Status: COMPLETE:) Sequel coming soon.

Marine's Daughter

Chapter 44

"I swear! I hate this freaking cast!!!!" I yelled as I tried to get down the steps of my house.

"You only have three months left." I stopped to look at Kim who was helping me down the steps.

"Yeah, not the best reminder Kim"

"I know, sorry. The three months will fly by and before you know it, it will be off." she quickly said with a smile. I sighed before continuing to make my way slowly down the stairs. It's been two days since Carlisle put this damn thing on. He let me come home yesterday with a big bottle of pain medication which I am SOOO thankful for. Also I really haven't been having any problems with vomiting, nose bleeds, fainting or anything else. We don't know what it was but I'm just glad it all stopped. When I got to the last step Kim handed me my crutches and I made my way to the kitchen.

"Jake is still asking for you." Collin spoke as he and Seth rummaged through my refrigorator. The rest of the pack was randomly placed around the house except Embry and Brady who were patrolling and Sam who is at home with Emily.

"I honestly could care less right now." I turned the corner to go to the pantry and smacked my injured foot on the door frame. "SON OF A MOTHER FU-AHHHHH!!!!" I yelled smacking the wall.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" Kim asked rushing over to me.

"DO I LOOK OK KIM!? MY FOOT IS IN A CAST FOR THREE MONTHS, I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ON MY OWN, MY ACTIVITY LIST IS LIMITED, I'M FIGHTING WITH MY BOYFRIEND, AND I'M IN CONSTANT PAIN!!! SO YOU TELL ME!" I yelled before biting my lip from that was shooting up from my leg. Everyone had gone silent as I looked at Kim. Her eyes started to water up and she kept opening her mouth like a fish out of water.

"I'm sorry." she whispered before turning and running out of the house.

"Not cool Olivia. She was just trying to help." Jared glared before running after her.

"Damn it." I growled before banging my head against the wall behind me. Tears started to form in my eyes, I saw everyone look at me from the corner of my eye. "I'm a horrible person." I whispered before sliding down to the floor. I let my crutches fall to the floor next to me.

"No you're not. Yeah, you shouldn't have snapped at Kim like that but you're not a horrible person." Paul said walking over to sit next me with a bowl of cashews.

"No, I am. I'm aweful. Instead of being thankful for the stuff everyone has been doing for me, I act like a spoiled ungrateful brat. I don't mean to be. I, I just don't know how to handle everything. I don't see why you all are still here." I replied wiping a stray tear that escaped my eye.

"Because we're your friends. We're here to help you through it." Small crumbs falling from Quil's mouth as he spoke. I couldn't help but snicker and roll my eyes.

"Oh really? I thought it was to raid my fridge and eat all my food." I snickered.

"That too." he laughed shoving a hand full of chips into his mouth.

"The point is, we are here for you no matter what. Kim, she's your best friend and I know she is still here for you even if you did lose it for a second." Paul said nudging me with his arm.

"Thanks Paul." I smiled nudging him back. "I'd better go apologize." I sighed grabbing the crutches. He stood up and helped me up. I placed them under my arms and made me way to the front room hoping she was still close to the house. As I turned the corner to head toward the front door it opened and Kim walked in. We both froze and looked at each other. When I saw her eyes all red and puffy I started to cry. "kimmy, I'm so sorry." I cried looking at the floor. I heard feet moving toward me and her arms wrapped around me.

"It's ok." her voice cracked as she hugged me.

"No it's not. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. You didn't deserve it and I am honestly, truely and incredibly sorry." I cried letting the crutches fall so I could hug her. She didn't reply she just hugged me like a best friend would.

"Awwwww." I heard all the guys say simutaniously. Kim and I both laughed before pulling away to look at each other.

"Love you Kimmy." I smiled wiping her face with my sleeve.

"Love you too Olli." she smiled as she wiped my face. We hugged quickly again before laughing from the guys jokes about us being so mushy.

"They're jealous they're not getting any love." I laughed. My phone started ringing and I heard the familiar tone that played when my dad called. "I'm gonna take this outside." I told Kim who handed me my walking aides. I made my way outside onto the front porch quickly and sat on the steps."Hey daddy." I smiled answering the phone.

"Hey honey-bee. How's your leg?" That was the first thing he asks. Ever since Emily called him the day afer it happened he's been a little worried.

"Still in this blasted cast."

"Any pain? Are you keeping it elevated?"

"Yes pain but I'm taking the pain meds Carlisle gave me and yes I am keeping it elevated. Calm down dad. Everything is fine. How's California? I thought you would be back by now." He has been gone almost a month and won't tell me what he is doing.

"California? I'm not in California."

"You're not? When did you leave?" I asked.

"I've been in Arizo-shit." I heard him cuss quietly as if he pulled the phone from his mouth. "I gotta go honey, I'll call you later." he said quickly.

"Dad, wait." I said but he had already hung up. I hit the end button and sat my phone down. He told me he was going to California but he has been in Arizona. Why was he in Arizona? We didn't have any family there anymore, since my grandparents died. As I sat on the porch trying to figure out why he was there I totally lost track of everything around me. Sometime soon it was a deep voice that broke my concentration on my thoughts. As I snapped out of it I looked up and my jaw dropped. "Jake?" my voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

"Hey." he replied with a slight smirk. I almost smiled back and jumped off the porch to hug him but then I remembered his betrayal.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking him over. He looked perfectly fine, not a scratch, not a single bruise.

"Doc said I was good to go. I figured I would come to see how you were doing since you weren't coming to see me." he rubbed the back of his neck. "How are you doing? Sam told me yesterday about your leg." his eyes moved to my leg.

"Why do you care?" I glared crossing my arms over my chest. He seemed kinda taken aback from my harsh tone.

"Because you're my girlfriend and your leg is broken." Confusion pulled his brows together. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I looked away from him. "Oliv-What is wrong with you? I came here to see if you were ok and you are being completely rude to me."

"What's wrong with me? Are you kidding me? Did you hit your head when that vampire attacked you?" Was he serious?

"No, I didn't hit my head so would you explain to me what I did?" he asked stepping toward me. I heard the porch screen creak open. I turned to see the pack standing by. I stood up on the steps, avoiding putting pressure on my leg.

"Did you suddenly develop amnesia and forget that you freaking kissed Bella or is the memory loss a wolf thing too?" I asked glaring at him. His confusion desolved from his features as shock replaced it.

"How?" he asked.

"I saw you. The day of the battle, when the two of you were fighting, I was in the tent. I came out to make sure everything was ok but when I followed Bella I saw you kiss her. WHY would you kiss her Jacob? Was that your way of getting back at me for fighting!?" I yelled.

"You saw?" Was this boy really that stupid.

"No, Jake. A little birdy told me." I sarcastically said. "Didn't I just say that I saw you? Maybe that vampire did make you stupid." It was so quiet after that, you could probably hear a feather his the porch. The only thing you can hear are the birds in the trees and the waves from the ocean. He looked like a little kid that had been abandoned.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't care how sorry you are. Tell me, what was going through your head that made you do it?"

"I don't know. I-I..." he fumbled over his words as he tried to get himself out of this one.

"How could you not know?"

"I didn't mean for you to see it." he whispered looking at the ground.

"So what was your plan? Kiss Bella and keep a secret from me?" I asked hobbling down the last two steps to stand in front of him.

"Of course not, bu-"

"No buts Jacob. I forgave you for kissing her last time because you said it was an accident and you swore it would never happen again, but you lied to me! But it's ok, I'll blame it on your inner wolf." I scoffed.

"Are you really going to bring that back up?" he asked glaring at me.

"Well I don't know which side of you to blame. Since you always blame that side I might as well do it too."

"Olivia..." I heard Jared say my name from behind. I kept my eyes on the boy standing a few feet from me.

"You don't even know what you are talking about!" he yelled.

"Oh that's because I'm not one of you but if you could tell me which side to blame it would make this alot easier." I saw a black wolf near the edge of the woods on the other side of my drive way, great Sam is here. "Let me know which side I should blame for cheating on me?" I asked as he started to shake. "I thought I made the right decision when I chose you after what happened between Paul and I. You are just like him except he atleast had the desency to blame himself and not his wolf impulses. Sorry Paul." I apologized turning to look at him.

"Don't you dare compare me to him. I am nothing like him." he growled.

"You're right. You didn't have sex with someone yet." Again I turned and sent him an apologetic look. He knew I didn't mean anything by it because I have forgiven him and I'm over it. I turned back saw him trying to control himself from shifting. "You know something Jacob. If it wasn't for this damn imprint...I really wouldn't care if you were dead or alive because of what you have done to me. But since I'm stuck with you I have to." I snarled poking him in the chest. As the words left my mouth they left a sour left over taste on my tongue. They made my heart squeeze tightly in my chest causing me pain. I knew that I was only saying them because I'm angry and I really don't mean them, I would never mean anything like that towards anyone but I felt like they had to come out. I felt my eyes start to sting and fill with tears as I looked up at him. "I felt like I could trust you. You swore on your mother's grave that...i-it would never happen again. Why would you swear on her grave if you were lying?" I asked trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"I-I wasn't lying at the time. I didn't plan on it happening again." he answered. His shaking slowed as he looked into my eyes.

"Don't lie to me Jake. I can't handle anymore lies from you." My voice broke. As the imprint connection took over I looked away. I could feel what he was feeling and I knew he could feel what I was feeling.

"I'm not lying. I sw-promise."

"Promises...are made to only be broken." I replied wiping my cheek.

"Not this one. The day it happened I was on my way up to apologize to you for everything. The guys talked to me about it and made me see that you were right. We do always blame our wolf impulses for everything. But when I got up there and found out about their...engagement I snapped." he said trying to explain.

"Which side Jake?"

"Both. I don't know what came over me but as Bella was trying to talk to me, all I was thinking about was...I don't even know. But the next thing I knew...I was kissing her." I looked up at him as he told me what happened. My tears came faster as I looked into his eyes and saw the honesty, the pain, the hurt and the anger. I heard the screen door open again.

"Kim..come on." I heard Jared whisper.

"I'm not leaving her alone out here."

"Kim, I'll be fine." I told her without taking my eyes off of him. Her sigh of frustration made me smirk slightly. "Jacob...I-I don't know what to believe with you anymore. I'm not saying this to start another fight because I'm not. I'm saying it beacause it's true. You swore on your mothers grave last time that it would never happen again, but you broke it. If you weren't a hundred percent sure that it wasn't going to happen again then you shouldn't have said so. It was one thing to hear about it but actually seeing you kis...kissing her, your hands all over her...I don't know what to do." More tears fell from my eyes. We stood there in a long silence just looking at each other as I cried. I didn't bother to wipe my tears, he needed to see how much he hurt me.

"I know I probably don't deserve it but...could you find it in your heart to forgive me?" his eyes pleading as he whispered.

"I don't know Jaco-"

"Please stop calling me Jacob and call me Jake." he begged.

"Jake...I don't know if I can right now." I whispered looking at the ground.

"Then will you atleast let me know that there is forgiveness in the future?" he asked lifting my head up with his finger. Would I ever be able to forgive him and trust him again?