Shit Happens, but in the End, I Still Have You

Lost and Found

The rest of the ride back to my place was silent. It was very awkward to say the least. I knew I still loved Jasper, but it was obvious he didn't love me anymore. I couldn't blame him. I did break his heart by saying no to his proposal then saying yes to another man's proposal. At least he didn't hate me. Maybe we could try to be friends again.

Memoriess of before Jasper and I started going out flooded my mind. I remember when I had thought I hated him. I realize now I never hated him, I just didn't want anybody to take Danny's place. But Jasper didn't take Danny's place. He wasn't my brother, thank god, that would be just plain weird.

When I hung out with Jasper, I was slowly starting to change from a helpless cheerleader to a strong individual. When I was with Jasper I didn't care what people thought of me. Jasper was all I needed, then. Now I need both him and Raine. But I couldn't have him. He has a girlfriend for god's sake!

"Juls, we're here." Jasper said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw that we were in fact in front of my building.

"Thanks Jasper." I whispered. I turned to leave, but he put his hand on my arm, stopping me. I looked back at him to see his face only inches away from mine. We stared at each other for a while before Jasper cleared his throat, seeming to snap out of a trance and snapping myself out of my own too.

"Did you really mean what you said about telling Raine that I'm her dad?" Jasper asked.

"Yea. Umm I was actually wondering if maybe Raine and I could come over tonight to your house and I would tell her there. I want you to be there when I tell her and James is working late again tonight."

"Sure. That sounds great. I'll cook dinner too." He nodded his head.

"Cook? You know how to cook?" I asked asked raising my eyebrows.

"I may have changed my major a few times in college." He shrugged.

"Well, I think that sounds good. What time should we come over?"

"Sixish?" He asked.

"Sure. I'll see you then." I smiled before turning around once again. I got out of the car and walked up to my penthouse. Once inside I kicked off my shoes and went to my bedroom. I would take a small nap seeing as how I would probably be sleeping on the couch once again tonight.

Jasper's pov

I sighed as I watched Juliana walk up to her house. I wanted so bad to just kiss her. If that stupid car hadn't beeped it's horn, I probably would have. But then she would probably hate me. She has a fiance and she obviously loves him very much. More than she ever loved me. I didn't care that I had a girlfriend. I would dump Nikki in a heartbeat if I could just have one more day with Juls. But of course, it's never going to happen. I can only hope that we stay friends.

As I drove to my office, I thought about Raine. I couldn't believe I actually had a daughter. I didn't want to get Juliana mad and tell Raine that I was her father, so I was planning on just not telling her. But then Juls told me she was going to tell Raine. I was so happy! I would get to spend time with my daughter and maybe even more time with Juls! Raine reminded me of Juliana. Sure she looked nothing like Juls, but her personality. She was sneaky, especially hiding Juls' keys. Raine liked me, I could tell that, I just hoped she didn't hate me when she finds out I'm her dad.

I was almost to the office when my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID before answering it.

"Yes Katie?" I asked my assitant.

"Jasper, there's a little problem down here." Her nervous voice came through the phone.

"What kind of little problem?"

"The kind that's about five years old." What?

"What are you talking about Katie?" I asked confused.

"There's a little girl here, she says she knows you." Oh no.

"What's her name?" I asked hoping to god it wasn't her.

"What's your name sweetie?" Katie asked.

"Raine." I heard Raine's voice as she answered Katie.

"Katie, take heer to my office and watch her. I'll be there in a little bit." I said before hanging up. Now to call Juliana.

Juliana's pov

About five minutes later, I was woken up by my phone ringing. I rolled over, grumbling, not wanting to leave my bed. The phone kept ringing, so I got up and went to the phone.

"What?" I asked kind of rudely.

"Miss Garcia?" A lady asked. I recongized the voice from the same lady who had called from Raine's school when Raine got in a fight.

"Yes?" I sighed. Raine was going to be in so much trouble if she got in another fight today.

"This is Lincoln elementry again. I was just wondering if your daughter is sick today?"

"Sick? Why would she be sick if she's at school?" God this woman was stupid.

"But she's not in school." WHAT?!

"What do you mean she isn't in school?!" I yelled. My heart was racing. I saw Raine get dropped off, she has to be there! She waved at us before we left! Wait. She wasn't inside the school. Oh no, what if she got kidnapped.

"She never showed up for class." My heart felt like it stopped beating.

"I have to go." I said shutting my phone. I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door to my car. I started the car and was pulling out of the parking lot when my phone started ringing again. I picked it up hoping to hear Raine's voice. Instead I heard Jasper's.


"Jasper I can't talk right now. The school just called and said Raine never showed up for class. I have to find her." I said frantically.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. My office just called. Raine is there. I told my assitant to watch her and make sure she doesn't leave. I'm just pulling into my office right now ok?" he asked. I let out a breath of relief.

"Ok. I'm coming over there now." I hung up and raced to Jasper's office. Once I got there, I ran up the steps and got to a secretary desk.

"Can you please tell me where Jasper's office is?" I asked her hurriedly.

"He's busy right now. What's your name? I'll tell him you stopped by." The lady said. I was about to bitch her out when I heard a door open. I looked up and saw Jasper walking out of a room with Raine.

"Raine!" I yelled running over to her.

"Mommy!" She yelled back smiling. I picked her up and gave her a tight hug.

"Juls, you're hurting her." Jasper said. I loosened my grip, but still held her.

"What happened. Why aren't you in school?" I asked Raine.

"I wanted to talk to Jasper mommy."

"So you walked over here by your self?" I asked slightly angry. I would have been more angry if I wasn't so relieved that she was ok.

"How did you even know where I worked?" Jasper asked.

"I heard mommy say it." She pouted, looking as if she were about to cry.

"You had me worried sweetie." I sighed hugging her again, only this time less tight.

"I'm sorry. Don't send me to jail." He cried.

"Jail?" Jasper asked confused. I huffed as I remembered what James told her last night. She was so scared now!

"James said if I kept getting in trouble, I would go to jail." She said wiping her tears on her shirt as she turned to Jasper.

"James sounds like a jerk." Jasper smirked at her, making her smile a little.

"I'm not going to jail am I Jasper?" She asked him.

"Nobody would even think of putting such a pretty little girl in jail. Besides, I wouldn't let them." He smiled at her. She gave him a huge smile and held out her arms to him. He took her from me, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as tight as she could.

"Dang Raine, you got a grip." He joked pulling away slightly.

"Mommy, I want Jasper to be my daddy." Raine said. Jasper and I looked at each other with wide eyes.
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