Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon

Hidden Guilt

By the time I was finished, the clear water I had started with was red. I grimaced slightly at all the blood and got up to dump it out outside. I got up and carried the bucket and opened the door and poured it out onto the ground with my good hand and went back inside. I walked the bucket back over from where I got it and set it down and walked back and sat in a rocking chair across from the couch Will was on.

I sat down and I heard Emily come back into the house,”Mr. Donner is back and I told him what happened. He asked if you can stay and watch him,” she said.

“Yes of course,” I said. “Alright then,” she said. She paused,”How bad was it?” she asked.

“He's pretty beat up but I won't know for sure until he wakes up,” I said.

She nodded and walked back out; I sighed and leaned back in the chair and slowly rocked back and forth and before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.


“Eliza,”I heard some one say. I shook my head, thinking it was just a dream. “Eliza,” I heard someone say again.

“Huh? What,”I mumbled, still not coherent.

“Eliza,” I heard again but recognized it as Will. My eyes shot open and I rubbed the grogginess out of them.

“Oh! How are you feeling?” I asked getting up stretching. My shoulder protested but I ignored it. Bruising had taken hold of his face since last night and he just looked worse.

“I've been worse,” he said shrugging.

I almost retaliated but I just decided to keep my mouth shut. I pursed my lips and just stood there not really knowing what to do.”Do you need anything?” I asked.

“No but my cut on my shoulder is bleeding through the bandage,” he said pointing at it.

“I just put that on too,” I said fetching a wet rag to wash it off and replace the bandage. I walked back over and sat on the edge of the couch next to him and slowly peeled the bandage off. I set it down on the floor and started to wipe the blood carefully away. I was well aware that Will's gaze was on my face and I struggled not to look at him.

“It looks like it's going to get infected,”I said quietly putting the bandage on. I knew I needed to talk to him about what happened with Ben and I knew we needed to clear the air that seem pretty foggy between us.

“Something is bothering you,” he said accusingly.

“No,” I said stubbornly.

“Yes, something is. I can see it on your face,” he said looking at me.

His eyes burned into mine and I just couldn't keep quite about it any longer. “Why?” I asked.

“Why what?” he asked confused.

“Why did you kill Ben?” I asked gesturing heavily with my hands.

“Your seriously asking me that?” he asked confused.

“Yes Will, I am. You can just up and go kill someone out of spite,”I said but realized it almost sounded like I was defending Ben.

“I did it because Ben has been nothing but a complete nuisance in my life and he threatened yours and nobody gets to do that,” he said irritated.

“Will,” I said softly. “You being way to nice to me,” I said sighing guilty. He cocked an eyebrow at me,” I told you to leave and not come back for my selfish wish of making myself miserable,” I said sadly.

He opened his mouth to say something,”Don't even say that it wasn't my fault or I wasn't being selfish because Will, I was and you don't need to defend myself from my own accusation,” I said.

His mouth closed,”Your were miserable?” he asked.

I let out a dry laugh,”You have no idea,” I said emotionally. “And with what happened I feel so much more guiltier than I'm letting myself feel,” I said.

He stayed quiet for a minute,”You know at this point I would do anything for you,” he said.

“Will I think I figured that out when you killed Ben,” I said silently looking down.

“I know,” he said just as quietly. “Help me sit up,” he said.

“Will you have to stay down,” I said.

“No help me sit up,” he said in a harder tone. I sighed and helped him sit up and adjust the pillow behind him.

“Are you settled?” I asked.

He nodded,”How many more weeks or so until your birthday?” he asked.

I looked down,”One week,” I said. He didn't say anything,”What am I going to do Will?” I asked with tears of fear slowly welling up in my eyes. “I don't want to die,”I said with a few of them spilling over.

Will looked me with more sympathy for the both of us combined and wiped my tears away. “Don't cry,” he said.

I sniffled,”It seems as if that the only thing I can do right now,” I said.

“You'll be okay. I'm not leaving this time, not ever,” he said with determination.

I pressed my lips tightly together and nodded and without thinking I said it. “I love you Will,” I said and my eyes went wide and I slapped my hand over my mouth. His face went blank and his lips slightly parted,”I-I'm sorry,” I said shaking my head quickly. How did that manage to sneak pass my lips?

I got up but Will grabbed my wrist and he was about to say something but Emily burst through the door.

“They know! It's real this time, there's a crowd outside the house,” she said panicked.”Get him out of here while I hold them off,” she said running away to the house.

My mouth dropped as did Will's hand from my wrist. I raced over to to Will dresser and pulled out a random pair of pants and shirt and through them at him.

“Change,” I ordered and I heard him swing his legs off the couch and changed into the pants.

“Help,” he said grunting.

I turned around and went over to help him up,”It's going to be okay. We'll hide you and no one is going to get to you, I'll make sure of it. I'll come and give you the necessities you'll need and I won't leave you,” I said quickly.

Will just stared a me and then cupped my cheek and pressed his lips tightly to mine. It was swift and quick but it held more emotion to it than any other kisses I have had before. It was so fast, I didn't have time to respond to it.

”I'll be okay,” he said looking at me dead in the eyes. I let out a much needed breath and nodded. He smirked and pecked me one more time before he slipped his shirt on and walked out the door with my following closely behind. I unconsciously raised my fingers to my lips, which were still tingling. A blush made it way up my neck and to my face and I shook my head and tried to get back on the current matter.

I walked outside and saw Will walking up to the house and I jogged up to beside him.

“What are you going to do?” I asked worried.

“I don't know,” he said running a hand through his hair.

“Well you need to get out of here, and don't go to the house,” I said stepping in front of him.

“I need to get some things,” he said stepping around.

“I'll get them for you,” I said matching my pace with his again.

“No it'll only take a minute,” he said.

“Will no. It stupid and quiet frankly I don't think we need anymore stress and worry right now. Just go to the woods and I will get what ever it is you need and bring it to you,” I said.

He sighed,”It'll be fine,” he said groaning.

“Will look at yourself! Your far from fine!” I said gesturing to his ratty appearance and the cuts that littered his skin.

He stood there for a minute,”Fine,” he said giving up. “I'll meet you by the edge of the woods,” I said walking backwards towards the house. He waved me off and I smirked. I turned around and started up the slight hill.

I rushed into the house and could hear the yells and protest outside the house. I saw Mr. Donner sitting in the drawing room while I rushed by. I stopped and went back,”Are you alright Mr. Donner?” I asked.

He looked up,”I think so. How's Will doing?” he asked concerned.

“He's fine but he's injured. We're hiding him in the woods,” I said.

“Very well,” he said nodding.

“Everything will be alright,” I said encouragingly.

He smiled slightly,”Thank you dear,” he said. I smiled and turned to walk back to the staircase.

I quickly went up the stairs and grabbed some cloths from the closet. I rushed back down the stairs and went to the library. I searched the bookshelves and found the hidden lever and pulled on it. The door opened in the wall and I rushed down the steps. I walked down the hall and stepped down on the ground in the room. I looked around and saw a big wooden door on the other side of the room. I ran over and yanked it opened. I saw some clothes and a book. I grabbed it all and then I saw a huge sheet of cloth.

Time to be innovative Elizabeth.

I grabbed the sheet of cloth and dumped everything on it and then tied it up. It was like a sac, it would be much easier for him to carry if he had to be on the move. I never have been over in this part of the room but I looked around and saw blood stains on the floor and walls, along with scratch marks. I gulped, it looked like something was slaughtered down here. I closed the door and started towards the hall again. This time though, I stumbled to the ground. “No,” I said realizing that I was getting weaker. I got up shakily and grabbed the sac. I pushed myself to run back back up the steps, out the hidden door, and to the outside. I was gasping for air as I reached down by the stables and wanted to just rest so badly. I mentally told myself to keep going and started towards the end of the forest where Will was waiting. I ran up to the edge of the field and took a couple of breaths. I continued through the field and finally reached the edge of the forest.

“W-will?” I called out of breath. I saw him walk up from beside me and I almost jumped.

“Here...I got everything I-I could find,” I said still trying to catch my breath. I held the sac up with a shaky hand and I saw concern get etched into his face.

“What's wrong,” he said as a statement, not a question.

“Nothing...I'm just tired from running,” I lied. He didn't need to be worried about me any more than he was.

“You lying,” he said crossing his arms.

I can't get anything past him can I? I sighed,”I'm just getting weaker that's all. I'll be fine,” I said.

He sighed,”Thanks for getting the stuff,” he said. I smiled,”I just got some cloths and the stuff I found in the chamber. I also grabbed that huge thing of cloth to act as a sac. I figured you don't want to have to juggle all the stuff while your running,”I said.

“I will come back or find some way to tell you I'm fine,” he said. I nodded and looked down. I felt his hand more a few pieces of hair out of my face. “You have to promise me though, take care of yourself. If I come back to find you hurt again or bed ridden...” he said shaking his hand.

I snorted,”I'll manage Will. I'll be fine,” I reassured him.

He nodded,”Okay then,” he said. “Okay,” I said. He grabbed my chin and tilted it upwards and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull myself closer to him. His hand rested on the back of my head, his other on my waist. I could feel every emotion running through between us. I pulled away knowing he had to go.

“You need to go,” I whispered resting my head against him.

“I'll be back,” he said. I nodded, pressing my lips together. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes to savor the moment. I heard him run off and I snapped my eyes open and saw his figure retreat further and further into the woods.


It's only been two days since Will left and I felt as if a part of me went with him. I was worried every second of the day, with Emily's efforts to comfort me, failing. I was increasingly weaker as well. I couldn't go down the stairs without Emily's help. I felt so helpless, not for my health, but for Will's safety.

The protesters seemed to be living outside Mr. Donner's house. He's briefed them on the accusations saying that Will is harmless and the best precautions were taken when it was a full moon. People didn't have the sympathy though, they just continued to riot and hunt for Will. At night I would sit up in my bed and listen for anything to signal that Will was still alive. I didn't know how he was doing, where he was; I just needed to know. I was tempted to go out into the forest to look for him but I knew that eyes were peeled on the Donner house for any signs we were housing Will still.

It was night now and Emily and I were both in her room sitting on her bed. We've been talking about small things and I knew she wanted to talk about Will but she knew it was a sensitive subject for the time being. I did tell her however, that I told him I loved him. She didn't seem surprised by that, which I was thankful for.

“He never said it you know,” I said suddenly.

“Never said what?” asked Emily confused.

“He never told me he loved me,” I said.

She scoffed,”Oh Elizabeth it's more than obvious that he loves you,” she said.

“Why can't he say it though? I mean I said it, why can't he?” I asked annoyed.

“Eliza you have to think. Will's goal is to pretty much protect you, he's just protecting you from himself.” she said.

I sighed,”I know,” I said shaking my head. We remained silent for a couple of minutes,”I'm going to go to bed,”I said.

“Do you need help getting to your room?” asked Emily. “No I think I can handle it,” I said swinging my legs over he bed and slowly standing up. I gripped the bed to make sure I wasn't going to fall to the floor. “See I'm fine,” I said stepping forward.

She looked at me hesitantly,”Okay...goodnight then,” she said. “

Night,” I waved and walked out her door. Once in the hallway I put a hand on the wall to keep myself upright. I reached my bed room door and let go of the wall but only then did my bad shoulder clip the door frame. It rang in pain as I gripped it. I kept the line of words in my mouth and continued into my room and climbed into bed. I laid there and didn't hear a thing but the crickets and wind outside my window. I eventually fell asleep, not looking forward to the next day.

I awoke feeling like I weight a ton. I lifted my hand and rubbed my eyes to wake me up. I sat up and was dizzy. I stepped out of bed carefully and fell to the ground. “Dammit,” I cursed agitated. I gripped the bed and pulled myself up.

Getting dressed was a challenge and took me at least twenty minutes. Once dressed, I weakly made my way down the hall to Emily's room. I knocked and I heard a faint come in. I opened the door and saw her standing by the window. Her eyebrows were furrowed together in concern.

“Emily what is it?” I asked making my way over.

“There are a group of men gathered by the forest,” she said.

“What?” I asked instantly worried. I stepped up besides Emily and grabbed her arm. “I saw them there when I woke up but I didn't think anything of it until now,” she said. Sure enough their was a mob of men with pitch forks and gun's gathered around the edge of the woods.

“We have to alert Mr. Donner,” I said. My heart was beating fast and I gripped Emily as we tried to quickly make our way down to the dining room.

We found Mr. Donner sitting at the table reading the daily paper. “Mr. Donner there is a group of men gather on the edge of the forest,” I said quickly.

He set his paper down,”Is there?” he asked surprised.

“Yes,” I said completely worried out of my mind.

He got up,”I thought the mayor promised to keep the protesters off my property,” he said walking out the dining room and towards the back door. He opened it up and stepped out, with Emily and I right behind him. We saw them shouting and into the forest, their guns waving around in the air.

“What if they find Will?” I asked concerned.

“He'll be fine dear,” said Mr. Donner turning to me.

“I don't know. I have a bad feeling,” I said feeling uneasy.

Mr. Donner looked back towards the forest and all of a sudden a round of shots rang through the air. I gripped Emily tightly and she gripped my arm as well. “We got him boys!” we heard a man shout into the air.

“No!” I cried, clamping my hand over my mouth. Emily's eyes were wide with disbelief.

”No, no, no,” I cried shaking my head.

“Eliza it's okay,” she said gripping my tighter but I knew she was in complete shock.

I felt like falling to the ground,”No he's dead! They shot Will!” I said crying. “Those damn bastards shot him!” I screamed and tried to push Emily off me. She hugged me partly to comfort me and to keep me from trying to run out into the forest. I cried into her shoulder. It wasn't until then that I felt my world come crashing down around me.
♠ ♠ ♠

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Avec l'amour
