In The Morning And Amazing

You Can Do Better Than Me

*Bert POV*

My eyes followed his familiar body as he walked towards Mr. Douglass. He walked with confidence, his long legs, tight in their black jeans, his big black boots made loud stomping noises and swinging those long slightly tanned arms in sync with those legs. He looked like a rock star. But then again, to me he always looked like that. As he turned I saw his hard set mouth and determined eyes. He had come to some sort of decision. We were two hours into this exam and I had been watching him with my peripheral vision. He stared out the window, at the clouds, for the first hour. The next hour was spent making frustrated noises and running his hands through his hair multiple times. He was smart enough but he kept on dozing in class so when it came to exam time he knew nothing. Last year he went for tutoring and that was were our friendship generated from. The thought made me smile.

The look he’d get when I’d begin to explain something, raising his left eyebrow like I was some sort of super genius. Then he’d really try to understand and he’d have his ‘concentrating’ face on, biting his lip and narrowing his eyes. Suddenly he’d get it. He’d look up at me with the smallest satisfied smile and my insides would melt. His eyes would twinkle and I would grin like a madman back. From those brief 1 hour meetings and $10 he would pay me a friendship grew. I ended up giving him all the comics I bought with the pay.

But this year he said he didn’t want help, I knew he was doing badly but he insisted. He was getting further away from me and I could tell. I wondered if it was a girl. But he never really talked about them much. He does have a small obsession with Billie Piper but I doubt she’s hanging out with my best friend. And even if she was I am certain that he’d be showing her off to me.

Or would he? He’s so quiet. I think if we were to be sketched as a picture I’d be clear and defined. Around him I come out of my shell. He brings me alive. But only half of him seems to there. He’d be blurry and smudged in with background. Through it all he is so much better than me. He deserves a better person than I.

“I’ve finished with this”, his voice rang loud and clear. There was something hidden in that tone. A note of finality. He was walking out of those double doors and I fore shadowed that he was walking out of more than this exam. He wasn’t walking out of anything at all in fact. He was walking into something so much more than the morning outside those doors. I was determined to follow. I wasn’t going to lose my best friend to the amazing things outside those doors. He can do better than me, but I can’t do better than him so I’ll follow him. Anywhere.
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Thankyou for reading. Better stuff is coming, I promise. And thankyou for the comments, they give me the incentive to continue writing : D