In The Morning And Amazing

Mr. Blue Sky

*Frank POV*

I was sitting on my back fence secretly smoking a cigarette while mum was out the front weeding. I wasn’t really thinking about anything but occasionally I’d glance at the clouds. My mother claimed this day to be perfect with the sun shining as it was. Blue skies she’d said. Fantastic. To me every day was the same.

“Frank?” I could hear my mother’s footsteps coming down our side path.

“Oh Fuck.” I stubbed the cigarette out and threw it as far as I could. Quickly, I shoved a piece of gum into my mouth to hide some evidence.

“Michael Way is here to see you.” I fell off the fence out of sheer surprise. Out of all the things I was expecting Mikey being at my house was the very last. I stood up abruptly and tried to decent myself. What for, I asked myself, but honestly I had no idea. Maybe because you love him? And then he was in front of me; looking nervous and uncertain. It had been one long month since I’d seen his pretty face. I realised it had been a month of torture not routine as I had originally believed. He looked smaller than usual and paler. With his eyes downcast I freely examined his face. With heavy bags and a face which looked exhausted I wondered if I was the cause of this. Of course you are.

“You’ve got a leaf in your hair.” His voice was barely a whisper but it caused a flush to creep along my check line. I rummaged through my hair in an attempt to get it out but I couldn’t find it. Mikey walked towards me then, stood unbearably close, and pulled it out. He let his hand trail down the side of my face before standing back a step or so. My breath was shaky and I just wanted to push my lips against his, my mother could get fucked, I loved this boy.

“Happy Birthday for a couple days ago.” I was embarrassed to hear my voice shake so. But I was proud that I had remembered. That made me cringe inside. Remembered? I spent the day drunk in the city, spewing up my loss in the gutters in New Jersey.

If possible, his face fell even more.

“Thanks.” He was still whispering then. I was so confused, why was he here? And why was I questioning it? There were so many things rushing through my head, moving as fast and relentless as my heartbeat. The silence went on and on as he stared at the ground and I gazed up at the sky.

“Frank.” He stated and I turned my gaze to him intently. It was his turn to blush. The pink stain, a milky sunset over the horizon that is his checks.

“I love you. Win me back. Prove to me that you love me as much as I love you. Please.” Then he turned away from me. I heard a faint ‘Goodbye Linda, good to see you too’ and he was gone again. I couldn’t process anything. Like a robot I did the only thing I was programmed to do. I lit up another cigarette and waited for the relaxation to sink in, the nicotine working its wonders. I didn’t get it. He loved me even after I had treated him so terribly. Somehow he knew what I needed him to say to me. I needed to hear that there was a reason to fight for him. To prove what my heart pulsed to me every living second. You love him. He wanted me to fight for him. Win me back he said. He wants me to prove my love. If this pass month of hell was anything to go by I reckoned I could do it. He had given me the incentive; the drive. But I still needed to figure out how to do the fine print. But he’d started it. I knew that he wanted it. And his words rang out loud and clear in my mind.

Frank. I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
because I love someone a lot. : ]