We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

Look At This Face

I am now five months pregnant. I just had my doctor’s appointment and now Todd and I are on our way to go pick up Mason from Josh and Kirstie’s. I was excited to see him. He kept asking us all morning if he could come… but I wanted it to be a surprise when Todd and I told him what his sibling was going to be.

“You happy, momma?” Todd asked while driving as he reached over and gently rubbed my tummy.

“Of course. We’re going to have a beautiful baby,” I smiled over at him, taking my eyes off of the ultrasound pictures that I will not stop staring at.

His bright smile shined through. I wanted to reach over and kiss him, but he was driving sadly. I just waited until we were in the Grant’s driveway. After we finished our loving kisses, we got out and walked inside hand in hand. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face.

“What is it? What is it? What is it?” Mason buzzed while running towards us.

He looked up at Todd and I and grinned brightly. Todd bent down to pick him up as we walked over to sit across from Josh and Kirstie, along with their two little ones.

“What is it?” Mason asked again.

“Show him the pictures,” Todd smiled.

I held out the ultrasound to him. As he looked over the noisy image, Emma came over, looking at it too. But after a few seconds, Mason looked up at me with his features wrinkled up.

“I can’t see it!” he complained, making all of us chuckle.

“You’re blind, dude,” Todd teased.

“No you are, dude!’ he shot back, sending all of us into a round of laughter.

“Well, Todd’s a wonderful influence on him,” Kirstie teased.

“Shut up, Kirstie,” Todd shot at her.

“Just tell us what you’re having,” Josh groaned.

I looked at Todd to find him staring back at me. We both smiled before the two of us gave them the answer.

“It’s a boy,” we both beamed.

“I’M GONNA HAVE A BROTHER!” Mason chanted while pumping his little fists in the air.

“Oh no… a mini Todd,” Kirstie groaned.

“I bet he’ll be cute cause Mason is,” Emma spoke up, batting her little eyelashes… someone has a little crush.

“I’ll have three cute boys,” I smiled while wrapping my arms around Todd’s middle.

“Todd’s not cute, Ky,” Kirstie had to pipe up.

“Yes he is!” I shot at her playfully.

“No… Josh is cute. Just look at that face,” she cooed at her boo while pinching his cheeks.

“Look at this face,” I smiled at Todd, adding a soft kiss to his cheek.

“Love you, baby,” Todd smiled before pecking my lips quickly.

“I love you too, sweetheart,” I grinned back.

“Too much Potter love in this house right now,” Josh complained, throwing a pillow at Todd and I.

“Hey! Watch the pregnant one,” Todd shot at him teasingly while gently placing his hand on my stomach.

“Gladly,” Kirstie giggled before tossing another pillow at Todd, hitting him right in the face.

All of the kids nearly fell on the floor in a fit of laughter. Todd just pouted at me. I gave him a small smile before I reached both arms around him to pull my lover in for a tight hug.

“Picking on my Todders,” I pouted once he nuzzled his cute little nose into the crook of my neck.

“Wow, Todd, you have your wife sticking up for you,” Josh snickered.

“Shut up, Grant. Kirstie does the same thing for you,” I shot at him.

He just stuck his tongue out at me. Uh huh… that’s what I thought, Joshie boy. But Todd is a little cutie pie when he pouts. I just want to kiss those plump lips to bring his smile back over him. If we were home, that’s what I’d do. But sadly we’re not. Happily though, Todd and I are going to be welcoming our little baby boy into the world pretty soon and I couldn’t be any more excited for this.
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:D I don't know what to say... cause... I can't moonwalk lol

Everyone :D
