We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

This Is Sounding Better

“Christian, it’s time to go pick up Emma,” I smiled at my little boy.

“Yay! Emmie!” He shouted. “I wuv Emmie.”

“Aw, she loves you too honey,” I cooed while picking him up.

“I wuv you,” Christian grinned while locking his arms around my neck and giving me a big wet kiss on the cheek. I covered his little baby face that looked just like Josh’s in kisses before loading him in the truck and heading to school.

I held Christians hand while we walked in to school. We waited for a few minutes until school was out until we could walk into the classroom.

“Mommy! Mommy! Look at the picture I drew you!” Emma squealed when we made it over to her desk.

“Aw, that’s beautiful honey,” I cooed while kissing her forehead. “I love it. I’m going to hang it up in the living room.”

“I made one for Daddy too,” She grinned while showing off her picture of Josh in his dirt bike gear. “And this one’s for Christian.”

“Dat’s pwetty Emmie,” Christian beamed while they shared a hug and Emma kissed his head.

”Aww,” I cooed.

“No, you know what’s aww?” Ky said while coming over holding Mason’s hand.

“Not Tanner!” I groaned as she let out a giggle.

“Emma, look what I made you in art,” Mason smiled while holding out a beaded necklace for her.

“It’s beautiful,” She buzzed while he put it around her neck.

“Not as pretty as you though,” He blushed himself along with Emma.

“Mr. Charmer,” I giggled.

“He takes after Tanner,” Ky smiled.

“Well as much as Christian is like Josh I’m sure he’ll get his romantic side,” I happily sighed.

“What? You mean his stumbling over words and saying cheese clichéd lines?” She laughed.

“I think it’s cute that he isn’t smooth and I love those cheesy lines!” I defended my man.

We exchanged a few words before Kylee and I hugged, along with Emma and Mason, before we left to go to our own homes. Emma babbled about her day on the way home like she always does while I intently listened, it’s so cute. But when we were about halfway home my cell phone rang.

“Hey baby, it’s me,” Josh’s sweet voice filled my ears. “Okay, don’t freak out but… I’m in the hospital.”

”What? How can I not freak out?” I shot at him while getting so nervous over why my husband could be there.

“I was practicing today and I crashed. They took me in and immediately took me in and did a little surgery on my shoulder,” He explained.

“Is it the shoulder you already hurt?” I asked in a worried tone.

“Yeah, that’s why they had to take me in right away. I’m sorry I couldn’t call you before but they just rushed me in and conked me out and did the surgery,” Josh went on.

“Okay, I’ll be there right away,” I said before we said our goodbye’s and hung up.

I told the kids that Daddy got hurt and was in the hospital while we drove there. Once we had arrived I got the kids out and held one of Christian’s hand and one of Emma’s as we rushed in and asked the lady at the front desk for where Josh was. When we got in the room Josh was sitting on the bed with a sling on his arm.

“Josh, are you okay?” I sighed while going over to him.

“Yeah, I’m alright,” He smiled.

“Daddy, what’s wrong?” Emma whimpered.

“I crashed and hurt my shoulder so the doctors had to fix it. But I’m alright,” He reassured her while leaving a kiss on her head.

“I want a hug,” She said while putting her arms out for him.

“I’m sorry honey, but I can’t hug you right now because I can’t move my shoulder,” Josh started while Emma’s face dropped. “But I promise when it gets better I’ll give you lots of hugs to make up for it.”

“Okay,” Emma smiled.

“Daddy!” Christian smiled while I lifted him up and stood him up on the side of Josh that didn’t have a sling on his arm. Christian leaned over and kissed Josh’s cheek and told him he loved him and Josh returned it.

“I can go since they already got me my pain medication and my sling and everything,” He told me.

“Alrightie, let’s go home,” I smiled at him.

The four of us left the hospital and my poor Joshie, he limped out. He said he hurt his foot a little too. I hate seeing him with that sling because it means my baby is hurt. When we got in the truck the kids chatted with each other while I drove us home and Josh relaxed into the seat.

“Josh, are you okay sweetie? You seem a little tense,” I softly said while I took one hand off of the steering wheel and resting it on his knee. “Is your shoulder hurting?”

“Naw the pain medication is working good,” He chuckled. “I’m just thinking.”

“About what Joshie?” I asked.

“The doctor said I have to be off of the bike for at least a month. Luckily it’s not as bad as when I hurt it before but I still have to be off for at least a month which sucks for me. But I’m going to miss the last month of outdoor season and you know what happens at the end of outdoor season…” Josh trailed off.

”Contracts are up,” I finished his thought.

“Exactly,” He stated.

“Aw baby, Honda wouldn’t dump you just because you missed the last month,” I cooed.

“I seriously think they might because I’ll be lucky to finish even eighth or ninth in the points because of this and they want people who get their name out. There’s a lot of good guys out there and Honda’s a good team – anyone would want to be on it,” He sighed.

“Try not to worry about it honey,” I smiled over at him.

“I can’t,” He sighed.

“You’ll be fine. It’ll work out. Let’s try to cross that bridge when we come to it,” I tried to reassure him. “Just think of it this way; for the next month you’ll get to spend time with us.”

“Yeah but I’m supposed to stay off of my ankle for like five days or a week so I’ll be on the couch,” Josh pouted. “I chipped a bone in my ankle.”

“But then I’ll get to take care of you and I love doing that. I’ll get to adjust your pillow and stroke your hair and rub your back and give you lots and lots and lots of kisses to make you feel better,” I sent him a smile with a little eyebrow wiggle.

“Okay, this is sounding better,” He smiled cutely.

“And Christian and Emma will want to give you kisses too,” I told him.

I hate that my baby is hurt but I’m looking forward to being able to take care of him. I just hope he doesn’t worry too much over his contract because I’m already worried for him.
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omg kylee you know who i love? JOSHIE! AND BIG TIME RUSH! I looooooove BTR, my friend hannah and i talk abuot it all the time and dance to it! and say SWAG TUNES and super parrot all the time! hhahaa BTR IS SO AMAZING!
who's the other guy you wanna write about????? TELL ME!

Kirstie and Josh
