Status: Only gonna work on this when I get comments

Rosy's Song


Shaking I ran into my room and slammed the door.
Why did she have blood on her hands!?!?
I quickly got dressed and raced out the door not even bothering to listen to Rosy calling me. My mind was racing with thoughts at a hundred miles an hour. Not even noticing where I was going I bumped into someone.
“Ow! Are you for real!?” I yelled
“Hey! You were the one who bumped into me so quit your whining!” Some guy growled
I scowled at him and ended up gawking at him. He was a terribly gorgeous boy with brown eyes and jet black hair that had blond streaks in it.
“Hey” he smirked
“Sup” I laughed popping the ‘p’
“Name’s Dakota” He took my hand pulling me up to his side
“Um I’m Anna” I blushed
“How come I’ve never seen you around school before?” He asked looking me over
“Um I don’t like a lot of people.” I admitted shyly
“Oh well,’ he pulled me closer to him, ’I don’t like people either”
I put a bit of space between us. Anger flashed across his face as he pulled me back towards him.
“I think we should get to know one another.” He purred
“Um…I don’t think so.” I blushed even harder and tried to get away from him but no avail
“Aw come on it’ll be fun.” He said
I jumped slightly seeing Rosy glaring at Dakota.
“We need to go before school starts.” Her eyes never left his
“Hm fine.’ he let go of me and started walking away, ‘See you around Anna.”
I looked at Rosy seeing that she was still glaring at Dakota’s retreating figure until she turned and walked away.
What just happened?
♠ ♠ ♠
Not much but it is needed. So we have a new player! I will be putting Dakota put on the character's list in a moment so I hope you guys like it.