In The Morning And Amazing

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

*Mikey POV*

My ears could hear this high pitched noise from underneath my pillow and it was disrupting my crying session. The relief I had felt when I told Frank the truth was tremendous and it left my body feeling weak and faint. That voice sounded vaguely familiar so I looked out my window and Frank is in my garden doing what I think is supposed to be a serenade.

“I don't want to miss one smile”, Frank sang loud, and rather out of key. What the fuck did he think he was doing? Was this an attempt to win me back? To prove his love? I pressed my head against the window to see him clearly – my god he looked attractive. He’s wearing black skinnies and the t-shirt I bought him so long ago. He saw me and it encouraged him.

“I don't want to miss one kiss”, he sang this part louder and I opened my window.

“Frank! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? My family is sleeping! You couldn't have done this any more subtly?” He stopped shortly, grinned then kept on going.

“I just want to be with you”, he sang as I pulled my head back from the window. He was holding the ‘you’ and making it sound opera. I could hear him through the walls of the house as I ran downstairs. I was surprised, and grateful, that no-one had woken yet. I had to shut him up.

“Right here with you, just like this”, he stopped the opera styled‘you’ and sang this as I stormed out the front door.

“I just want to hold you close”. I stopped, two paces away from him. He’d lowered his voice to a whisper. God, I wanted him to hold me close. He was looking me in the eyes and seeing me. And I wanted him too.

“Feel your heart so close to mine”. He took a step towards me and reached for my hand, still looking into my eyes.

“And just stay here in this moment”. I took his hand and he pulled me close. He closed his eyes and I closed mine.

“For all the rest of time” he breathed more than sung. He let go of my hand and our foreheads were the only parts of us touching. Our breathe intermingling, this was the closest I’d ever felt to him and we were hardly touching.

“Don’t you know that song is the corny-est song ever?” I asked. My voice was low and shaky. He laughed. A nervous high pitched giggle that sent his head back and his body shaking. I grabbed his checks, desperate to continue touching him. He stopped laughing instantly and in a swift movement his lips were pulling mine open ever so skillfully. I didn’t care that he had broken me anymore. I had dreamed about things like these. Being sung to, and looked at passionately. But this was so much sweeter than any dreams I may have had and nothing could ever match up to this moment in my life ever again. This proved it really. I was his, entirely. I loved him and he loved me. Nothing would keep me away from this and his perfection.
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Enjoy, thanks for all the comments. You make me happy : D