The Wrong Girl

The Day Of

I listened to the words of the song blaring through my speakers in wonder. Who knew Taylor Swift would be able to sum up my life so easily in a song? I mean, I’m certainly not the type to go uninvited to white veil occasions either, but here I was on my way to doing just that. I had almost chickened out this morning, but then I remembered what Jason had told me last night. It still pissed me off that he was so blind, and had only hardened my resolve to do this.

I had told Josie my plan, and she had loved it, thinking it was brilliant. I knew that she would agree with it, because she had the illusion that it would mean me and Jason getting together, and I had decided not to burst her bubble. I pulled up into the parking lot of the church as the song ended. I tried to park as far from the door as possible so that people wouldn’t be able to recognize my car.

I walked into the church, looking around to see if someone was going to ask me what I was dong there, or to see an invitation. When no one approached me, I walked more confidently around, trying to figure out where Jason was so that could avoid him. I spotted their parents and other relatives mingling around, and listened as I heard yelling. I figured that that must be Julie.

I finally found the chapel where the ceremony was being held and found a seat in the far back corner so Jason wouldn’t see me when he walked in. I looked around me to see who else was there. The room was gorgeous. The color theme seemed to be white and pink, and there where flowers every where. Candles near the windows where lit and I relaized that with the dusky light from outside, the room was dimly lit and breathtaking. The aisle was strewn with flower pedals and the alter was convered in rose bunches.

I noticed people from school and Josie sitting up near the front. Soon other relatives started to wonder in and find their seats so I knew things should be starting soon. I was glad when no one sat near me, and starting daydreaming about what I would say.

I knew there was a part in the service where people could object if they felt the need to. I would need to pay attention for that time, but what would I say? Suddenly I remembered the song that I had heard on the way here.

“Don’t say yes, run away now,
I’ll meet you when you’re out,
Of the church at the back door,
Don’t wait or say a single vow,
You need to hear me out,
And they said speak now.”

Maybe I could modify that to fit my purpose? I didn’t know the details under which the song was written, but I knew that it definitely applied to the situation in which I found myself in. Suddenly I had an idea. I leaned forward and asked the woman sitting there what time the ceremony was supposed to start. She told her there was still some time, and I thanked her before standing up and rushing out. I just needed to find Julie’s dressing room…

That turned to be easier than I thought. When all the bridesmaids came rushing out into the hallway, I knew I had found the right room. I waited a few minutes in the hall, and wasn’t really surprised to see someone else walk towards her room. I walked towards them, but ignored them when they passed me. I rounded the corner and quickly looked back. The man entered to room without any hesitation, and I knew he wasn’t Julie’s father. I could believe that she would still being cheating on Jason.

I walked quickly and silently towards her room, glad that I had worn wedges and they didn’t make nearly as much as noise as normal heels. I pushed the door open silently. The man who had gone must not have closed the door all the way, because it swung open easily than I thought it would. I peeked around the room and wasn’t surprised that Julie didn’t notice me. She and the man, whose name was still unknown to me, were locked in an embraced with each other’s tongue down their throats.

I gagged and quickly pulled my phone out. After snapping a picture and shutting the door, I wondered if I would even have the chance to show it to Jason. I guess it all depended on whether or not he decided to hear what I had to say once I interrupted his wedding. I flinch at the thought and made my way back into the chapel. I found my seat again and examined the picture that was glaring at me from my phone.

Before I could change my mind I sent it to Jason and figured that I could explain if he decided to hear me out. I glanced up to see him look at his phone from where he stood on the alter. I knew he would phone on, even if he wasn’t supposed to. He was notorious for never turning his phone off. I ducked down when he looked up and around the room, obviously searching for me. I didn’t want him to know I was there until I knew what I was to say. He didn’t look happy though.

I heard the music start and looked up again to see the doors open and the bridesmaids start making their way up the aisle. I knew Julie would be coming soon, and from what I had been able to see of her dress, I knew she was going to be gorgeous. Sure enough, when she finally walked in on the arm of her father, the entire room was stunned into silence. Her dress was in the style of a ball room gown, with a big poofy skirt. The corset on top only exentuated her curves and the pink ribbon around her waist made it look even smaller. Her hair was in an updo with curls falling around her face.

I glared at her, but she didn’t see me as she smiled up at Jason. He smiled back, but when I looked at him I realized that he was still thinking about that picture. He smile was tense and so where his shoulders. Finally Julie’s dad deposited her in front of Jason and he took her hand. The preacher started the ceremony as Julie and Jason stood smiling at each other. I wanted to be sick.

I almost got up and left when I heard the preacher say tell anyone with objections to “speak now or forever hold your peace.” I looked around and when no one stood I decided that it was now or never. I stood and walked toward the aisle, speaking while I did so.

“I've got an objection. Jason, I know you hate me at the moment, but you need to hear me out. You really are marrying the wrong type of girl.” I pleaded with him while he and everyone just stared at me in shock.

I heard whispers circle the room but decided to ignore them. I only looked at Jason.

“What are you doing here? You were invited!” Julie shrieked.

“Please, Jason. You need to believe me. I know you think I’m jealous, and maybe I am, but that’s not the reason I’m here. I’m your friend and I want what’s best for you. She’s not it. She’s a liar, and a cheater.” I continued to walk forward until I reached the steps at the alter.

“What did you just call me?! You think I’m cheating on him?” Julie yelled again.

“I saw you! With my own two eyes, I saw you in your dressing room kissing someone else!” I yelled back, suddenly unable to ignore.

“You’re the liar, you jealous whore. You’re in love with him and can’t stand to think that he might want someone other than you. You thought that you would get away with ruining my wedding ‘cause you could convince Jason to believe that ridiculous lie?” Julie cried, coming towards me.

Suddenly Jason stuck his phone in her face. “Explain this.” His voice was quiet, but hurt.

Julie stared at the picture in shock, and then fear. “Where did you get that?” She asked her voice small.

“You don’t need to know. Explain it. Whose is he? And why was he in your dressing room kissing you, on your wedding day?” Jason asked, a little louder this time.

Julie looked around for help, but realized that she was on her own in this situation. She suddenly turned back towards me.

“This is all your fault. You snuck in here and then took that picture. You just couldn’t let Jason be happy could you? You had to ruin everything!” She was shrieking again.

I ignored her and looked towards Jason. He was staring at Julie in shock. I knew that this might happen, but all I wanted was for Jason to be happy and I knew that Julie wouldn’t give him that happiness. I didn’t think I would able to either, but that was why I wasn’t exactly vying for the chance.

Finally Jason looked at me. His eyes were cold and dull, but I knew that it was because of what he had just heard his fiancée say rather than anything I had done. Well, aside from my part in ruining his wedding. He nodded at me before turning to the preacher and telling him that the wedding was off. He walked past Julie’s screeching without and walked out of the church. I quickly retreated before Julie could have the chance to murder me and tried to find Jason.

Well, the wedding was over, but now I just had to fix my friendship….
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only one more to go...hope you guys are enjoying :]