Status: Re-posting

Don't Want To Be Torn

Save Me

I didn't want to go home I didn't want to deal with my mother right now she would be drunk by now and I don't have Nick or Brian here cause they both are on tour Nick with his brothers Joe and Kevin and Brian with Avenged Sevenfold with Matt, Zacky, Johnny,and Jimmy i miss them all it hurts so much. I have tried calling him but I always get passed around to talk to everyone and then when I'm back to Nick I only have like maybe 3 minutes to talk before the see you later comes then he's gone again until I can call again, with Brian it's different I can talk to him more because I call him more I love Brian but I also have a little crush on Nick. I walk into my house seeing my mom laying on the couch again probably hung over you see I work and my mom lay's at home and drinks. Well we barely have enough money to live in the house and have food and cloth's to get us through this is bull shit and I'm growing tired of this. I walk up stairs and go into my room and sit at my laptop but remembered I had to give my mom my pay check. As I go downstairs my mom stood at the bottom and she pulled out her gun yelling " you in grateful little bitch die you little slut" and she pulled the trigger shooting me I fell to the floor screaming "NICK BRIAN HELP" I was screaming at the top of my lungs hoping that someone would here me I was losing hope very quickly. I heard another gun shot and something fall to the floor then footstep and i could feel people around me, "Steph? Steph sweetheart can you hear me?" I hear someone that sounded like Matt ask I try to nod my head but it hurt to move "Matt is that you?" I ask my breathing coming out in short breathes "yes all the guys are here Jimmy Zacky Brian and short shit I mean Johnny " he says laughing. " Hun were taking you to the hospital okay?" Zacky said I squeezed his hand and that's all I remember before blacking out.

*Nick's pov*
I missed Steph so much I knew about her mom being a alcoholic and Steph paying for everything. I run to the driver and tell him to change his route and head for NJ. We are now on our way to New Jersey because I have to make sure my best friend, the love of my life is okay if she isn't I don't know what to do. Yes I love her I have since I was 8, she was 6 I just didn't tell her because I was scared plus when she turned 10 Joe liked her to so I didn't tell her I love her it was a stupid mistake. The bus finally pulls up to her house I run in the house and see her mom laying on the floor dead to the world but I don't care about her. I saw a note on the table:

Dear Nick
We took Steph to the hospital her mom shot her meet us there ok hope you get this before its to late please Nick please we are the only people she has left you me Kevin Joe Brian Zacky Jimmy Johnny. signed Matt. S

I ran to the door but before I head out I run up to her room and grab her 2 teddy bears and her puppy that me and my brothers bought her for her birthday she named them after us. The puppy is named after me then the blond bear is named after Kevin and the brown is named after of course Joe. I run out to the bus and we head to the hospital I run in and see Matt sitting there crying with Brian and Jimmy right beside him I run over to him "Matt is she okay?" I ask he smiled at me and nodded yes I silently start to cry she is alive and ok. I hugged them so happy that she's okay. But when I got to Brian he glared daggers at me I didn't know why we used to be really close but now we barely even talk or look at each other and when we do talk we yell at each other it's weird "Haner" I say nodding my head "Jonas" he said back venom in his voice. I flinched back he smirk obviously seeing it I glared at him.
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It's not very long they will be longer but this is just the first chapter.