Shit Happens, but in the End, I Still Have You

My daughter

"Raine, Honey go to your room." I said once we got back to the flat.

"But mommy-"

"Now." I said sternly. She huffed but walked away anyways.

"Jasper-" I started to say but he cut me off by holding up his finger. He stuck his head around the corner and I mimicked him. Raine was standing by her door with a guilty smile on her face. She quickly shut the door and turned towards Jasper again.

"How'd you know she was listening?" I asked him.

"I used to do the same thing." He glared at me. Yup, he was pissed.

"Jasper I can explain." I said walking over to the kitchen.

"Explain what Juliana? How you kept this huge secret from me? How you couldn't even call to tell me that I had a daughter?!" He whisper-yelled.

"I couldn't tell you. If I did then you would have wanted to see her and I couldn't be with you." I said slowly trying to make him understand.

"But Raine is my daughter."

"Don't you think I know that?! I know she is your daughter! She has the same hair and the same eyes, she even has the same smile as you! I didn't want to keep you away from her but it would have confused her and I'm not sure I would have been able to stay away if I had saw you one more time anyways." I was close to tears now.

"You still love me?" He asked taken back.

"No. No, I-I used to love you. But I don't anymore. I love James, that's why I'm marrying him." Saying the words out loud broke my heart again. He stood there looking at me for a while before turning around and walking out of the flat.

Raine's pov

After mommy and her friend caught me trying to listen, I went back in my room. I sat on my bed until I heard them walking away. Mommy was still talking so I knew the man hadn't left yet. I poked my head out of my door again and listened to what they were saying.

It was hard to hear what they said but I heard them anyways. At first it confused me, then I heard my name. I'm his daughter? I knew it! Well, not that he was my dad, but that James wasn't my daddy. I mean, I'm not dumb. We don't look nothing alike and neither him or my mommy had black hair so it wasn't possible.

But why didn't mommy tell him about me? Maybe he was mean to her? No. He's too nice to be mean to her.

"You still love me?" I heard the man, my dad, ask mommy.

"No. No, I-I used to love you. But I don't anymore. I love James, that's why I'm marrying him." mommy said back. Mommy doesn't love James. She can't love him because James doesn't love mommy. Sure he wants to marry her, but that doesn't mean he loves her. I know so because he kisses other girls. I see everytime he comes home at night. Mommy's already asleep but i like to stay up late. I see him stepping out of his car with a woman and they kiss. So he can't love mommy. He just can't.

I don't like James very much. He's mean to me. I don't even think he knows my name. He always calls me baby or honey. And he never lets me talk to mommy when he's around. Maybe this man, my real daddy, can help me get rid of James. Maybe I can get mommy and daddy back together again!
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