Status: COMPLETE:) Sequel coming soon.

Marine's Daughter

Chapter 48

It's been a month since I got my van and I've enjoyed every second of it. A month since I broke my foot. A month since the whole fiasco between Bella, Jake and I. And a month since Edward and Bella got engaged. Alice has told me that the wedding is going to be sometime this month but they can't decide the official date. It's August so the weather is going to start getting colder than it already is. My dad and Billy have been spending alot of time hanging out together. They figure that if we are going to be together for a while, then they'd better get to know each other. Today, I thought it would be nice for the four of us to have lunch together so dad and I came over to their place. "Does your dad like mustard or mayonaise on his sandwich?" I quietly asked Jake as I moved carefully around the small kitchen. My leg was no longer in the purple cast, it's not in an boot cast. Carlisle said that since my bones are healing fairly quickly, I could get the old one off and this one on as long as I don't put alot of pressure on it. Which means I have to use the crutches still but not as often. I'm gonna be wearing this one for close to two months, depending on how I'm healing.

"Both." Jake answered adding lettuce to the sandwiches. I added a little bit of both to one of the sandwiches and added the last piece of bread to it.

"Ok, what do you want on yours?" I asked looking at him.

"You." he smirked turning toward me.

"I doubt I'd fit on the bread." I laughed.

"Same as my dad's." he smirked kissing my temple. I finished the sandwiches and he helped me carry them into the living room. "Lunch is served." I flopped onto the couch next to my dad and dug into my sandwich.

"Mariners winning?" I asked shoving a piece of fallen lettuce into my mouth.

"Yep, by six." We all fell into silence as we focused on the game. I really wasn't into it but since it was on...I watched. When we finished I grabbed the plates and cleaned up the kitchen then took made my way to Jake's room and laid down. I've been a little under the weather the last few days so I haven't been sleeping well at night. As the bed formed around my body, I stretched out and yawned. Not even a minute later, I was asleep.


When I woke up it was dark outside and Jake was in bed with me. I was still tired so I closed my eyes again and snuggled closer to Jake.


"JAKE! CALM DOWN!" Billy's voice boomed as he yelled at his son. I jolted out of bed when I heard something bang against something. I carefully and quickly walked out of the room.

"THEY CAN'T BE DOING THIS! IT'S REPULSIVE!" Jake yelled as he paced the living room and shook.

"Jake, she is still your best friend. You need to be there for her." Billy said softly.

"What's going on?" I asked standing in the doorway. Jake stopped pacing for a second to look at me.

"I didn't mean to wake you, go back to bed." he quietly said rubbing my arms.

"I can't sleep knowing there is something bothering you." I yawned.

"We invitation in the mail. To Bella's wedding." Billy said looking toward the table.

"They finally chose a date?" I was in shock that it was so soon. Jake walked to the table and snatched it up.

"It's in a week. A damn week then she will be marrying that bloodsucker." he growled and his shaking became more violent.

"Jake, can I talk to you for a minute?" I grabbed his arm and he followed me into his room without protest. Once inside I closed the door and he stood in the middle of it shaking and breathing heavily. "Babe, look at me." I quietly said standing in front of him and grabbing his face. When his eyes connected with mine I smiled. "Calm down. Listen to my heartbeat and slow yours down." As he continued looking at me his shaking and breathing slowed down gradually until he was calm all together.

"I can't go." he said. "I won't go."

"Jake, as mad as I am at her...she is still your best friend. You should go but I can't make you. You're a grown man. But you know it would hurt both of you if you didn't show up." I spoke.

"I can't go and watch her practically say her goodbyes to everyone. To watch her ending her life."

"Ok, I understand that. What are you going to do?" I asked.

"If I stay here then dad will force me to go." I can't force him to watch it. I didn't want to force him and have him hate me for making him go. "I might leave." he spoke after a few minutes. I stood there looking at him in shock.

"Wait, what? Leave? Why?" I asked. He can't leave because of this. What about me?

"As long as I am here, it's to close and dad will guilt me into going. The only way to avoid it is if I leave." I sat on the bed and looked at him.

"What about me? You're gonna leave me here by myself?" I asked. He obviously sensed my hurt and kneeled in front of me.

"It won't be for long. I'll be back when it's over, maybe the day after." he said.

"Jake...please don't leave me." I begged.

"I'll be back before you know it...I swear." he reassured me. I nodded my head slowly, I didn't want him to go but I couldn't force him.

"You have nine days...if you're not back I swear to god Jacob, I will have every member of the back hunt you down and kick your ass for me." I threatened him.

"Nine days...I'll be back." he smiled kissing me. "We'd better tell my dad." I nodded my head and grabbed his hand. As we walked out of his room rain started to pour down outside. "Dad, I need to talk to you." I sat on the stool in the corner of the room.

"So, did you make up your mind to go?" Billy asked.

"No, actually...I've decided to leave."

"WHAT!? YOU Can't leave. The pack needs you, you have your duties here." Billy protested rolling over to him.

"I can't stay here while my best friend is getting ready to say goodbye to her life. I'm not gonna go sit through that."

"What about Olivia? Are you going to leave her?"

"Olivia is fine with me going..." As he said that Billy snapped his head in my direction making me shrink into the corner.

"You're ok with him leaving you here? You're his imprint...make him stay."

"Billy you know I can't force him to stay. I've voiced my opinion but the bottom line is he is a grown up and we can't force him to stay here."

"I'll be back in nine days...maybe even before that." he said.

"Jacob, I am your father and I'm not going to let you leave." Billy's voice rose as he was demanding Jake to stay.

"You're not going to stop me." he growled snatching the invitation from the counter. "I will NOT attend this waste of a day." he said loudly. He turned to me and picked me up then carried me toward the door.

"Jacob!!" Billy yelled as we made our way out. I quickly grabbed my bag that was hanging up by the door before we exited out into the rain. "JACOB STOP!!!" he carried me to my van and placed me intside.

"Go home or to Emily's but don't come here for a few days. You don't want to be around him when he is pissed. I will be back before you know it but if he decides to go to the wedding, please go with him." he frowned.

"I will...where are you going to go?" I asked touching his face and memorizing it as if he was going to be gone for years.

"Probably around Canada...I might run the west coast a little bit. I'll call you." he promised.

"JACOB BLACK!!!" Billy yelled rolling out into the rain.

"Love you." he quickly kissed me before turning toward the woods and running. Before he disappeared out of site he shifted. I sat in the drivers seat looking at Billy. "I'M SORRY!" I yelled before turning on the van and heading to Emily's. As soon as I pulled up I blared the horn. Seth, Jared, Sam, Quil and Embry all ran out. I hadn't realized until the moment my door opened that I was crying.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked as he lifted me out of the van and carried me into the house. Once inside he sat me at the kitchen table as I cried slightly.

"Olivia? Sweetie what's wrong?" Emily asked coming over to me. Before I could answer the back door opened and Paul, Brady, Leah and Collin ran in.

"Jake's gone! Paul boomed rushing in.

"What do you mean Jake's gone?" Sam asked in his alpha tone.

"Ask her." Leah barked pointing at me.

"He got an invitation to Bella's wedding and basically flipped his lid. He and Billy got into a fight and he told me he would be back in nine days. I couldn't force him to stay because then he would hate me for making he go..." I explained.

"We'll have to make do for now. Are you sure he will be back in nine days?" Sam asked.

"He promised me...he said he was going to Canada and maybe the coast. He told me he'd call." I sighed wiping my face.

"What kind of an imprint are you? Just let your imprinter leave like that!" Leah boomed looking at me.

"LEAH!! KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Sam yelled glaring at her.

"For your information Clearwater, I'm the type of imprint who wouldn't force someone to do something they didn't want to do and I'd expect them to do the same for me. Don't stand there and act like you know me because you don't. You don't know anything about imprinting, you don't get the connection between the imprinters and the imprintees. So don't stand there and act like I'm the bad guy because I didn't force him against his will!" I yelled standing up and glaring at her. She stepped toward me but Paul and Jared blocked the way. She looked over their shoulders and down at me before scoffing.

"You're not even worth my breath." she snarled before turning and walking out the back door.

"Coward." I hissed under my breath after the door slammed against the frame.

" Billy going to the uh...the wedding?" Jared asked. I sat back down and sucked in a breath.

"I think so, he wants to be there for Charlie. After all...his daughter is marrying a vampire." I rolled my eyes. "If he is...Jake asked me to go with him and I said I would."

"Not if there are going to be other vampires there, that aren't the Cullens." Sam said.

"There is very high possibility that there are going to be a few at the wedding. After can't be only Bella's family that goes."

"How about my mom and I go with them since I'm the only one that gets along with them. If anything happens I'll be there to handle it." Seth suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Might need someone to keep me company because I have a feeling that Billy is going to be mad at me, Edward and Bella are still mad at me for punching Bella although I could care less what she thinks and I won't know anyone else." I smiled at Seth.

"Fine, but we'll be close by to keep an eye out." Sam said. "Until then...we need to have a word with the Cullens about the hunting arrangement of the out of towners. Let's go." he said. The pack quickly gave Emily and I hugs before leaving.

" you think Jake will actually call?" I asked resting my head on arms.

"Only time will tell but if he doesn't, don't get upset. After all he can't really carry change for a pay phone and he broke his cell phone the other day." She smiled lightly touching my arm.

"You're right. Hey do you wanna come over for dinner?" I asked smiling.

"Of course. Should I bring anything?"


"Ok, let me grab my coat." she ran up the stairs and returned a few minutes later wearing it. "Ok, let's go." She helped me out to the van and I drove us to the house where we cooked dinner while my dad was in his office talking on the phone. When we finished eating we put everything else that was left over on a large plate for Sam and my dad drove her home while I cleaned up then took a bath then went to bed.