In The Morning And Amazing

Morning Bell

*Gerard POV*

I wake to muffled giggles in the kitchen. The clock reads 6.43 and I silently curse the culprits. It’s one of those wake ups that you known you won’t be able to fall back asleep from. One thought runs through my head. Coffee.

The door creaks when I open it a third of the way as it always does.

“Gee?” Mikey’s voice tentatively rings out through the corridor.

“MAKE ME A COFFEE DICK.” I pleasantly call back. Not.
I trudge up my stairs and make my way to the kitchen.

“Morning sleepy head.” Mikey says absently when I walk in. I stop about two steps into the room. Sitting at our table is a ruffled haired Frank looking ever so slightly awkward as he takes another bit of what looks like jam on toast.

“Morning Mikey, uh morning Frank.” I choke out, somewhat stunned at his presence. Frank does the whole trying-to-finish-what’s-in-my-mouth dance with his hands and tension seemed to hang in the air as I wait for him to reply.

“Hey Gerard.” He eventually manages to spit out. I sit down across from him and Mikey slips a coffee in front of me.

“You’re fucking Jesus Mikes, thanks.” He giggles slightly at that.

“No problem.” The three of us sit in a companionable silence, Mikey and Frank sitting familiarly close to each other. Something must have happened in the night, methinks, to allow such content between the two of them. I’d have to get the details from Mikey alone sometime.

“Um Gerard, I need you know to something.” Frank states out of the blue.

“Shoot.” I reply, feeling only ever so slightly uneasy.

“Well, I know that you probably think of me with some contempt regarding the way I treated Mikey but I want to you to know that I’m so very sorry and I spent the whole time away from him miserable. I wanted to see him but I hated myself so much and I thought he wouldn’t want me. Mikey came to me and gave me the courage to tell him the truth.” He spills in a rush.

“What’s that?” I questioned him.

“I love him. You know now and that's okay because I'm not afraid anymore.”
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omg, I'm so sorry about the absence of updates. Exam stress then I had major writing block BUT i have the next 5 updates already written so stay alert. This update is for Caitlin for reasons only she will get.