Shit Happens, but in the End, I Still Have You

Key to Love

The next morning, I woke up with a sore back and a neck ache. That's what I get for sleeping on the couch. I sat up and stretched before rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I knew James already left for work. He always leaves early. He probably left even earlier today so he would have a less chance of running into me.

After doing my normal morning routine, I woke Raine up. I walked into her room and saw her already up, struggling with her jacket.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked. I walked over to her and helped her with her jacket.

"I couldn't sleep." She shrugged.

"Why's that?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know." She shrugged again.

"Are you ok?"

"Yup!" She gave me a huge smile.

"Good. What do you want for breakfast?" I asked as we walked out to the kitchen.

"Waffles!" She yelled excitedly. While I cooked her waffles for her, she finished getting ready. By the time the waffles were done, she had her bookbag and was ready to walk out the door.

"Hurry up and eat baby, We need to get going." I kissed her forehead before trying to find my keys.

"Mommy, I'm done!" She yelled about ten minutes later.

"Raine, have you seen my keys?" I asked her.

"No mommy." She shook her head.

"Great. I can't find them. Now how am I going to get you to school?"

"Call James."

"You mean daddy?" I asked. It was the second time she called James daddy this morning.

"Sure, whatever." I gave her a suspicious look before calling James. It rang twice before going to his voicemail.

"He ignored my call." I whispered in disbeliefe. I tried again, but this time it automatically went to voice mail. Great he shut his phone off.

"Is he coming?" Raine asked.

"I can't get a hold of him." I sighed frustrated. I was half temtped to just let her stay home today. I mean, it's only kindergarden.

"Maybe Jasper will take me?" She asked smiling. I gave her another suspicious look before going to the phone book and looking up Jasper's number. Once I found it, I called it. Three rings later a high pitched voice came on the phone.

"Hello?" The voice asked.

"Ummm Jasper?" I asked confused.

"He's not here right now. May I ask who's calling?" The voice sounded annoyed.

"Umm Juliana Garcia."

"Who is it Nikki?" I heard Jasper's muffled voice through the phone. My heart sank a little at him calling another girl babe.

"I don't know. Some girl named Juliana Garcia." A second later there was some rustling I heard Jasper's voice again, this time much clearer.

"Juls?" He asked.

"Am I interrupting something Jasper?" I asked biting my lip hoping he would say no. Thankfully he did.

"Uhh not at all. Why?"

"Well... I know this is going to sound weird but uh.... could you come pick me and Raine up. I have to tak her to school."

"Yea. No problem. I'll be there in five minutes." He said. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Thanks so much." I said smiling, even though he couldn't see me.

"Like I said no problem. I'll see you when I get there."

"Ok. Lov- Bye." I quickly hung up. I had almost said 'love you' to him. Oh god! Why can't this be easier?!

"Is he coming?" She asked excitedly.

"Are you hiding something from me, young lady?" I asked suspiciously.

"No." She shook her head with wide innocent eyes. Before I could say anything else, there was a knock at the door.

"That was fast." I muttered walking to the door. I opened it and Jasper stood there, smiling at me.

"Hey babe." He smiled, but instantly started to blush.

"Umm sorry. Force of habit." He shrugged.

"We've been broken up for what...7 years now?"

"5." He corrected.

"5, and it's still a habit for you to call me babe?" I asked, but I couldn't hide the small smile that made it's way across my lips. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Raine ran up to him.

"Jasper!" She yelled. He smiled down at her and picked her up.

"Well why do you look so nice today?" He asked holding her.

"It's for her boyfriend." I stage whispered.

"Boyfriend?" He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Nuh uh! Boys are icky! They have cooties!" She made a face at me. Jasper's face looked relieved. He was acting like a true father. At least he didn't tell her she was going to jail like James did last night.

"Hey, something bothering you?" Jasper asked. I shook my head and we head out of the pent house and to the parking lot.

"Mommy and James had a fight last night." Raine said to Jasper.

"Raine Ana Taylors, is that why you couldn't sleep last night because you heard us?" I asked.

"No mommy." She shook her head. Raine jumped down from Jasper's arms and ran to Jasper's car.

"Are you ok?" He asked searching my face. Ever since Jasper found out about Dean abusing me in highschool, whenever he heard I had a 'fight' he always assumed a fist fight.

"It was an arguement. A stupid one that left me sleeping on the couch." I rolled my eyes.

"Why didn't James sleep on the couch?"

"He bought the bed and he refused to sleep on the couch and I refused to sleep in the same room let alone bed with him." I sighed.

"That doesn't mean anything. I would have let you sleep in the bed and I would have slept on the couch." He said sincerely.

"Not going to happen Jasper." I said taking in a shaky breath before walking to Jasper's car.

Jasper drove to the school. He and Raine talked all the way there. Raine really liked Jasper. I feel kind of bad for not telling her who her real father is and not telling Jasper that he had a daughter. Maybe I should tell Raine. Jasper already knows so why can't Raine? It's no secret that she doesn't like James very much. And if I told her, Jasper would want to spend time with her and that just might mean I would see him more, but I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

"We're here." Jasper said shaking from my thoughts.

"Bye mommy and Jasper! Love you!" She gave me a kiss on my cheek and then surprised both me and Jasper when she kissed Jasper's cheek.

"Oh by the way mommy, your keys are under my bed. Bye!" She ran out of the car as fast as she could. I just sat there in shock as I stared after her.

"Just like her father." Jasper chuckled quietly beforre driving off again.

"Jasper? Would you want to spend more time with Raine?" I asked quietly staring out the window as we came to a red stop light. I couldn feel his eyes on me.

"Of course I would. She's my daughter." He said.

"I was thinking maybe she should know that James isn't her dad." I turned to look at him and stared in his eyes.

"I think you should to, before she gets confused." He nodded slightly, never taking his eyes off me. I bit my lip subconsiously as we continued to stare at each other.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered before leaning towards me. I was still caught in his gaze, and for some reason I couldn't move away, not that I wanted to at all. His lips were a breath away when we heard a loud horn. I snapped out of the daze and pulled away from Jasper and his hypnotic gaze.

"Umm the light's green." I mumbled. He nodded his head, clearing his throat, before taking off again.
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