The Dagger

The Locket

You tiptoe quietly down the hallway with your sword in front of you listening for any sounds that might help figure out who or what it is that you are sensing.
There is so very little light so it is hard to see, so you have your free hand guiding you against the wall.

You come to a corner so you stop and slowly peak around the corner to make sure everything is safe. You hear arguing coming from further down the hall, so you place your back against the wall your breathing becomes heavier. You recognize Damien’s voice but the other you don’t recognize but it sounds high and clear like a bell so your guessing that it a female or a very young boy but whoever it is it isn’t what you sensed a few moments ago. Then all the sudden you hear scuffling of feet as if they are fighting and you sprint down the hallway not caring about being silent because you feel something is just not right. You come to another corner and try to catch your breath when you realize that everything is strangely silent and you look around the corner and you see Damien laying motionless on the floor.

Your first reaction is to help him and heal him for you are an angel that is what you were trained to do, but, then you begin to think "you could leave him here and let him die", that would solve your problem and you would once again have a perfect record. Besides you think as you back away from him, it against the rules to help, much less save a demon from dying. Your about to leave when you think you and Damien have a history together and as much as you hate him, if he going to die it will be by your hand only so you cant let him die like this.

You un-sheathe your sword, walking up to him praying to yourself that he is not dead. You bend down next to him and you gently brush his blond hair out of his face grabbing his wrist gently you check his pulse and to your surprise he opens his eyes slightly and he smiles at you and you can’t help but think to yourself that he has gorgeous smile. Cutting your thoughts off you begin to check him for injuries. As you check him over you see that he has many cuts and bruises on his arm and face which seem pretty minor. Then you get to his stomach and you see a dagger sticking out him and he is bleeding heavily.

Your begin to wonder if you should move him cause it could make him bleed out faster but then you really can’t see here and it wouldn’t be safe or smart to remove that dagger at this location. His eyes begin glazing over and seem distant and you realize that you have to make a quick decision and you decide to take him back to his room were your bag is and as you pick him up carefully as you would a child trying not to do anymore damage. He begins to move around nearly causing you to lose your grip and you hiss at Damien to stop moving or you might drop him. And he seems to understand you as he seems to go limp as you begin to wish that he wasn’t so heavy.

You make it back to the room and you set him gently on the bed and take a minute to catch your breathe when you hear a sound behind you and you automatically grab your dagger from your boot and throw it and it hits its mark and you turn around and you see a tall guy with short dark hair and you immediately recognize the guy as an angel who supposedly disappeared two years earlier and was Rebecca’s boyfriend of two years and you walk up to him and he looks scared trying to pull your dagger from his sleeve and you grab him pushing him against the wall with one hand and then pull your other dagger from your boot pressing it against his neck but not hard enough to break the skin.” Arron what are you doing here?" everyone thought you were dead where have you been? You say coolly pressing your dagger against his neck.

His eyes narrow and he smirks at you and says all you need to know is that my mistress wants you, Sasha and what she wants she gets without question, this is not the sweet arron you once knew you think, as you say softly to him come back to with me Rebecca misses you, at the sound of the name tears rolls down his cheek he whispers softly” I can’t go back I have been changed and when you see her again give her this” he hands me a small gold charm bracelet. “Tell her that I that I loved her and I never meant to hurt her.”

Then his eyes turn from a baby blue to completely black and then a female voice comes out of his body saying Sasha, it been a while and you lose it thinking how you are going to tell your friend about her boyfriend, you shout" who in the hell are you, how do you know my name and what do you want with me?" She laughs cruelly saying such foul language for an angel but all will be revealed in time little one but for now know that I have my eye on you and everything isn’t as it seems. And I do believe you should worry more about your little friend. You realize in horror that you haven’t heard anything from Damien in a while. Then as the laughter dies away you notice that arron you have against the wall is dead and no use to you. So you let him go and rush toward the bed and all you can see is blood, he feels cold to the touch. You carefully remove his shirt and you grab your bag taking out your rolls of bandages and your healing crystal thinking this may use up all your power. You take a deep breathe and remove the dagger putting it on the night stand behind you and blood seems to flow faster. You put your hand over the wound with one hand and squeezing the heal crystal in the other trying to remember the healing spell wishing you had studied more on the subject when you had the chance.

Taking a deep breathe closing your eyes and you recite the spell opening your mind to the magic as I was once taught were taught, to once you became an angel, after saying a quick prayer to yourself that he doesn’t die. Your hands begin glowing and you touch the wound and it begins closing as you begin to pour all your energy into it. The wound closes and you bandage the wound and wrap it. You sigh in relief as his breathing becomes easier and his pulse becomes stronger and you put a sleep spell on him to help him rest and you put a blanket over him.

You pull your dagger out of the wall and put both of them back into your boot as you search for the bathroom and after while you find it. You wash the blood from your hands. You place the gold charm in your pocket promising to return to Rebecca once you return to heaven, you say a traditional angelic prayer over him crossing his arms over his chest before sending him into the great beyond. Trying to think what did he mean by being changed and what was this power he spoke of. You let your hair down taking your brush out of your bag and begin brushing it trying to think what she meant by everything isn’t what it seems and what was that power you felt inside of you it felt when you lost control as you held his life in your hand it felt evil but a small part of you enjoyed that feeling, that can’t be your an angel and angels are good, right? As you lay down on the couch in the room you fall into a dreamless sleep hoping that everything will make more sense in the morning.