We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

It Means He Loves You

Whoo hoo! Today we’re going dress shopping for Kylee! I’m excited. Josh and my baby boy is getting so big now. He’s a little sweetheart though, I love him. He’s a really good baby and you know what’s amazing? At night he’ll sleep for hours on end. Last night he slept for five hours without waking up, it’s like heaven!

While Kylee, her mom and I were dress shopping Ky’s dad, Keegan and Josh are going to be taking care of all the kids. I find this….interesting. They should be okay though, Josh is amazing and he’ll take care of Christian. Ky’s dad obviously knows to handle kids and Keegan is pretty good with them maybe because his intelligence can rival one. but he’s a sweetheart too so I’m sure they’ll be good.

“Can you believe Christian’s almost two months old already?” I questioned as we left my little Grant household.

“Can you believe I’m finally getting married in almost three months?” Ky shot right back with a huge smile.

“To Otter Todder Potter,” I giggled out.

“You two girls have so many nicknames for him,” Ky’s mom laughed.

“He’s just that fun to pick on,” I told her.

“He’s cute,” Ky pouted.

“Ky, I hate to burst your bubble, but… Todd’s far from cute,” I battled.

“He is!” She threw back, fighting off a smile.

“Well Josh is still way cuter,” I piped up.

“No, Christian is cute but Josh is not,” Ky countered.

“But he’s cute because he looks just like Josh. He had to get the genes from somewhere,” I said in a sing song voice.

We battled back and forth for a while until we arrived at our first dress shop. There wasn’t anything very good there but to be nice Kylee tried on one. It wasn’t very good. We moved onto the shop where I had bought my dress. She still didn’t find anything that she liked so we kept on rolling.

By this point Kylee was frustrated and it showed. Her mom and I picked out multiple and tried showing them to her but she just sauntered along and shut down.

Ky disappeared into a dressing room and so her mom and I piled up a bunch of dresses for her to try on. But the second we went inside she already had one on….and it was gorgeous! I literally dropped the dresses I had in my hands and walked closer.

“And to think we thought you were in the car being mopey,” I giggled as my hands came up to rest on my hips.

“I was thinking about it until I found this,” She shyly smiled at us.

“Ky, that’s beautiful,” Her mom gasped.

“I totally think this one’s it,” Ky stated.

“I agree,” I shouted.

We bought it soon after and they marked the few little alterations they needed to do. After that we were on our way home! As we pulled into the driveway we spotted Todd’s truck there. The moment we walked into the house Kylee was in his arms.

I made my way over to Josh who was holding little Christian. I was going to take him but our daughter had other plans.

”MOMMY!” She shouted while jumping on my to give me a hug but it knocked us over and the two of us laid on the floor, cracking up.

“Hi Emma,” I giggled.

“I missed you,” she smiled while kissing my cheek.

“I missed you too sweetie,” I beamed while giving her a kiss.

I pulled myself up to my feet and sat down next to Josh and took Christian from his arms as Emma sat on the other side of Josh.

“Hey Christian. I love you,” I cooed while kissing his head multiple times as he cooed and drooled.

“He’s a little drooler,” Josh laughed. “I had to change my shirt like three times today.”

“It just means he loves you, right Christian?” I giggled as he let out another coo and drooled some more.

Aw, I love my baby boy! I have such a wonderful family and I can’t wait for Kylee to experience the same thing.
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whoo! I rented the Michael Jackson Experience game for the kinect, the dancing game and omg it's hard but SO much fun. I was totally spazzing out while playing it and my brother and dad were cracking up as i'm dancing and singing along it was hilarious!

