a bite for romance

welcome to hell

The night seemed calm and quiet as the car drove silently. The road felt endless and twisted as if it were a spiral staircase. Her eye sight felt distanced to the road, swriving here and there. The party she went to was perfect, but she had no ride home so she stupidly drove her honda civic drunk. Her eyes kept closing reflexively, trying to shut off her conscious mind. It was around 12:00pm and it was past her curfew, so she had to hurry home. Her eyes slowly took a toll on her; trying to close every second she forced herself awake. Finally, without hesitation, her eyes gave out and her head fell flat on the back of the seat. The car swirved off the road thudding epically until it slowed into a fifthteen foot deep grassy ditch. The headlights went out and the car's front end was smashed into a fan-like shape. She reopened her eyes unable to take the shock to only passout into a heavy sleep.

She woke up hours later hearing her name. "Scarlette,...Scarlette Rose..." the voice echoed in a whisper. She finally opened her eyes. Scarlette noticed it was still dark and she felt the cool black top under her. Outside her car, she looked over to the person touching her face. He was probally around her age, seeing how young he is and he had gleaming dark brown eyes that starred deep at her in concern.

"How do you know my name?" she asks confused.
"You told me so yourself..." he replied taking in the sight of her response to him.
"I did?" Her head must have hurt if she couldn't even remember telling him her name.
"I'll jog your memory...." He leans over to her face as he spoke to her.

He went down to her neck instead of her lips to lick blood off of it, when she didn't even seem to notice it at all. His face was drenched in her blood when his head came back up. In a fast, but steady movement, he kissed her lips with the blood on his mouth, that's now getting it's fine aroma in her mouth. He stops then bites her neck instead of licking it. All the sudden, she gets a vision of exactly what happened right after she passed out. He got her out of the car and she had awakened a couple minutes later. Scarlette then talked to him and before she knew it, he bit her. Now he pulled away from her, both of their mouth's dripping blood. For some reason he just starred at her and imediately she wanted to kiss him. She lunged back into his lips, but as she touched his lips, she fainted from loss of blood. She didn't remember much more from that night; just the pain of the bite that screwed her over the best night of her life.

Scarlettes eyes festered at the memory now that she knew every detail now. She sat next to the boy who had done this to her, but she didn't hate him; she idolized him. Her crap hole of a life disappated and now she could live forever. Her parents were dead and long gone and she resented the life she used to endure with the endless crying and hiding. Scarlette hated her whole life, even just thinking about it now made her sick. HE saved her life, HE gave her strength, and HE gave her love when no one else did. Scarlette's whole life revolved around him now, which was perfectly fine to her. He saved her and she didn't want to loose him now that she's finally okay with it when it happened years ago. No matter what happened in her lifetime from now on, she would never ever go back to her human roots.