Last Days Alive


*The Night before---Kyle's P.O.V*

I was getting eager now. Where was she? I was constantly checking my gold, shimmering watch that she had given me for my birthday last year. I decided to walk away from all the loud and booming noises coming from the dance floor and go and wait for her outside. I shoved my way to the door and stood outside on the cold and icy drive, waiting for Michaela.
She finally appeared in her silver Volkswagen.

It matched the icy floor just perfectly and as i looked inside the car, i saw her. She was just amazing. She had curled her hair for this occasion and had really tried her best to look even more beautiful than normal. She was wearing a tight, blue dress, with a blue stoned necklace. She looked divine! She opened her car door and i walked over to meet her. As she stepped out of the door, i took a glimpse at her shoes.

"You look amazing...!" i said with a hint of laughter in my voice.
"What was the hint of laughter for?" she said this in an angry sort of way.
“No it doesn’t matter…it’s just… I’m kind of embarrassed as I will have the greatest looking girl in the whole room.”
I said this with a massive grin on my face. She was going a scarlet red now and it was kind of cute! But there were two reasons to why I was laughing inside:
1. She is the most beautiful girl ever
2. She is still wearing her slippers!

I didn’t tell her as…well…I thought she would take it as a joke. We walked into the hall of loads of dancing people and were blinded by the red, green and blue laser lights that bounced from every wall. As we walked through the door, I held her hand, as I thought she might need some support if she didn’t take it well. Everyone stopped. They all had their mouths wide open and were staring at us.
“Why are they staring at us?”
“…Because of how beautiful you are.” I lied.
My friends came up to me laughing.
“Alright mate! Urrmm… you off to bed or something Michaela?”
They were pissing themselves now.

“Come on guys.” I laughed and joked with them.
She yanked her hand away from mine. The steam coming from her ears was choking me as if I was standing next to a chain smoker. She slowly looked to what everybody was pointing and sniggering at. Her eyes were filling with tears. She ran out of the hall and towards her car, trying to find her car key. I ran after her trying to stop giggling.
“Mich…come on it was just a joke.”
“No…it wasn’t ‘just a joke’” she said it in that sarcastic way.
“You knew that I still had my slippers on and you let me walk on in there and be the laughing stock of the night.” She was really angry now.

“Geez…lighten up!”
She began to unlock her car. She wiped her tears away and got in. She started the engine and revved it up.
“WELL I'M GOING IN TO HAVE A GOOD TIME WITH MY MATES!” I yelled over all the revving noises.
I walked towards the entrance. She drove up to me, rolled down the window and said,
“You know…sometimes I wish I had never gone out with you.”
She started to drive away and the tires screeched out of the drive. I was gobsmacked! I watched her drive out. I had a massive stone of regret that sat in the bottom of my stomach as I walked back into the party.

When I entered the party, everyone was already back into the party mood and had forgotten all about the ‘little incident’. My friends, Greg and Rickie, were waiting for me by the punch table. I walked over and they were still laughing.
“God mate, you got one hell of a blonde there!” Greg chanted.
“Yeah…I guess I have…you know I don’t really feel like partying tonight, so I’m off home.”
After my girlfriend’s outburst, I wasn’t really in the mood. That was the first time her words had hit me that hard.
“Nah…you can’t go home. Anyway we got hold of a little pick me up, should put you in the mood.”
I knew exactly what Rickie meant…drugs!

I was in a real foul mood and could really do with a pick me up. I wasn’t in my right state of mind, so I agreed. I knew it was wrong but…live life to the full.
“Ok…but not here. Meet me in the back of my Land Rover in 5! It will be more secret there.”
I had one glass of punch then walked back to my car. I had to clean it a bit first. I threw some rubbish into the boot just as Greg and Rickie arrived. They got straight into the car…I got into the driver’s seat.

I pushed in the cigarette lighter button on my car. As we all waited for it to pop back out, Greg pulled out a small sachet from under his shirt. It was filled with a white substance. He sprinkled the substance onto 3 pieces of smoking paper and began to roll them. Rickie decided to help him.
“Urmm…what sort of drug is this?” I asked, slightly worried.
“Heroin.” Greg replied.
“You cannot tell ANYONE, that you got this from me. OK?”

Rickie and I both agreed. The button suddenly popped back out making me jump. I wasn’t aware of this drug and I was kind of scared, but Greg and Rickie pressured me into carrying on. Greg pulled out the hot applicator that would light our drugs. We each were holding our own cigarette. Greg was first. He puffed continuously on his cigarette until it was alight. He then passed the applicator onto Rickie, who repeated what Greg just did. The smell from Greg’s cigarette was lingering over towards me. The musky damp like smell began to swarm the car. Rickie passed the applicator onto me. I stared at it for a while, looking at the red hot ring that I was supposed to light my cigarette with.

“Come join us, Kyle. It’s great, a whole new world.” Greg said. He was in a trance like state and soon after, he started rambling about the bear that was running towards the car. He was screaming now.
Meanwhile, Rickie was having a better time. He seemed all laid back, just slowly closing his eyes. He looked so peaceful. No pain, no sorrow, no regrets. That’s what convinced me to try it. I put the applicator up to my cigarette and puffed. It was a light and I just carried on puffing. Before the drug hit me fully, I carefully put the applicator back into the hole, so it didn’t burn down my car. I lay back on my chair and rested. It was so peaceful. No noises, just silence. Greg had stopped shouting now and was simply staring at the road. I seemed to feel really lightheaded and dizzy. I was startled by a loud banging noise on my driver’s side window. There was nothing there. Then out of nowhere, a man with an axe appeared and began to walk towards the car. He was about 10 metres away from the car. I was panicking big time!

Every minute he was getting closer. I was swimming in sweat. I raised my hand towards the ignition on the car and turned the key. My hand was very shaky and I had trouble controlling it. None of us had our seatbelts on but now wasn’t the time to worry about that. He was getting closer and closer.
“WOW the stars are so close. I want to touch one. OUCH, now you looky here Mr Star, I don’t think it is very nice going round and burning innocent people!” Well, at least Rickie seemed to be having a good time. I put the car into first gear, and jammed my foot on the acceleration pedal. We zoomed off down a dark lane, surrounded by many trees. Where we were heading, was not yet known.

We were still driving. My breath was fast and I was constantly looking my mirrors to see if he was following us. As we drove on, there we black cloaked creatures zooming past the car. There was a bang on the back of the car. I immediately turned around to see the same man crouched on the back of my car, swinging his axe at the back window. He was going to get in! I looked at the road and swung around a sharp corner to try and get him off the back of the car. I turned around to see if he was still on the back. He had gone. I slowed down the speed of the car, to about 50mph, and looked forward again. HE WAS THERE! I didn’t want to hit him, so I quickly swerved around him and smashed into a tree.

“WOOOOOH! This rollercoaster is great! Can we go again?” Rickie chanted.
My chest felt like it is contracting. My heart felt like it is being screwed up into a little ball. The pain is excruciating. Besides that, there was a lovely peace, harmonious feel to the air around me. The air was all warm. My eyes were slowly shutting now. I am tired after that long chase with that guy. I have a massive headache from the crash. The throbbing of the veins in my head, the pounding of my heart that felt like it was going to break free from my chest. Darkness was closing in on the vehicle. But I wasn’t scared. It was a nice darkness, coming and closer by the minute.

I awoke in a well lit room. I found myself squinting as the light was so bright. There was a clean, hygienic smell all over the room. I was comfortable but still had a throbbing headache and it didn’t help that some sort of alarm was beeping and nobody would turn it off. The blackness was coming back. Well it was nice last time, so I will go back to the nice, dark, peaceful, part of the world.