Status: New!

Falling to Pieces


I grabbed my bags and huffed as I carried them through the building, looking for the man I just married yesterday. Where was that bastard? He had just left me out here searching for my bags.

"Where the hell were you?!" I asked.

"I was.. Getting you a present," He moved his hands from behind him revealing a large rectangular black box. My eyes widened. Once I reached for the box he pulled it away.

"Not until we arrive," I huffed and walked out of the airport. Chase came from behind me, taking in my hand and leading me through the streets of Spain.

After about a half hour of walking we finally found the hotel we were going to be staying for the week. The room was beautiful. The beige walls matched well with the golden curtains and pale gold marble floor. The huge round bed looked so comforting, I stared in awe.

"Wipe the drool off your face honey," I blushed. "Okay, you should rest- go bathe, I have a surprise for you afterward." I nodded and walked to the bathroom door.

I brought my Ipod with me to the bathroom, started the bath, and stripped. I stood in the mirror observing my nude body. There was an ugly scar that moved diagonally over my left breast to under my right. It's a scar that will never go away. This is why I still haven't had sex with my now husband. I'm afraid he'll get angry over nothing.

After I finished my bath Chase was no where to be seen in the room. He had left the box on the bed with a note on it. 'Be ready by six, my love.'' the note read. My heart fluttered like excited butterflies in a cage.

I took the top off the box and dropped it on the floor. I unwrapped the tissue paper to find the most beautiful dress I've ever seen (besides my wedding dress). It was a long elegant dress with a silky black skirt. It had a white strapless top that looked like a coffee filter. A red silk band was wrapped around under the bust to separate the black and white.

A yawn escaped my mouth as I check for the time. It was nearing five thirty, which left me more than enough time to get ready. Minutes passed as I contemplating on whether to leave my hair down or put it in a bun. I decided to braid the left side of my hair and leave it in a bun on the lower right corner just behind my ear. I curled the few strands that fell in my face.

The make-up was really simple; I wore a maroon color eyeliner, and red lipstick. I stepped in the dress before finding a pair of red strapped shoes. Opening the door, I ran out after locking it. One of those room service guys was right down the hall and I ran to him.

"Excuse me sir!" I hiked up the skirt of the dress so I won't trip, instead I stepped on it and fell. I groaned lifting myself on my feet. Instead of the room service guy I thought I saw earlier was in fact my husband, Chase.
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Omg Finally!!
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