In The Morning And Amazing

Jigsaw Falling Into Place

*Frank POV*

Walking back to the Way residency was pleasant. With Gerard now aware to Mikey and my love, at a very early hour this morning might I point out, it meant that we could hold hands in public and not feel bad about it. Gerard had pointed out early on though that we weren’t allowed to do much else in his presence which is fair enough. Mikey shifted his hand slightly and I felt bad for him because I was particularly clammy. He began to swing our arms as and I smiled.

“You guys are so gay.” Gerard broke my thoughts.

“Is that supposed to be funny Gee? Yes we are happy, yes we are homosexual, to which were you referring to?” Mikey retorted? I threw him a wink and he gave me one of those ‘show all your teeth’ grins. Our happiness evident on our faces.

“Whatever.” Was Gerard’s lame as reply. He was obviously still bitter about mine and Mikey’s morning bell. We walked the rest of the way in silence, a small swing still occurring with the held hands.

“Time for coffee.” I stated as we arrived. The walk from the park was long and the three stupid mother fuckers that we are blew all our cash on candy and coke. Well, it was my idea in the first place to go the park and get candy and coke, Gerard was the one who went overboard on the amounts and Mikey just stood there smiling. So by the end of our adventure we had a severely pissed off Gerard, a happy Mikey and a super hyped up Frank. And a lot of left over candy.

“I’ll make it.” Gerard said. “Mikey, go hide the candy. You know what the parents are like. They’ll freak about the sugar levels and the money we wasted.”

“Okay.” Mikey called from the bottom of the step. Gerard and I stood in silence with the kettle whistling softly and Mikey’s footsteps as he skipped every second stair on the stair case. Gerard was grinning from some unknown thought and then I think my heart stopped beating. I became oblivious to everything except Mikey’s scream as it rang throughout the house. Gerard pushed past me, recovering faster than I, but two seconds later I was behind him. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. My thoughts matched my pace.

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey.
♠ ♠ ♠
as promised,