Status: More active than anything else I've written in the last three years.

I Just Believe We're The Enemy

The Killjoys: A group of outlaws living in the Zones around Battery City. At first, there were just a few of these die hard rebels, but after the Second War in 2017 cost millions of people their lives in the city, their families were recruited by the Killjoys to fight for what they had lost.

Fun Ghoul, Jet Star, Kobra Kid and Party Poison were some of the first Killjoys, rebelling against the super corporation Better Living Industries who ran Battery City. They fight day and night to regain their freedom and the freedom of Battery City, to destroy the hunters and their Draculoid minions, even if they have to die in the process.

Maria is a survivor. Found out in the desert after being kidnapped in a raid by the Killjoys on a grocery store, she now fights along side other BLI agents to stop the group from hurting any more innocents, and in the hope she will soon be able to rejoin her family and live her days in peace. But the company has bigger plans for her than anybody knows.

Disclaimer: If you don't recognize a character, its probably mine. If you do, then I just wish it was mine.