Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon

Blind Truth

“Can I please just see her?” I heard a annoyed voice ask.

“No! How many times do I have to tell you sir that she needs rest,” said someone sternly.

I opened my eyes slowly, not really knowing where I was. I took a deep breath in and started to raise my arms above my head to stretch but a suddenly burning pain made it's way down my arm and it woke me right up. “Ow,” I hissed.

“Oh thank God!” I heard Will say relieved. I looked over and saw him push pass the maid and over to the bed I was in.

“What?” I asked confused.

“You were out for two days,” said Will.

“Really? It only felt like a few hours or-.” “I mean it was driving me insane not knowing if you were going to wake up,” he kept talking. “Will,” I said but he kept talking. “Will!” I said loudly. “And she wouldn't let me in-What?” he asked.

“Calm down,” I said.

“I'm sorry but I just...” he said trailing off.

“Just what?” I asked carefully.

“Just really wanted to know that you were okay,” he said weirdly.

“I'm okay for now but how is Emily?” I asked switching my thoughts.

“She okay but has some bruises,” he said.

“I need to see her,” I said.

“She's actually downstairs,” said Will getting up.

“Can you please get her and sent her up?” I asked.

“Sure,” he said.

“Thank you,” I said. He nodded and walked out of the room.

I was sitting up in my bed, twiddling my thumbs when Emily walked in. “I'll give you some privacy,” said Will behind her closing the door. She came and sat on the bed. Small bruises made their way up her neck and specked on her cheek bone.

“I'm so sorry Emily,” I said.

“Why are you apologizing? You hand got smashed by a neurotic women,” she said furrowing her eyebrows together.

“I ran and left you there,” I said looking down.

“I told you to run though. You were only acting,” she said.

“Exactly, acting not thinking,” I said.

She sighed,”Eliza your going to forgive yourself whether you like it or not,” she said.

“I can't!” I said.

“Yes you can and you will or so help me I will smack the sense into you,” she said in jokingly manner.

I smirked a little,”Very well,” I said.

“Good! Now about wolf boy out there,” she said jerking her thumb back towards the door. “You have him on a tight leash my friend,” she said nodding her head.

I laughed,”What? Will is on no leash,” I laughed more.

“Sweetheart, he was worried sick about you,” she said.

I sighed,”Emily, there is nothing between Will and I,” I said.

“I think you both are just blind,' she said.

“I can see what's in front of me perfectly,” I said.

“Really? Would you like to explain why Will almost went over to your house to murder you mother?” she said.

“He did what!” I exclaimed.

“Oh yes he was livid after you past out,” she said.

I buried my face in my good hand,”Oh gosh,” I said.

“Eliza he's cares a great deal for you,” she said.

“No he doesn't,” I said.

“Yes he does,” she said.

“No Emily...he doesn't. He can't! It's part of the damn curse,” I said frustrated.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I mean that Will can't love me ever. He's incapable of it,” I said.

“Everyone is capable of love,” she said.

“Not him. He's a werewolf, his emotions are mixed and knowing him now, he doesn't want someone to worry about him,” I said.

“Eliza it's written all over his face when he would come check on you. He's smitten,” she said.

“He might care for me but he's not smitten. Even if he was it's not fair for him to worry over me or someone,” I said.

“Eliza be reasonable,” she said.

“It's not fair to him. I can't have him worrying about his curse and me, while all I get to do is try to help something that can't be helped,” I said.

“Basically your going to just...die,” she said.

I nodded,”It seems that way,” I said sadly.

“Oh Eliza!” she said throwing her arms around me.

I hissed in pain and shrugged away a little,”Sorry!” she said immediately. “Forgot,” she said sheepishly.

“It's okay,” I said smiling.

“How's Lucia,” I said.

“She escaped but I don't know where she is,” said Emily.

“Where could she have gone?” I asked.

“Well she ran out back into the fields and woods,” she said.

“The woods?” I asked worried.

“I want to check tomorrow to she if I can find her,” she said.

“I hope she's okay,” I said worriedly.

“Me too,” said Emily.

We fell into a silence before the door burst open. Me and Emily both jumped as Ben came bustling into the room. “Oh gosh Elizabeth I would have been here if I knew sooner!” said Ben rushing over to my side, practically pushing Emily off the bed.

She rolled her eyes,”I'll be back later Eliza,” she said waving her hand. I gave her a apologetic smile before she left the room, closing the door behind her.

“Ben I haven't scene you in awhile,” I said.

“I know and I'm sorry. Work and business has been drowning me,” he said shaking his head.

I sighed,”Well I'm happy to see you,” I said smiling.

“Me to,” he said brushing some hair out of my face.

We looked into each others eyes, unknowingly moving closer and closer to each other. I felt Ben's lips brush up against mine before you pressed them fully against mine. I felt a slight rush run through my veins as Ben and I kissed. We moved apart smiling at each other,”Well..” I said.

“That was nice,” he said taking the words out of my mouth.

“Yes it was,” I said, my heart swelling.

“I wanted to ask you something important before I left,” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“I wasn't sure if I wanted to ask you but once I got word of your accident, I made my decision to ask,” he said. I smiled waiting for him to continue,”Elizabeth will you marry me?” he asked pulling out a beautiful diamond ring.

My eyes widened to the size of saucers as I was left speechless. “Mar-marry you?” I stuttered out.

“I know it's sudden and that we don't know each other well. I do know that I like you very much and I can see a bright future with you,” he said.

“I...don't know what to say,” I said still shocked.

“I'll let you sleep on it, how about that?” he asked.

“That would be nice,” I said quietly.. “Okay then, I'll be back tomorrow then,” he said getting up and pecking my lips goodbye.

He walked out the room and shut the door behind him. I just sat there shocked; marry him? He was crazy surely but it's not like I'm going to find that guy anything soon, so why not die content and married? It's a rash decision though, to marry that suddenly without a thought. I always believed in the right marriage and thought you should be in love and sure of what your doing but I just wasn't on this.

I leaned against the pillow supporting me and closed my eyes suddenly exhausted. I let out a long breath and just sat there thinking about it. The door quietly opened and I opened an eye to see who it was. “You don't have to stay Will,” I said.

“I know, I just worry,” he said.

“Now you know how I feel,” I said opening my eyes completely.

“I guess I do,” he said.

I smiled briefly,”Can you help me up?” I asked.

“Elizabeth you shouldn't be walking,” he said disapprovingly.

“Will my legs work fine,” I said.

He sighed, still not agreeing with me but nonetheless helped me swing my legs over the bed. I stepped down and stood but immediately started to collapse. “Eliza,” said Will supporting me.

“I thought I had this under control,” I sighed sadly.

“Had what controlled?” asked Will.

“Me getting weaker. I had it practiced so I was use to it but I just keep getting weaker,” I said.

“You need to sit then,” he said. “No I need to walk, it's the only way for me to stay strong,” I said looking at him directly.

“I just don't thin-.” “No Will, it's my decision. I'm walking,” I said sternly.

“Fine,” he huffed.

He helped me completely to my feet and I wobbled. I stepped forward and it was like trying to balance on a rope, it was almost impossible. I started to fall and Will reached out to help me but I slapped his hand away. I supported myself against the dresser next to me. Will rolled his eyes giving up and just leaning against the wall. I started to walk little by little and started to get the hang of it. “See I got it under control,” I said turning around but accidentally bumped my bad shoulder into the door frame. A slew of curses came to my mind but all I managed to tightly shut my mouth.

Will reacted by stepping forward, only imagining the pain I was in currently,”You okay?” he asked.

“I'm fine,” I breathed with a tear rolling down my cheek. The pain was searing, like a hot iron being pressed to a open wound. I hissed and wanted so badly to squeeze my shoulder but that would only make it much worse. The pain barely subsided when I started to walk again. I could hear Will following cautiously behind me, ready to catch me if I fell. I walked towards the stairs unevenly. “Oh no, no. You aren't going down these alone,” said Will quickly stepping in front of me.

“Will let me try,” I insisted.

“No way,” he said grabbing my arm. I couldn't help but notice how nice his hand felt against my skin. He was always warm, while it seemed I was always cold to the touch.

I sighed,”Fine,” I said giving in.

He smiled victoriously, which caused me to smile. He had a amazing smile. He slowly helped me down the stairs one by one when I reached the bottom. He released my arm and I unwillingly let him. “Lead the way,” he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes a little and started to walk faster, almost normal speed. “Eliza don't push yourself,” warned Will.

“Will please stop hovering,” I said annoyed.

“Oh gosh sorry I'm worried when your hand and shoulder got tenderized and your getting weaker day be day,” he said annoyed as well.

I ignored his point and kept at speed. I entered the dining area to see Mr. Donner at the table. “Oh Elizabeth! I didn't expect to see you up until at least tomorrow dear,” he said surprised.

“Well I felt cramped and I thought the walking would do me good,” I said.

“Oh well would you like to join me?” he asked gesturing to the chair next to him.

“Yes I would like that very much,” I said.

Will pulled out the chair as I carefully sat down in it.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I'm feeling better but very weak,” I said.

“Yes you took quite a beating dear,” he said with sympathy in his voice.

“Well at least that's behind me now,” I said.

Will sat down in the chair next to me casually,”Will have you been taking care of Eliza?” asked Mr. Donner.

“Yes uncle I have,” he replied lazily.

“Has he dear?” Mr. Donner asked just wondering what Will meant by taking 'care' of me meant.

“Yes almost a little to much,” I said.

“You need it though,” Will said interjecting.

“No Will I'm fine,” I argued.

“No your not,” he mumbled. I gave him a look to be quiet and just rolled his eyes.

“Well then that's good to hear,” said Mr. Donner looking between us. “Do want something to eat dear?” asked Mr. Donner.

“Yes I'm actually famished,” I said.

“Good then because Helen, my maid, made to much food for me alone to eat,” he said patting his stomach. I smiled at his gesture. “Helen,” Mr. Donner called.

Helen popped her head into the dining room,”Yes Sir?” she asked.

“Would you mind getting a plate of food for Elizabeth here?” he asked.

“Yes right away sir,” she said curtsying and walking out.

“I have work to do,” said Will getting up.

“Will my boy it's quite late to be doing any wo-.” “It's only a few things Uncle. Excuse me,” he said getting up quickly and walking out.

I heard Mr. Donner sigh,”That boy is going to work himself to death,” he said shaking his head.

“Does he usually do a lot of work?” I asked.

“Oh yes he does. I give a list at the beginning of every week of tasks he is to do but he works so hard on them, harder than necessary,” he said.

“I wonder why,” I mused to myself mostly.

“He does it to take out any anger or stress he's feeling,” he said.

“He must be quite emotional then,” I said half joking.

He chuckled,”He is actually, he just doesn't show it,” he said.

I smiled and nodded and looked down to see Helen setting a bowl of steaming beef stew in front of me. “I though soup would do you better then a hearty meal,” she said.

“This looks delicious thank you,” I said truthfully. She smiled and walked out. I started to slowly eat when I heard the front doors bust open. I snapped my head up and turned to see Emily running into the room. “Emily what is it?!” I asked deeply concerned.

“We need to get Will back in the house,” she said frantically.

“Why?” I asked getting up to quickly, making myself dizzy.

She paused,”The town has found out,” she said.

“About what?” I asked.

“That Will is a werewolf,” she said frantically. I felt the air get knocked out from me.

“Get him!” I said frantically.

Emily ran off and I felt a comforting hand grasp my good shoulder. “He'll be okay dear,” Mr. Donner said.

“I'm not worried,” I lied but it was to late to cover up.

“My dear you and Will are so different but are so similar. Just go with what you feeling because I have a thought that you usually don't,” he said walking off to find Will.

I only swallowed the aching worry that has come up in my stomach and walked to the drawing room. “Emily?” I called. A slight drizzle has taken up the outside as I stepped through the ajar back door. I saw no one in sight before someone came up and grabbed my arm. I yelped a little before seeing Will next to me.

“Will!” I said in a sigh of relief. I wanted to hug him so bad but it would be a poor choice on my part. “Oh thank god I thought the town got you!” I exclaimed. Concern and worry were etched onto his face. “Will?” I asked concerned.

“I have to leave Eliza,” he said.

“No you can just hide in your chamber! You'll be fine,” I said.

“No Elizabeth. I need to skip town,” he said walking inside to get a towel to dry off.

I tried to match his pace but found it difficult. “Will no, your Uncle will protect you. All of us will,” I said reassuringly.

“Eliza this isn't arguable,” he turning to face me.

“Will just don't leave. I won't know if you okay or if your dead or anything!” I said resisting the urge to throw my arms up in protest. “Your Uncle won't know either,” I said.

“Eliza he'll understand and I'm hoping you will too,” he said drying his face off.

“Will please with so much going on, I need a support system around,” I said pleading.

“Eliza you'll find him, if not I promise I will be back on your birthday,” he said grabbing my arms.

“No it's not just that either, it's Ben,” I said.

Anger flashed in his eyes,”What about Ben? What did he do?” he asked irritated dropping the towel.

I swallowed,”He proposed,” I said quieter than I meant to but he still hear.

His hands dropped from my arms,”What did you say?” he asked.

“I told him that I wasn't sure but he'll be back tomorrow to hear my answer,” I said.

“Don't do it.” said Will.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Eliza there are things you don't know about Ben. He's cursed as well but he's much more dangerous than me. He's ruined people's lives, killed them even.” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“Eliza he's a vampire,” he said seriously, like he was trying to get it through my head that Ben was no good at all.

I stayed quiet for a minute,”Will I think if he were as dangerous as you say he is, he would have killed me or something by now,” I said.

He shook his head,”No, he's playing with you,” he said.

“Will I just find it hard to believe that he is a vampire or has harmed innocent people,” I said not believing him.

“Eliza! He is the one who told the town I was in last and I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who told this one,” he said.

“Do you have any proof of it?” I asked getting mad.

“I don't need proof if people around me tell who told them,” he said getting mad as well.

“Will I'm sorry but I just can't change my feelings or how I judge him by your thoughts or beliefs of what he did,” I said.

He looked at me like I was crazy,”You unbelievable! I'm telling you the truth! He doesn't care about you; hell once he marries you, he'll make you a slave to him and eventually kill you off,” he said.

I shook my head,”I'm sorry Will but if I'm going to die, I want to die happy,” I said.

His face softened,”Elizabeth don't believe him. Don't marry him,” he said. I felt a slight pull to believe him, my gut was calling out to me. I looked at him and saw something other than concern and worry on his face, I saw that he cared.

“Will is there some other reason why I shouldn't go through with marrying him?” I asked hoping to hear him say something.

He scratched the back of his neck,”I care for you Elizabeth you know that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you went off and married that bastard,” spitting the last part out.

I was never the one not to follow my gut and my gut was telling me to stop being stubborn and just listen to him. I sighed,”Fine,” I said rising up and kissing his cheek. “I won't marry him."

He broke into a smile and kissed my forehead,”I will be back to see you,” he said.

I closed my eyes savoring the moment. “I know you will,” I said smiling.

He walked off leaving the towel he grabbed behind on the floor, where he dropped it. I bent down slowly and picked it up. I walked over to the door and saw Will talking to his Uncle, a horse reign held in his hand. He Uncle nodded and gave him a hard pat on the back. Will smiled tightly at him before turning around and catching sight of me. He smiled lightly at me, while I waved limply from the doorway I was standing under. He turned around and got on the horse that was waiting for him. He got on and galloped off and just like that he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠

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