My Happy Ending


Her name is Sam and i am Death. Shes pretty hot, but that wont stop me from my job.
My job is to take her life.
She is now lying on her bed sobbing. "I hate my life." She whispers. I smile.
I love to hear this. If she hates life then why not make her death as easy as possible?
Its the ones that love their lives that suffer. I take them slowly and painfully. Another
tear rolled down her cheek. She was beautiful. I may have to meet her in the in between.
I truly do like her looks but i try not to get emotionally attached to anyone. She slips her
hand into the drawer of her bedside table. She pulls out a big knife. She wouldnt go that
deep, would she? She lifts the knife and jabbs it into her arm. She screams with intense
pain. No one ran in screaming so they were either not there or could care less. Blood
poured from her arm. She was smiling when i looked at her face. I walked to her bed
and placed a hand on her head. I breathed in. She lay limp on the bed, her blood
dripping to the floor. I turned to leave. She was standing there. "Hey. Im death, you're
Sam. You're dead.. Raise Hell. Have fun." I walked out the door and to my office. I
collapsed into my chair. I spun around and there she was again. "You're hot." Is all
she said. I raised my eyebrow. She is a lesbian? I would've never guessed. I pushed
myself out of the chair and took her hand. I pulled her to my room. I pushed her on the
bed and began unbuttoning her pants. "Ughh. St-Stop." she stuttered. I could tell she
wanted to continue but i knew she wouldnt. I sat on my bed and motioned for her to
leave. I thought she would be fun to have around. But i guess not. Oh well, I'll find
someone else to have fun with. Everyone here loves me. They are the souls that wished
for death or died unexpectedly. But i will keep her around. Maybe i can get her to
loosen up. I smiled at this thought and drifted into a peaceful, or as peaceful as you can
get with souls screaming and crying, sleep.