We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

He Looks Like You

You know what sucks? I spent two and half weeks in Paris and come hope, wanting to spend so much family time together… only to find out a few days later, my husband has to leave for his own little thing. He got asked to do Nuclear Cowboyz and they’re doing all of their rehearsal stuff in Tampa. I don’t know if you’ve checked lately, but Tampa’s in Florida. Florida’s all the way on the east coast!

I wasn’t happy about it, but it’s what he has to do. Slowly, I came around to the idea. But once he left, it wasn’t any easier. Jayden was whiney. He loves his daddy. Mason wasn’t acting right. I pouted at him when he just laid on the couch next to me.

“Can I go see daddy?” he asked softly.

“Honey, daddy left,” I told him while smoothing over his thick brown hair.

“No… daddy,” he countered, sitting up, showing off those piercing blue eyes.

Oh… Tanner. I sighed and picked up my phone, hoping he wouldn’t answer. But he did. I was expecting him not too though. It’s Monday. He usually does some kind of testing on Mondays… or something to do with a TV show… or something sponsor related… or… well, you get the idea.

“I know you’re probably busy, but… Mason wants to see you,” I started after having jumbled thoughts for a few seconds.

“He can come any time he want,” he replied with a smile in his voice.

“Ok, well, I’ll bring him in a few minutes,” I told him.

We went on to say our goodbyes. Mason suddenly got a little energy and buzzed around, gathering a few things. It was cute. While he was doing that, I got my five-month baby boy around too. Just as I was heading towards the door to go out to the garage to my car, Mason came trotting with a little backpack on his back. I smiled and got my two boys into their seats.

Mason babbled about all the things he hoped to do with his daddy. It made me smile, but… I quickly realized I wouldn’t be able to see that smile while he was having fun with Tanner. As I pulled into his driveway, I let out a heavy sigh.

While I was helping Mason down to the ground, Tanner came walking out, smiling as his son ran towards him. This did put a smile on my face.

“When he wants to come home, just call,” I told him once I brought myself to walk back to the driver’s door.

“Mommy, no. Stay,” Mason spoke up, looking at me with pleading eyes.

“Mase,” I sighed.

“Why don’t you go inside, bud? I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Tanner went on to smile.

Mason nodded his head and slowly trotted to the door. Once he was inside, I let out another sigh and ran my hand through my hair while Tanner took a few steps closer.

“Just because we’re not together, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have time with his mom and dad,” he spoke up softly.

“Yeah, but…” I started.

“It’s not fair to him, Ky,” he went on. “We can go to the park so we’re not completely alone if that makes you feel better,” he went on.

“Fine,” I sighed. “But we can take my car. I have Jayden’s car seat in and I’m not moving it,” I giggled.

“Of course. I haven’t met the little guy yet either,” he smiled before turning to go get Mason.

I sighed, having second thoughts before I climbed back into my car. Tanner came back out a few minutes later with Mason who was grinning so brightly. I loved seeing that smile.

During our drive, Mason talked to Tanner about the racing thing. Apparently they went and raced go karts while I was in Paris. I gave Tanner a little sideways look. He countered by smiling innocently. Oh this man… what am I going to do with him?

Once we got to the park, Mason took off running while Tanner chased him. I smiled while I walked over to a picnic table with a cooing Jayden in my arms. I sent him a big grin before I left kisses on his little baby face.

The two of us sat, interacting with each other while Tanner and Mason had their fun. I can’t deny how cute those two are together. Once Tanner had caught his little boy, he came walking over to me placing Mason on the table next to his brother who was sitting there also.

“He looks like you,” Tanner smiled once Jayden’s eyes fell on him.

“You think?” I asked, looking over at him.

“Well, he has your facial structure… and your smile,” Tanner went on, poking his tummy to bring his smile through… that does kind of resemble mine. It’s hard to tell since he has Todd’s lips. “Give him blue eyes and he’d look just like you,” he went on.

“My Jay-Jay,” I smiled at my boy, making him coo.

“How’s life with your new brother, Mase?” Tanner asked Mason.

“He cries a lot,” he muttered cutely.

“You cried when you were little,” Tanner went on.

“Yeah, but… he does a lot,” he told Tanner, talking with his hands like Tanner does.

Tanner went on to chuckle and leave a kiss on his son’s forehead. Seeing this made me miss all those moments Mason, Tanner and I shared. I quickly shook that thought away. Todd’s in my life now. Mason, Jayden, him, and I share beautiful moments now.
♠ ♠ ♠
He has a gorgeous smile! :-P and he kind of has justin bieber hair, but whatever! lol


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