Last Days Alive


The small bell above the glass door rang joyously as I pushed through the cafe's entrance. The brisk, cold air was replaced by a more welcoming wave of heat as I made my way towards the counter. I ordered my usual- a large blueberry muffin and a cappuccino to go with the morning paper. As I waited, I glanced around the small room, taking in the familiar sights. The walls had been painted a cozy dark orange, bright in contrast to the smoky wooden floor and tables. Pieces of furniture were scattered around the room, attempting to make it seem random, but I knew the manager had forced his employees to meticulously place every armchair at a certain angle to make it look good from all sides. A large glass window at the front of the cafe revealed a misty car-park beyond, few cars parked there at this hour.

I paid for my order, grabbing my newspaper before heading for the biggest, comfiest armchair. I sank into it, appreciating the fluffy cushions placed just right on the back of the pea green seat. I grabbed my coffee and sighed, relaxed. As I drank the warm, spicy deliciousness, my mind began to wander. With the autumn months coming to a close, winter cast a dark shadow over my life. Christmas wasn't a time I particularly enjoyed.
Every year, my parents insisted that we hold a huge Christmas family reunion- at our house.
Not only that, it seems that every year the children are always dumped on me, while the adults partied and drank.

But not this year. This year I am sixteen, so I can join in with the partying and drinking. Woop!
The children can be locked in a room for all I care.
My birthday, although exciting, is one of the other things I hate about December. My family and friends find it perfectly acceptable to put my birthday and Christmas together. This means Christmassy themed gifts.
This. Can. Only. Be. Used. At. Christmas.
Just as I begin to reach the temperature of my coffee, my phone bleeps, startling me.
I set my coffee down and looked at my watch. 7:30am? Nobody I know is ever awake before me. Nervous, I press the ‘read’ button, and my heart lurches.

Kyle’s hurt- real bad.
Come to the hospital. Quick. Now.

I freeze.
Kyle? No. He… he couldn’t- no.
I move fast, grabbing my coat and bag.

I chuck petty cash on the counter for the newspaper, sprinting for the door. The cold air hits me like a wall, turning my skin red and itchy after a few seconds. I reach my car, fumbling for my keys… where are they?? My hand trembles violently as I attempt to put the silver key in the door, but I’m shaking too much to even know which direction I’m facing. ‘Just… just calm down Michaela.’ I tell myself, but I know it won’t work for long. I slid into my Volkswagen, , anxious.
What had happened? I talked to Kyle last night…
He couldn’t stay on the phone for long, because he was leaving the party…
Shit. The party.
I pushed harder down on the accelerator, speeding down the narrow roads. I kept on thinking about the worse case scenario as I pulled onto the freeway- Kyle, my boyfriend of four years, cold, unmoving on a table. I shuddered, keeping myself busy by counting the miles between each exit.

As I reached the hospital, a dark cloud crept over my mind. I tried to push the thoughts to the back of my head as I sprinted for the ‘emergency ward.’ Kyle couldn’t be that badly hurt, could he? I passed through the reception in a flash, ignoring the staff members who yelled after me, trying to slow me down.
"Kyle!" I yelled. "Kyle!"
The smell of disinfectant stung my nose, making my eyes well up. A blurry figure at the end of the corridor was running for me, shouting my name.
"Mom!" I held her in a tight embrace, wiping my eyes.
She clung to me, sobbing.
It was then that I knew I had been right.

"Michi, I... Kyle, he's..gone..." She couldn't force the words out. She had been friends with their family as long as Kyle and I had known each other- eleven years.
We sank to our knees, soft cries coming from my mouth as I tried to come to terms with the truth. Kyle was gone. I was alone.
I murmured his name into my mother's tear-stained shoulder.
"Can I .. see.. him?" I whispered, my eyes shut tightly to prevent any more tears.
I felt my mother nod slightly, and we moved as one, her supporting me as we walked into a nearby room.

I didn't notice anything about the room- just Kyle.
Caramel-brown eyes were hidden by his incredibly long lashes. His face wore a blank expression, his skin as white as marble. He looked so still.
Silent tears leaked from my eyes as I walked slowly towards his body. Cold. Unfeeling, unloving.

I vaguely heard our parents exchanging heart-felt words, but I ignored that, carefully lying on the bed next to Kyle.
Slowly, I slid my hand into his.
This was my goodbye.