Status: Only gonna work on this when I get comments

Rosy's Song

Oh My God

Today was interesting. At lunch Rosy sat alone and kept giving Gina this weird glare the whole time. I couldn’t explain it but it distracted me enough to have me squirm for the rest of the day. Gabby said, “That is your sister so it shouldn’t surprise you.”, and to not think too deep into it. But I honestly can’t! Just something about how Gina coward under my sister’s gaze made me curious. I threw my bag on my bed and turned on the TV. Nothing seemed right to me yet everything went pretty much unnoticed.
I just don’t get it!
I slumped to the floor and drifted off to sleep.
Walking through the woods I tried to calm myself down as much as possible. It was dark and quiet, not anyone I sight. But I still felt like I was being followed. I turned around multiple times but found nothing.
I gasped as I searched through the thick forest of trees. My breathing quickened as I heard voices.
“Gina…” It whispered
“H-hello?” I stammered
“Gina.” The voice sang
I backed up but passed out when I was hit in the back of my head.

Blinking my eyes I surveyed the room. I was chained to a wall in a bare grey basement. Evil laughter filled the room and a figure stepped out of the shadows.
She stood there with a bat in her hands and a wicked smile graced her lips.
“This is gonna be fun.” She growled running at me

“No!” I sat up from my bed
I steadied my breathing and looked around.
When did I get in my bed?
I shrugged it off and went into the bathroom while turning on the TV. While brushing my teeth I noticed five crescent marks and a giant bruise on my arm.
What the hell?
Gina Aniker was found mercifully beaten to death in an old abandoned house last night. The murderer has not been found yet but the police does have the weapon that was used on the 16 year old girl.
I stopped breathing when a picture of Gina popped on the TV.
I ran into Rosy’s room and found her just getting up.
“Gina’s dead!” I shouted
Rosy stopped getting out of bed and a frown flashed across her face.
“What?” she fidgeted
“Gina Aniker was murdered last night.” I said more calmly
Rosy jumped up and pushed me out the door.
“You really shouldn’t worry about it ok Anna?” She rushed
“But Rosy-“
“DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT ANNA! WE NEED TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!” She shouted and slammed the door in my face
Right before the door closed I noticed blood on her hands.
Oh my god…
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SOOOOOO sorry it took me so long to get this out! I have to excuse other than writers block. I do have however managed to make a three-shot and a new story. I don't know if I'm gonna post them or not but yeah.