In The Morning And Amazing

For What Reason

*Mikey POV*

So now what?

The words going round my head like a pinball on speed. Intelligent Mikey, really. Walk out of your History exam with huge intentions of doing something amazing then find yourself 10 feet away from the door and wondering what the fuck you're going to do with your life.

So now what?

Fuck Bert and his intelligence. I just couldn't do it. The fucking exam. And he was sitting there scribbling away his knowledge and writing himself up a decent future. I knew I should of let him tutor me this year but I resented last year so much. Regardless, I didn't even want tutoring, I wanted a friend and Bert seemed cool so I wrote my name and number on his sign up sheet and the rest is history, between us, that is. But this year I had Bert and then I met Frank. That was the best day ever. Bert's cool and all. My best friend and everything. But he's no Frank.

So now what?

I switched on my phone and typed out a text to Frank, I needed to talk to him, bounce some ideas back and forth perhaps. 'Where are you babe?' my fingers moved quickly. I had a sudden urge to see him.

So now what?

Fucking hell. Jumping up and down like a fool willing Frank to reply whilst gaining myself a headache was not a smart idea. He never texts back anyway, I don't know why I thought I'd text him first. I knew where he was anyway. We were going to meet for coffee after my exam. The quest for amazing must have made me forget we were meeting at his house in roughly about an hour.

So now what?

I started running for his house. An urge so desperate to see him, to get something off my chest, was so unfathomable that I found my thoughts matching my pace. Frank. House. Frank. House. I stopped. So suddenly my glasses flew off.

"Fuck." But I had it. My amazing. I could get a job. We could live together, Frank and I. We could be amazing together.
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Sorry about the delay. And that it's a crappy filler. But good stuff coming, I promise. I'm getting way ahead of myself