In The Morning And Amazing

I'm Your Problem Now

Mikey trembled in his sleep. His body reacting to what he already knew was coming. The Dream, no, The Nightmare.

*Mikey POV*

There is never a reason to run. I know the outcome of this too well. So I'll sit, and wait. Suddenly I'll be grabbed, pulled out from underneath my shelter. The despair enters my body as soon as I'm in the moonlight. My body will writhe from the pain. The poision purusing my blood stream. Blood will start to leak out of my eye sockets, nose and mouth. The imidiate pain subsides like always but there is always another pain tugging. Death. I'll crawl forward and my hand touches stone. I shouldn't look up but curiousity gets the better of me. Always.There, on the stone. A last name exposed; Way. But I can't see the first name. I'll reach up to scratch away what's blocking the first name but I can never reach. I have to find the first name. The gravestone starts to fall - My body jolts.

I'm shaking and covered in a cold sweat. I reach over and accidentally push over a half empty glass of water.


I've rolled out of bed. I stand up, swaying - still slightly drunk - and collapse on the bed. I hear a small grunt and I cuddle into him.

"Eurgh Mikey, you're all sweaty."

"I had The nightmare" replies my horse voice.

"Baby" he croons and then I'm being spooned. I smile a very small smile and settle into the curves of his body. I know I won't sleep the rest of the night but I may as well as enjoy the embrace till morning.
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A/N: That's the first chapter. Now be critical. I want to know If I should just give up or write more.