Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon

Plain Sight

A hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into a room. It's been two days since I told Will to leave and it's been the worst two days of my life. “Emily!” I scowled.

“What is wrong with you?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I lied.

“Elizabeth every since you came back from that walk two days ago, you've been sulking around,” she said crossing her arms.

I sighed,”I'm fine Emily,” I said trying to walk past her.

“No your not walking away from this,” she said stepping in front of me.

“I don't think it's anything worth to tell,” I said.

“Eliza I'm worried about you,” she said frustrated.

“Fine! You want to know so badly what is eating at me? I visited my mother on my walk and found that she is possessed. She gone, forever. Oh and I ran into Will on my way there and eventually told him to leave and not come back to protect him,” I said irritated. “Eliza-” she started. “I can't do this anymore! This life is just to much,” I said crying suddenly. “And Will? I feel horrible, like a someone is jabbing my heart away,” I said.

“You love him,” said Emily.

“Do not,” I said still crying.

“You really do. You wouldn't be like this if you didn't,” she said. I knew she was right, I knew I loved Will but I just didn't want to admit it to myself. “Your right,” I said giving up.

“Why can't you just let yourself be happy?” she asked.

“Because I feel like it's not something that I deserve,” I said.

“You deserve it, trust me,” she said. “Emily,” I said seriously. “I'm going to die.”

“No your not! You love Will!” she said trying to reassure me.

“But Will doesn't love me,” I said.

“You don't know that,” she said.

“Yes I do! Otherwise he would have come back or done something but instead he just left,” I said.

“Yes he left, like you told him to do,” she said.

“I'm so stupid,” I said cried.

“No your not! Your just in a difficult place right now,” she said hugging me. I just cried into her shoulder. “And besides Will will be back,” she said. “On my birthday,” I said looking at her. “On your birthday?” she asked. I nodded at rested my head against her shoulder calming down.

I stayed with Emily for a few hours just chatting before I got up and finally left her room. I was walking back down the stairs when I saw Ben standing in the doorway talking to Mr. Donner. He spotted me and smirked almost evilly,”Ah Elizabeth! There you are darling! I wanted to take a walk with you since we haven't been spending much time together,” he said.

I knew I couldn't refuse to I sighed,”Of course. I've missed your company,” I lied.

“Good then, grab your overcoat and we'll get going,” he said. I almost rolled my eyes at his ability to seem so gentlemen like but I had a thought that, that wasn't the best idea. I finished going down the stairs and walked over to the coat rack, grabbing my overcoat.

“Have a nice time Elizabeth,” said Mr. Donner when I passed him. I smiled weakly and walked out the door with Ben.

“I must say you could at least make a valid effort to look decent for me,” he said like it was suppose to not be offensive.

“I didn't know you were just going to stop by,” I said annoyed.

“Ellie now, don't use that tone with me or you'll regret it,” he said.

“Don't call me that,” I said angrily.

“I get to call you what ever I please. I mean you are my fiance after all,” he said turning to me. I glared at him,”Against my will I am,” I said venomously.

He grabbed me roughly on my bad shoulder; I yelped in pain. “You just don't know how to listen do you?” he asked rhetorically. “You will cooperate with me and you will act like a proper lady who is out with her soon to be husband,” he said.

“I'd rather relive be whipped again a thousand times than be married to you,” I said darkly.

His eyes turned black and he shoved me over to a tall oak a few feet away. He growled angrily and grabbed my neck, turning it to the side. He bent down and bit into my neck hard. I screamed loudly but he clamped his hand over my mouth tightly. My muffled cries we endless as he sucked the blood from my body. I started to feel weak but he suddenly stopped.

His face came into view and I saw my blood smeared on the corner of him mouth and sharp fangs. “You taste lovely dear. You will make an excellent blood slave to me,” he said wiping his mouth with a handkerchief he pulled out of his coat pocket. I tried my best not to cry as I gripped my bleeding neck.

“Now let's take care of that bit mark shall we?” he asked taking his finger and wetting it with his saliva. I pulled away as he tried to touch my neck with his wet finger,”Stay still!”

He pressed it around my wound and a burning sensation immediately took effect. I whimpered in pain. “Oh don't be so dramatic Ellie, it's only my venom.” He pulled his finger away and I felt my neck to find the bit mark gone. He took his handkerchief and wiped my neck clean of blood.

We started to walked again and I tried my best not to feel dizzy from the lack of blood I now had. I saw Mr. Donner's house come back in view and it suddenly looked like a safe haven right now. “I can't wait until we get married Elizabeth! I really do enjoy your feisty attitude you have, it's a nice challenge. It'll be easier to deal with you freely now because that dreaded cousin of mine is gone and I didn't have to do a single thing didn't I? You did all the work for me. Of course I did have my hand at it,” he said stepping up to the door with me in toll.

“I hate you,” I said lowly.

“Oh dear hate is love and love is hate,” he said. “It's all the same,” he said bending down a bit to kiss me. I didn't respond as he worked his lips against mine roughly. He bit down on my lip causing me to jump in slight pain. I started to kiss back reluctantly and after a minute he pulled away. “I'll see your later Ellie,” he said turning away and going down the stairs. I wiped my mouth vigorously, ridding any of Ben's disgusting germs.

I opened the door and stepped into the house and I sighed tiredly. “Eliza what happened? Did he touch you!” said Emily obviously waiting for me to get back.

“It's nothing. I'll be fine, I'll just take a nap.” I said while climbing the stairs.

“Okay but I'll wake you in about an hour or two,” she said.

“Thank you,” I said. I walked to my room and shook my shoes off and rolled onto my bed. I closed my eyes and let sleep take hold of me.

I felt someone shaking me awake,”Come on Eliza, you need to get up,” said Emily's voice.

I yawned and opened my eyes tiredly. “Goodness I've never seen you in that deep of sleep before,” she said concerned.

“I guess I was just tired,” I said.

She sat on the corner of my bed, quite for a minute before speaking,”Ben stopped by again, wanting to speak with you for some odd reason. He was talking to Mr. Donner and he looked annoyed,” said Emily.

“I really loathe him,” I said still tired.

“I think we all do,” she said in agreement.

I thought about what Ben said earlier, about him trying his hand at getting rid of Will. I then remembered something,”Emily who told you that the town knew about Will?” I asked suddenly.

“Ben,” she said.

My heart dropped,”Of course it would be Ben,” I said closing my eyes.

“Why? What's wrong?” asked Emily confused.

“The town doesn't really know about Will Emily. He was just trying to get him to leave,” I said.

“Why would he do that?” she asked shocked.

“He did it because he's Will enemy of some sorts. He's a vampire remember?,” I said.

“No! Oh my god! Eliza you have to tell someone!” she said panicked like she forgot that I told her.

“I can't! Do you think I'm engaged to him willingly?” I asked.

“He threatened you, probably multiple times” she said finishing.

“Yes, he said he would kill me if I did not accept,” I said.

“Eliza did you tell Will that?” she asked.

“Yes and he was literally walking off to go kill Ben. But I stopped him and that's when I told him to leave and to not come back,” I said.

“Eliza you really are stupid,” she said.

I gaped at her,”Excuse me?” I asked offended.

“He is willing to kill for you and you send him away. Will loves you Elizabeth,” she said.

I groaned realizing how stupid I really am,”I'm so completely blind,” I said wanting bang my head against the wall.

She sighed,”We have to tell Mr. Donner then,” she said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

She hustled me down the stairs and we were about to tell Mr. Donner but we saw him as the door reading a telegram. He looked up with a grave look on his face and walked over to me. “I'm sorry dear,” he said sincerely and walked to the other room.

My heart thumped against my chest, I knew someone died, I just hope it wasn't the one I was thinking. I shakily opened the telegram and read it when my hand flew over my mouth. “Elizabeth what does it say?” asked Emily.

“Ben is dead,” I whispered looking at her.

“What?!” she exclaimed.

“Ben dead,” I said not believing it. Will really did kill Ben, he was serious.

“I can't believe it,” she said.

“It's to good to be true, it really is,” I said suspiciously.

“What do you mean? He's dead! Your free now!” she said happily.

“No Emily. Will isn't strong enough to kill Ben,” I said.

“He isn't?” she asked.

“No, not until the day of the full moon,” I said worriedly.

“I'm sure he's just fine,” said Emily.

“No, no this is all my fault!” I said.

“No it isn't! Will would have killed Ben either way. He loathed him more than anyone else, I could see it when he was around Ben,” she said.

“I'll be back,” I said quietly walking away and dropping the telegram to the ground. The telegram said that Ben's body was found in a ditch about two miles out of town. We were three miles away from town, so maybe, just maybe Will somehow got back here.

I knocked on Mr. Donner's study door. “Come on,” I heard him say.

“Mr. Donner I fear for Will safety,” I told him worriedly.

“Why is that dear?” he asked.

I told him about what happened two days ago and told him that he killed Ben. “Do you know where he is now?” he asked concerned.

“I have no idea,” I said shaking my head.

“This is not good. If the town found out about Will, they would kill him in a instant,” he said getting up.

“I'm sorry,” I said shaking my head. “My dear you were only protecting yourself and him. It's nothing to be ashamed of,” he said.

I nodded my head but felt terrible guilt in the pit of my stomach. He walked out of his office and I trailed behind him.

“Helen!” he called.

I saw Helen round the corner,”Yes Mr. Donner sir?” she asked.

“Please tell Tom to prepare a horse to go into town,” he said.

“Right away sir,” she said walking out the door.

“Should I come with you?” I asked.

“No dear just stay here in case he comes back,” he said.

I nodded my head,”My dear please do not think to much into what you did. Will care for you very much, he would have done it any way,” he said patting my head.

“Thank you,” I said quietly.

“I'll be back by dinner,” he said. I nodded and turned to walk to the drawing room to sit with Emily.

“Where did Mr. Donner go off to?” she asked watching me sit down.

“He went into town to see if he could find Will and find out more about Ben's death,” I said picking at my nails nervously.

“He's okay you know,” she said.

“Probably. I just feel so horrid about everything,” I said burying my head in my hands.

“Eliza, Will was going to do it anyways,” she said rubbing my back.

“I need to know he's okay Emily,” I said.

“I know you do,” she said.

I got up,”I'm going to look for him. “

Mr. Donner is already though,” she said.

“I know I just want to check the property,” I said looking outside.

It looked like more rain was moving back in, the wind was moving the trees around wildly. I walked off to the coat hanger and grabbed my overcoat to go outside. “Emily can you help please?” I asked her with pleading eyes.

“Of course,” she said getting up and grabbing her coat as well.

We walked out the back door and was hit by a wall of chilled air,”Oh my gosh,”I said holding the hood on my over coat up. I searched left and right but didn't see anything.

We walked down towards the guest house and didn't see any lights on, or any indication that someone went in there. I walked towards the stables and stepped inside taking my hood off and pressing my hair down. I looked in the stales and didn't see anything but the horses. “I guess he didn't come back here,” I said disappointed.

“He could just be hiding in the woods for now,” she said suggesting.

“I suppose,” I said stepping back out into the windy air and looking towards the woods. I searched hard and looked along the line of the woods when something caught my eye.

“Emily I see something!” I exclaimed.

She ran over next to me,”Where?” she asked.

I pointed were I saw it,”There,” I said squinting harder.

“I see it to,” she said. It didn't look like Will, I didn't know what it was.

“What is it?” she asked confused.

“I don't know,” I said. It turned and I saw the black fur that outlined it's yellow eyes and my eyes went wide,”Oh my god!” Realizing that it was Will but the sudden atmosphere of danger made me change thoughts quickly. “Run! It's Will but he's a werewolf!” I said quickly.

“Oh my god!” she said scared. We took off and she was running towards the house but I yanked her arm in the direction of the guest house, knowing Will wouldn't have locked it.

We ran to the door and I hastily opened the door and we rushed inside. My heart was thumping against my chest,”Grab a chair and place it under the door knob in case he spotted us,” I said going over to the window.

She nodded and grabbed a nearby chair and positioned it under the door knob tightly. “What are you doing?” she asked coming over to where I was.

“I'm watching him,” I said keeping my eyes on his wandering figure.

“He could see you!” she said worriedly.

“Emily I have to make sure he's okay,” I said looking at her momentarily. She sighed and continued to look out the window with me. I don't know how long we watched him before he finally came out onto the small field and slowly walked around limping. “He's limping,” I whispered to mostly myself.

“He must have fought Ben while he was a werewolf,” said Emily.

“Must of,” I said in agreement.

I watch him walk around his circles,”What is he doing?” asked Emily.

“I have no idea,” I said. He suddenly fell to the ground and I saw him try to get back up, then I realized he was transforming back to human. I quickly walked over to the door and shoved the chair out of the way. “Eliza where are you going?!” asked Emily.

“He's transforming back,” I said quickly. I ran as fast as I could to the field where I saw him fall. “Will!” I called. I didn't here him answer and it worried me more.

“Will!” I called louder, searching and staining my ears for any noise. I heard a faint grunt to my right and a snapped my head over and saw him laying a few feet away. I ignored the fact he was completely naked and took my overcoat off and place it over him. He wasn't unconscious but he wasn't with me fully either. “Will?” I asked examining his scratched up torso.

“Eliza” he said weakly. “Will! Thank goodness! Are you okay?” I asked. He grabbed my hand, stopping it from probing his face,”I killed him,” he said.

I sighed,”I know,” I said flatly.

He had gashes on his chest and arms and I notice a few bite marks scattered on him. “Will you need to me helped,” I said worriedly.

He only groaned in response as his eyes rolled lazily around. “Will stay awake!” I said quickly. His eyes fluttered open and closed before they shut. “Will!” I said loudly.

He didn't stir a inch, so I smacked his face. He jolted slightly,”What?” he asked confused. “Do not fall asleep! You hear me?!” I said.

”Y-yes,” he said barely audible. I heard Emily come running up behind me,”Good lord,” she said at the sight of Will.

“He and Ben really went at it,” I said worriedly.

“We have to get him back to the house,” she said.

“How? He's to heavy for use both to carry,” I said.

She grimaced thinking,”Do you think he can walk?” she asked.

“I don't know,” I said. “Will,” I said shaking him.

“Hmm?” he replied.

“Can you walk?” I asked.

“I don't know,” he said slowly.

“Can you try please? We have to get you inside somewhere,” I said pulling at his arm a little.

He grunted and sat up but something snapped loudly making Will yell out in pain. Emily yelped startled, covering her mouth. But I knew Will's transformation back to himself wasn't done.

I gripped his forearm,”Please Will,” I said showing every emotion I was feeling in my voice.

He groaned in pain and tried to stand, I helped him up. He stumbled into me, making me bit my lip in pain. Emily came up and steadied him; he took at step forward and his head rolled back. “Will stay with me!” I said trying to hold him up.

His head snapped back up and he continued to walk forward. It took us double the time it took us to run out to the field to get back to the guest house.

We basically crashed through the front door before he fell onto the couch. I walked over and grabbed the blanket of his bed and threw it over him.

“Emily can you go back to the house and see if Mr. Donner is back yet?” I asked quickly.

“Yes,” she said, jogging out.

I sighed and walked back over to his bed and grabbed the pillow he had.”Will sit up a little,” I said.

He only grunted in response and I sighed a little and walked back over. “Will,” I said.

“What?” he asked weakly.

“Lift your head,” I said and he did so. I placed the pillow under his head and moved the hair out of his face, looking at the sill bleeding marks on his head.

I walked over and grabbed a rag from a shelf and saw a water pump in the far corner of the house. I grabbed a bucket from beside the table and set it under the pump. I gripped the water pump lever and pulled it down.

Water came out and filled the bucket up half way before it settled to a drip. I dropped the rag in and lifted the bucket with my good hand and walked it back over to where Will was. I sat next to him on the edge of the couch and took the rag and rung it out before starting to dab the blood off his face. I continued this until I came to the worst bit mark on the base of his neck. A small pool of blood had settled it's way there.

I lightly pressed down and he winced, even though his eyes were closed,”I'm sorry,” I murmured quickly. I wiped the blood off and saw the fang marks Ben had left.

I internally winced at the sight of it and I continued to wipe his gashes and marks clean. I heard a couple pops and snaps and saw his face contort in slight pain. I felt so helpless, I couldn't do anything to help him and it was killing me
♠ ♠ ♠

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