smiled while bending down to give her a hug.

“I helped decorate!” She told me.

“You did? Well it looks beautiful,” I replied. “We’re you a good helper?”

“She was a very good helper,” Marissa Deegan spoke up.

“That’s good,” I grinned.

All of us hung around and chatted for a while until I got really thirsty but Josh, being the sweetie he is, went to get me a water.

“We can’t let Kirstie get up, if she turns around she may just whack you down with her stomach,” Todd teased.

“You’re a jerk!” I shot at him.

“Yeah no picking on pregnant ladies!” Marissa ordered him and Kylee agreed.

“She’s not a pregnant lady… she’s Kirstie,” Todd joked.

“Todd, you can’t talk because we have to go through enough carrying this thing and pushing it out. You know how heavy this is and how much it hurts to push it out?” I asked with an attitude.

“You have no idea what us men have to go through with pregnant ladies,” He shot back.

“Oh because you know so much about that Todd,” Brian teased.

“Well we have to deal with the cravings, the moodiness, the whining about how much we don’t know,” Todd countered.

“But we don’t mind because our wives had the harder part,” Twitch piped in.

“Yeah and we love them and want to take care of them,” Josh added as he came back over with some water and plopped down next to me, draping an arm around my shoulders.

“Todd’s outnumbered,” Ky giggled.

“Hey! You shouldn’t be against me! You’re my fiancée,” Todd pouted.

“Aw, you know I love you,” She cooed.

“How you can love that bear, I don’t know,” I shook my head. “You say he’s cute but I don’t know how you see him through all that hair.”

This started a whole lot more teasing before we got to the presents and Emma helped us open all of them, it was so cute! No matter how much teasing goes on, I’m so thankful for all my friends. I don’t know what I’d do without them.
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okay i'm trying to think........i don't think he's in this story though...OH WAIT! I GET IT! Okay yay! i don't feel dumb anymore!
what do you guys think? do you want us to tell you?

