Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon

A Return

I sat alone in the cell I was tossed into. I don't know how long I've been sitting in here, but my joints were starting to lock up. My wound still had some blood seeping through the now dirty wrap Norman had done. It was cold and I could hear rats running around me.

The sun had went down not long ago, all that provided me to the outside world was a small barred window. Even with that, water leaked in because it was ground level.

I heard footsteps descending the stone steps. I perked up hopeful that maybe they would show some sympathy but I knew I was safest here from Ben.

A guard rounded the corner with something in his hands. I couldn't make out what was in his hands; he unlocked my cell door.

“A delivery has been made to you. Normally we are under strict rules to treat prisoners as such but someone out there wants to help you.” he told me, tossing a small pouch at me.

It landed on my lap, I looked at it silently. A quite thank you slipped past my lips as he locked my cell door back up.

“Don't thank me, thank some wicked women who paid loads to have it delivered.” he said exiting.

The only light came from the moon and the small lanterns hanging from the wall. It was just enough to read what fell out of the pouch and onto my lap.

I limply unrolled the small piece of paper and read in astonishment.

Dear Elizabeth,

If you are reading this, it means you got my delivery. I trust that the vile is safely wrapped up. It is important that you do not inhale, touch, or ingest the contents of the vile until absolutely needed.

Consider yourself lucky my dear because this is your one shot at my help. Yes it is in violation of your curse, but then again I'm allow to have loopholes aren't I? It is my curse I placed on you after all.

The liquid in the vile is a mixture of herbs and minerals that will give you your strength back but beware that the effects of it will diminish the more activity you do.

Use it wisely.

Madame Gould

A spark of relief ran through me as I let the vile drop out of the small pouch. It was wrapped in a dark silky fabric.

The liquid was a awful black color, it looked like it would kill someone if they drank it but I could trust Madame Gould. I hope I could at least.


I fell asleep by a miracle last night and woke to shouting. Actually a familiar voice was shouting, a voice that I didn't think I would ever hear again.


I saw a guard handling her, she was thrashing around. “You can't do this!”

“Emily!” I cried.

She immediately stopped thrashing around and looked at me with wide eyes,”Eliza?”

I nodded, ”I got away.”

The guard unlocked the cell door and threw her in, she landed with a thud.

“Bastard,” she mumbled. The guard ignored her and walked away after locking up.

She scooted over to me, hugging me tightly. “How did you get away! I thought you we be dead by now.”

“Well when I woke up, there was the man. His name was Norman and he helped me escape. He was working for Ben because he was going to get paid and his wife is expecting. So after some convincing and planning, he drove the carriage to the Town's Square. He started shouting I was cursed, I was arrested and brought here to be safe from Ben.” I said quickly.

“That's amazing! I got dragged out of the house and brought here for knowing you were cursed but didn't reporting you.” she said but then her facial feature suddenly shifted.

“What else Emily?” I asked awaiting.

“Mr. Donner as you know has been out on business for sometime now.” she started but paused, swallowing and looking away. “Eliza, Mr. Donner is dead I'm afraid.”

It hit me like a ton of bricks,”What?”

“He was in New York and suffered a rather massive heart attack but before the doctors could save him, he passed. I'm so sorry. I know he was like a father to you.” she finished quietly.

I started to shake,”I-I don't know what to say.” It started to sink in and I started crying. Harder and harder I cried, Emily did her best to sooth me.

“I've known since yesterday morning. A telegram was delivered while you were still asleep. I was going to tell you after we got done eating but then Ben came and I just couldn't Eliza.” she explained sniffling a little herself.

I didn't really hear her, I was in such shock. “I-I can't breath!” My breaths were shaky and hard. I couldn't get a grip on myself. Mr. Donner was dead.

“Just breath in and out. In and out.” Emily said motioning with her hand.

I obeyed but I didn't feel the slightest better. I swallowed and after some minutes, I started to settle down.

“This is horrible.” I breathed.

“I know. It took me I don't know how long to stop crying and put on a happy face for you yesterday.” she said wiping her tears away.

I didn't say anything after that. Neither of use did for I don't know how long. Hours maybe?

All that remained was a throbbing pain in my chest, reminding me that yet someone else I loved, was dead.

“What's this?” asked Emily holding up the vile and the letter.

“Read for yourself.” I shrugged.

I heard her mutter the letter to herself as she read. “This is great! Eliza this could help you so much!”

I smiled weakly,”I know. I just don't know when to use it.”

“Well don't until the right moment.” she said.

It was quiet for a few more moments before I started to talk again.

“Emily there's something else I have to tell you.” I started.


“When Norman and I were talking I discovered that Will is alive.” I said not believing I was even saying those words. They didn't sound right, like it wasn't true. I just needed to see for myself.

“I-wha-what?!” shrieked Emily.

“Yes,” I laughed slightly.

“How?” she said shaking her head in disbelief.

“Apparently werewolves are hard to kill. Ben has had him prisoner and is causing quite a stir,” I finished.

“Are you going to be able to somehow see him?” she said stretching.

“Oh I highly doubt it. I mean the chances of him being alive, it's impossible.” I sighed.

She adjusted sitting up against the cellar wall. “Norman though, he said was alive. You can trust him right?”

“Yes if I couldn't I wouldn't be here right now. He did also say that he saw Will for himself.” I mused.
“Well you can't argue that.” she pointed out.

“I suppose.”

I heard horses gallop passed the cellar window. I also heard the shouted orders of what sounded like the army.

Emily stood on top of the small bench and stepped onto the small ledge that rose up to the small window.

“What's going on?” I asked curious.

She looked around,” The army is riding around.”

“It's rather late for them to be patrolling,” I stated confused.

“No, they're lined up. They have their swords and guns. I think I see torches as well.” she said quietly.

“What are they up to?” I wondered.

“I have no idea but it doesn't look good.” she said hoping down off the ledge.

We heard the door from above open and a guard come rushing down. The keys in his hand were shaking as he rushed over to the cellar door.

“Orders were given to evacuate all prisoners. Consider yourselves lucky, we usually just leave them for dead.” he said opening the door.

Emily smartly gathered the vile and letter back up and stuffed into the pouch. She helped me up but I groaned in pain.

“What's the matter?” she asked.

“Ben stabbed me,” I said in between clenched teeth.

“Why?” she asked outraged.

“He needed my tears for the sacrifice but I can't cry on command so he stabbed my injured shoulder and that sure as hell made me cry.” I leaned against her as we made our way out behind the guard.

“That sick man, I swear if I was strong enough I would make him suffer.” she seethed.

“I should be okay but this shoulder is pretty much good as gone. I won't be able to have it function normally ever again I fear.”

“Hurry!” the guard ordered.

“We're trying,” responded Emily.

“I don't care if your friend her is dying. I have orders to have you two transferred over to the next town.” he said closing the jail door.

“Why?” I asked.

He sighed,”There's werewolf on the loose. The army has orders to kill that beast at all costs. All costs means destroying the town if needed, so you are being transferred.”

My heart sank. A werewolf? It could be Will.

I lagged behind the guard but I was trying my best to keep up. I just couldn't walk anymore.

The carriage used for prisoners was waiting in front of us. That's when I saw it though.

A werewolf standing at the end of the street, reeling up and howling at the moon.

I could have fainted right there and then. It had to be. The same pitch black fur and the scarily yellow eyes to contrast, stared down the street and right through me.

Will was alive.

Emily squeezed my arm tightly, knowing that I would give anything now just to run down to him.

Before I could stop myself, his name soared passed my lips and echoed through the deathly silent and empty street.

I always for get though, Will is not there. A werewolf is and right now he was running full speed, right at me, preparing for a kill.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa mama! I gained some subscribers and a comment!

Thank you so so much!

I would really like some more comments? It really makes my day when I see one.

Avec l'amour
