Long Live

We are the kings and queens

“I remember the olympics that year. Canada didn’t want to come in 7th place again especially at home.” Marc-Andre Fleury said as Lauren held up the shiny gold medal. In the 2006 Winter Olympics Canada had came in 7th place for ice hockey, which was a shock to everyone. Hockey was the Canadian sport and it was no way that Canada was going to have a repeat.

“Women’s had captured the gold in 2006 but as a safety precaution Emma was brought in. Apparently when Canada wants something, they’re going to get it.” Sidney said remembering how the news exploded when Emma Hill was seen practicing hockey again.

“Emma?” Sidney asked as he saw his best friend skating around the rink. It was the first time he saw Emma at a hockey rink in years, and apart of him knew that she missed it.

“Hey.” Emma said slowly skating over to where Sidney was standing. Whenever she had problems she skated for hours until she left for Europe. In Europe Emma never went to a rink, she tried to avoid as much as she could.

As soon as Emma made it over to Sidney, he fired questions at her faster than a profession speed skater. He wanted to know that Emma was going to be home for good, that she was finally going to be his. Soon the only way to shut up Sid was to kiss him and thats exactly what Emma did.

“Just enjoy my time here now.” Emma whispered to Sidney as she kissed him again.

The olympics was a hectic time for both Sidney and Emma, it seemed as if everyone wanted a piece of them while they only wanted each other. Emma spent most of her time off practicing since most girls on her team believed that she didn’t deserve to be on the team. There was no denying the fact that Emma had extraordinary talent but they felt that she needed to work just as hard as them to make the team.

“Are you ready?” Sidney asked his best friend as they were currently sitting in the back of a coffee shop. They were hiding from the crowd so the owner let them sit out back as long as they signed some things for him. Later in the afternoon was going to be the women’s gold medal game against USA.

“It’s just a game Sid, whenever you hype it up to more than it really is you can scare yourself. Just take it how it is, a game.” Emma said right before downing the rest of the coffee in her up. Sidney always and still envied Emma for being so carefree, not letting a single thing get to her.

Not much was said after that and the two went their separate ways. As best friends they knew the rituals and superstitions that they had. A few of the guys were going to catch this game so Sidney met up with them. If the women’s won the gold medal tonight, the expectations on the boys were going to be that much higher.

With one smooth flick of her wrist Emma Hill scored the second goal of the game. The crowd went wild as the seconds dwindled down to 0 and the game was done. The Canadian women had won the gold medal for the second olympic in a row.

The men weren’t so lucky with an easy game, the American boys brought it to the table to the very last second. But of course it was Sidney Crosby who saved the day with a goal that had the whole country screaming. This was going to be the game remembered for years to come.

Emma was happy that Sidney got his win. He was going to need this after what was going to happen in a few days. After all the press conference and appearances Emma was leaving Canada again. She started to feel bad leaving Sidney like this every time, just as they were started to get good she left.

“Are you done?” Sidney asked Emma as she was getting ready in the bathroom. Tonight the women and men’s hockey team were getting together before they went their separate ways. In some odd way everyone had some unspoken friendship because of the olympics.

“Let’s go!” Emma said happily as she stepped out of the bathroom dressed warmly in this cold weather. Her and Sidney linked arms as they excited the hotel to meet everyone else at a small restaurant down the street. The snow was gently falling and the scene was out of a Christmas book.

The dinner was filled with laughter and fond memories of past tournaments. It was weird for Emma to be around so many hockey players since she gave all of this up years ago. She could tell that Sidney felt more comfortable than her, even though she was the more outgoing one. Right now he was the more relaxed and more comfortable talking about hockey with other hockey players.

By the time everyone left the restaurant it was near midnight and Emma had gotten hungry again. Not knowing where to go they went to the nearest fast food joint and that happened to be Burger King.

“Here you go, m’lady.” Sidney laughed handing over a paper crown to Emma as they waited for her order.

“Why thank you kind sir.” Emma said curtsying to Sidney as he put his own crown on. Little did they know that cameras right outside of the food joint was a photographer who was sent to capture pictures of them.

The next morning in glaring headline in one of Canada’s newspapers were about Emma and Sidney.

The 20th Olympic was nothing but perfection for Canadian athletes especially Emma Hill and Sidney Crosby. Both had scored the last goals in the games and reunited as friends. Last night after a celebratory dinner with their national teammates Emma and Sidney made their way to a local Burger King. At the local Burger King they adorned themselves with Burger King’s signature paper crowns. They are seen laughing at each other while taking pictures.

After the games we all know where Sidney and Emma are going to end up. Sidney will return to the Penguins ready to finish up the season while Emma is going to disappear to the end of the world. All we know is that we are excited for the next winter olympics because of these two hockey stars.

Emma Hill may have given up hockey after high school unlike Sidney Crosby. Yet it is fitting to say that they are the King and Queen of hockey for their accomplishments.

“Mom said she’s coming over soon.” Emma said to her father as he intently looked at the gold medal in his hand. She couldn’t believe that he had kept all of these things even after Emma Hill left his life.

“We better put this away then.” Sidney panicked a little packing everything up. His wife always faked that she was interested about Emma. She was actually jealous of how Emma was Sidney’s first for everything. And she would pick a fight with Sidney whenever he brought up Emma.

Sidney put the box back in his old room at the Lemieux’s. His old room still looked the same as how it did when he first moved in. Now it felt odd to be in this room after what had happened years ago.
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