We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

Look At Me!

“Mommy look!” Emma squealed as she ran into the kitchen while I was putting away some groceries.

She pointed outside and I immediately spotted what she was trying to show me. Josh was slowly cruising around on his bike, holding Christian!

I took Emma’s hand and walked outside with her. Josh rolled to a stop right in front of me and gave me a cheeky smile.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, bringing my hands up to rest on my hips.

“Riding,” He smiled.

“Why do you have Christian with you?” I countered.

“He likes it,” Josh grinned while looking down at our eight month old boy.

“But he’s too little,” I whined.

“I was careful with him,” Josh battled.

“He’s still too little, I don’t want him to get hurt. I get worried about you on a bike let alone my baby!” I said while throwing my hands up in the air.

“Christian, say don’t worry Momma, Daddy’s got it under control,” He cooed to our little boy but then sent me that cute little grin.

“Fine you win… but only because you’re so cute,” I told him as I gave him a kiss.

“Really though Kirstie, he’s safe. I’m holding him tight. I wouldn’t let anything happen to my little bud,” Josh reassured me.

“Daddy, I wanna ride!” Emma piped up and she bounced on her heels.

“I’ll take you around the track if you want Em,” He told her.

“No, I wanna ride my pink bike!” She squealed.

“I think we better ask Mommy,” Josh whispered as I took Christian from him and held him on my hip as he reached for the zipper on my hoodie and started sucking on it.

Josh pulled Emma up on the bike with him and they both looked over at me, giving me that little puppy dog look. Yes, Josh taught Emma how to do that. I’m no match for even Josh, let alone Emma too!

“Wear a helmet,” I giggled.

”Yay!” Josh and Emma both shouted.

I went back in the house and put Christian in his playpen for a little bit while I helped Emma put on her riding gear. I walked her out to the garage where Josh was just finishing filling the pink machine with gas. Emma buzzed the entire time he rolled the little pw50 out to the backyard.

I ran inside and got a bottle for Christian and gently picked him up and carried him outside. I took a seat on a lawn chair and held Christian in my lap as I fed him his bottle. My eyes followed one of the cutest sighs; Josh in his gear, walking behind Emma, decked out in her little gear, on her pink bike and Josh held onto the handle bars with her.

It was so much fun watching those two but Christian fell asleep in my lap quickly after I fed him his bottle. I cradled him against my chest as I walked over to Emma and Josh.

“You’re doing so good sweetie,” I cooed while giving Emma a kiss.

“Thanks Mommy,” She grinned. “It’s fun!”

“Is Daddy being a good teacher?” I asked.

“Mhmm. I like Daddy teaching me,” Emma told us.

I leaned over and gave Josh a kiss and when we parted he left a soft one on Christian’s head.

“So are you okay with me teaching her now?” He questioned as Emma rode off by herself and rode around slowly.

“Yeah. I was nervous for a while but I think she’s okay. You are a good teacher,” I smiled at him. “And such a good Daddy.”

“You’re such a good Mommy,” He cooed while planting a loving kiss on my lips. “But does this mean that I can get Christian a bike now?”

“You can get it for him but he isn’t riding it until he’s at least three,” I stated with a grin.

“Three? You’ll let me teach him when he’s three?” Josh prodded.

“Yes,” I giggled. “I’ll let you teach him when he’s three. Do you want to shake on it?”

“No, I want to kiss on it,” He beamed while leaning in for a kiss that was oh so yummy.

”DADDY, MOMMY LOOK AT ME!” Emma squealed while riding by.

“She’s so cute. Thank you for giving me such a beautiful family,” Josh happily sighed while wrapping his arms around me from behind and laying his head on my shoulder as he smiled down at Christian.

“I’m so glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you,” I told him honestly.

“I feel the same way honey,” He replied.

I love my family so much. I don’t know what I’d do without them. I just feel bad for everyone else in the world who don’t get to have my gorgeous hubby!
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Whoo! i get to go to my friend's bday party tonight, and it's a bowling party hahah i suck at bowling which should make it commical. Everybody tells me i'm the entertainment at every party (is that a good thing? haha) so i'll have to do the moonwalk in my bowling shoes, yes i know how to do the moonwalk and it actually is the moonwalk i'm not one of those people who is like, oh yeah i can do it and they really can't, i actually can! I know, it's a very valuable talent! hahaha

The Grants
