In The Morning And Amazing

In Fear and Faith

*Frank POV*

The slam of my front gate made me jump and spill my coffee. Severely pissed off I looked to see who it was. Mikey was storming up the front path. The coffee burnt me but I knew I wouldn’t care when he’d say hi. Those hazel eyes make my insides melt every time I look into them. He’ll smile and his eyes will light up at me, like I am perfect. It made my heart beat three times as fast as normal. His hair was messy, like he’d been running his hands through it so I knew that something was wrong. His impatient knock shook me from my reflection and I quickly answered. Mikey pushed the door wide open and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me forward to his lips.

“Mikey, what the fuck are you doing? My mum is home, she could see.” I pushed him away but he knew it was a struggle.

“Sorry, it’s just. I have fantastic news.” He was biting his lip and I groaned inwardly. He was about to tell me something fantastic and I was wishing that it was my lip he was biting.

“I quit school today. To be precise, I quit school 23 minutes ago. I came to tell you first because, well, I thought I’d get a job and save up for, well, a flat. That we could if you were interested, share.” My heart stopped for a split second, I swear. Mikey was standing in my beaten down doorway offering me something I’d only dreamt of. I could leave this house with its decaying walls and controlling parents. We’d have nothing but each other. I had no money, he didn’t either. We’d rip apart two families in the hope of starting ours. But we’d have each other. I didn’t know what to say. I wanted this so bad. I wanted Mikey for myself. Forever. But people would know about us. They’ll taunt and tease. Everyone already knew about Gerard and his problems. They’ll see Mikey and I as more ammunition for their torment crusade. They’ll tear us apart. Our fear from them could ruin the faith we have for each other. What was more important to me? Mikey or his safety? Could I sacrifice my love for the annihilation of his happy life?
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sorry. this chapter seems a bit rushed. and also, way over due. Sorry : [