Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon


I awoke to the rushing of sea water trying to escape my lungs. I sat up, coughing and hacking on the water. I breathed heavily, uneven and short.

“Thank god,” I heard Emily say coming down to meet my at eye level. “I thought you were dead. You were so pale and cold Eliza.”

“I'm fine,” I croaked pathetically. My throat burned but what stood out was my body. It was sore, like I tripped and hit everything. I guess that is what happens when you fall off a cliff.

“Are you sure? You almost drowned, in fact you pasted from lack of oxygen,” I heard Will speak up from the other side of me. I didn't even realize he was there.

He was soaking wet. “What happened to you?” I eyed him.

“I dove in after you,” he replied like it was the obvious thing to do.

“You could have killed yourself! There are rocks down there.” I complained.

“I can take a lot more than you can,” he reminded me. Oh yes, being a Werewolf allowed him to take a blow fatal to me, but not to him.

“Well, are you alright?” I asked slightly concerned still.

“Absolutely. You are the other hand, hit the water hard. I won't be surprised if you have whiplash a little.” I moved my limbs around self consciously. “You should probably take it easy for a few days.”

Taking it easy in my hotel room was definitely not ideal. I just have to suck it up, I've been through way worse. “Will, honestly this isn't much compared to prior accidents. I'll be fine by tomorrow.”

He looked at me uncertain,”It'd be a miracle.”

“Emily, help me up please.” I raised my hand up towards her. She slowly pulled me up to my feet. I started to realize I was freezing cold, I couldn't help but shiver a little. I felt a little weak, but no enough to want to sit back down again.

“Well what are we waiting for? Are we riding still?” I asked, ready to just continue with the day.
“Eliza,” he started. He called me Eliza, I almost smiled. “I really think you should just go and lie down for awhile.”

“Will, I'm fine.” I spoke slower. It's just like Will to be to worried about people.

He sighed,”Fine, but if you fall ill, I'll just say I told you so.”

I grinned,”I'll hold you to that.” I started up the hill, back to the very top of the cliff. At first the climb was easy, but the steeper it got, the harder it was to keep walking.

I tried to keep my breathing normal, but it was hard not to breath hard, short breaths. “Eliza, are you doing alright?” Emily asked from behind me.

I turned and smiled,”Never better.” Such a lie.

Something wasn't right, I just felt weak and tired. I knew I should of stayed sitting for awhile but I wanted to ride around.

In a few short minutes, we arrived back at our horses. Getting back up on the horse looked like an all to familiar daunting task. “Do you need help?” Will asked, a certain look of he knew he was right, written all over his face.

This time, I didn't want my pride to get in the way, so I gave in. I sighed,”Yes, if you will.”

He smiled victoriously as I set my foot into the stirrup, and grabbed his hand, hoisting me up on to the saddle. “Thank you,” I said a little defeated.

“Don't mention it.” He walked over and got up onto his horse. “Ready?” He nodded in my direction.

I clicked at the horse a little, sending it into a walk. Emily rode up beside me, eying me like I was going to fall off. “Do I look that bad?” I asked, a little sarcastically.

“Yeah, kinda.” Collin rode past me. The first words he says to me, and he tells me I look bad. Emily has found herself a keeper; I slightly rolled my eyes at him.

I was sitting lazily on the horse, keeping it at a walk. I wanted nothing more at the moment than to take a nap. Collin rode further ahead of us, Emily not to far behind him.

Will hung back, riding beside me without saying anything. “Next full moon should be in three days.”

“Anything I should know?” I asked, wanting to know anything else that he hasn't told me. Of course I already knew everything about him.

“I should probably prepare you. I mean, transformations are different between the cursed. Mine compared to others could be more feral and painful, while others are lucky and have easy ones.” he explained. “Also, if this is to much for you because of what happened in the past, I can understand backing out.”

I shook my head,”No way, I'm determined to help you.”

“Good because I'm going to need it.” He sighed. For the first time since 'meeting' him, Will has looked vulnerable. I knew then I've was past the hardest part, gaining Will's trust.

For the next two days, I spent a lot of time with Will. He felt it was important for us to bond a little so that the transformation would go smoother. He's also informed me that Lucy has come down with a rather bad case of the stomach flu. Not that I'm complaining though.

Since my fall, I've felt a sore to be honest. My throat hurt badly the next day but it wasn't anything I couldn't power through. I mean it wasn't like a steep drop I took, it was probably a good 30 to 40 feet. I can admit I got lucky. I missed rocks, I could have broken bones very easily. It's a miracle I'm in such good condition. Maybe Madame Gould is looking after me, not wanting anything getting in the way of my task. For some reason though, I doubt she's giving me any sympathy points this time.

Emily and Collin have spend a considerable amount of time together. I'm fearing that she'll become to attached to him. She looked happy with him though, he the same.

Will showed me the ropes on preparing for his transformation. I acted like I didn't know what to expect from his transformation. I had to lie again about my past with my fake loves brother. I didn't want to stretch this lie out to far. If Will found out none of this was true, I would lose his trust for sure.

Right now I was sitting up in my hotel room, watching the rain come down onto the town below. Emily was humming quietly while doing her hair. Her and Collin were going to go out apparently, I could only be happy for her. She deserved it.

I hope the rain would let up, I don't want to get a muddy and wet. I wouldn't be heading over to Will's until sunset. From what I remember, his transformations started later into the night. It seems though that they are starting earlier with the seasons changing. Nights were coming earlier, so it gave him less time to prepare.

It was nearing around twenty after six o'clock at night. The sun was soon going through it's final setting point and I needed to leave soon. Emily came and stood in front of me,”Do I look okay?”

I very willingly let her borrow any of my dresses, she chose a light blue dress that buttoned up the front and had a white under cover to it. She really did look wonderful. “Beautiful.”

She smoothed out the dress nervously,”Are you sure? Is it too much, too under dressed?”

I got up and hugged her tightly,”I have a feeling he won't be able to keeps his eyes off you tonight.”

She sighed,”Thank you.” She released me,”What time will you be leaving?”

I looked at the clock,”Soon. I have a carriage arranged to take me at about a quarter to seven o'clock.”

She smiled at me,”Best of luck.”

I smiled almost sadly at her,”I don't like watching him transform though. It hurt to know that I can't do anything to help him.”

She squeezed my shoulders,”I have a feeling he'll feel much more comforted with you there than he ever has before,” she paused, “at least to his knowledge.”

I smiled,”Go, you'll be late.” She sighed and walked over to the door, quickly leaving.

I guess I should change dresses. I've been sitting around for some of the day, the dress I wore now was dirty.

I walked into my room and looked through the wardrobe picking out a dark blue dress, with a black jacket vest, that's collar came up around my neck; to button over it. It was somewhat chilly outside I knew.

After I finished putting the dress on and button up the jacket, I pinned my hair up since it would just get ruined from the heavy downpour outside. I did my best to cover up my tiredness and scar.

I checked the time again and I was running a little late. I got up quickly, cursing under my breath a little. I exited my hotel room and hurried down to the lobby.

I walked out of the doors and peeled my eyes for my carriage. I spotted it and hurried over, trying to keep out of the rain. The man waiting, opened the door for me. I mumbled a thank you and sat down, hoping to possible be there on time.

The carriage started its ride towards Will's and I couldn't help but think that tonight was going to be a long one.

The ride there I just thought about many different ways tonight could go. It could go rather well, or I could find some way to botch this up. The last thing I want to do, is lose the place I am at with Will now.

He trusts me enough to help him with his transformation. He's started talking about his past as well, how losing his Father was one of the moments in his life that forced him to grow up. He's also started to give me bits and piece about how he became a werewolf and how his cousin, Ben of course, was killed seven years ago.

I have him at a good spot. I just needed him to start loving me but I'm afraid with Lucy in the picture, that's near to impossible. He's crazy about her, if he talks about something that he wants to happen in the future, Lucy's name finds its way in there. It's hard to keep my composure and not shout at him that he has the wrong girl. That though, would go under the list of how to lose him.

The carriage stopped, I dazed out for the whole ride it seemed. The rain has let up a little but it was still muddy and spongy outside. The man driving the carriage opened my door, lending his hand out to help me down.

I took it and stepped out, thanking him and telling him to back here promptly at nine o'clock. I also truthfully said that it was just a estimation, that he may have to wait awhile. I couldn't be for sure.

I walked up to the door and knocked a few times. Helen opened the door not even a second later. “You're running late Miss.”

I stepped into the house,”I apologize, time seemed to moved faster than my wanting.”

She smiled politely,”Will is in the Library.”

“Thank you,” I replied. I headed towards the Library, walking in. Will sat in a chair, his leg bouncing a little while he read the paper. I knew he wasn't much a reader, he was probably trying to distract himself.

“Hello,” I greeted, walking up to him.

He looked up surprised, not noticing that I had come in.”Eliza, I didn't even hear you come in. Ready?” He set the paper down and stood up.

“As I'll ever be,” I smiled slightly. He grinned and walked over to the bookshelf, pulling the lever to open the door in the wall.

“Ladies first,” he gestured. I knew he didn't mean it formally. I have to admit though, this Will was more tamed than the Will I knew. I wondered if he would lighten up more, speak his mind like he use too. He wasn't afraid to defend himself or the others around him. I knew he was in there but right now, I could only wonder where that part of him was.

I walked down to the base of the steps and down the hall to the main chamber. Will was close behind as he almost immediately went over the chains that were tightly bolted into the concrete ground. I walked over and started clasping the cuffs together around his wrists. I double checked to see that they were locked.

I backed away and sat down to rest on the ground. “Nervous?” I asked, seeing his eyes darting around a little.

“Slightly,” he seemed to chuckled a little. “No matter how many times this has happened, I will always remain to be nervous before hand.”

I shrugged,”I would be worried if you weren't.”

“How about you?” He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him.”Are you nervous? It's been a long time since you've assisted with a transformation.” He cleared.

I shook my head,”A little but it's normal feeling I suppose. Witnessing a transformation should make me nervous. It's unpredictable.”

“The transformations for some reason have been getting tougher to get through. It use to be a quick, very painful change. Now though, it seems to drag out forever.”

I remembered what Mr. Donner told me about how the transformations would start to take a toll on him. “Well I'll just report back what I see. Sometimes it could just be a mind over body situation. It could be a completely normal change but in your head it could just seem to last forever since you've done it some many times.” I suggested.

He was about to respond but he let out a strangled grunt, he heaved a little. I heard some shifting going on, waiting for a break to occur.

A disgusting crack came from his right shoulder, the head of the humerus shifted out of socket as his elbow snapped forward, his entire arm was grossly deformed in a matter of seconds.

Sweat quickly accumulated on his forehead, I grabbed the cloth next to me. I knew I would need it, it was the least I could do.

I scooted forward and dabbed his forehead quietly. His breathing was heavy and wheezy but he found a way to speak. “You seem unfazed. I was expecting you to purge at least,” he managed to joke a little.

I smiled slightly,”I have a stomach made of steel. Besides, this isn't my first time seeing this remember?”

My smiled quickly disappeared as his torso turned unnaturally, the tearing of skin being audible to my ears. I gulped, that actually got me a little nauseous thinking about the pain.

I knew I had to keep my distance, no matter how hard it was to do. I gripped the cloth as I watch his transformation quickly starting to take place. Will suddenly stood, I almost got up but something in my gut told me to stay down.

He fought a little against the chains, bits of cement fell to the floor. His left ankle turned his foot almost all the way around, snapping as his tibia jabbed through his skin as if it were paper. I could see the muscle hanging slightly out of his body, not only where his tibia once stood solid, but anywhere from his arm down to where his torso just tore. He was bleeding heavily, he didn't seem to notice though. A low growl caught my attention.

“Will?” I asked worried, his head snapped up at me. He bared his fangs at me, his eyes a piercing yellow.

This was different, very different. He was transforming much to fast than I remembered. His back snapped and popped as I saw the tips of his vertebra stick up against his shirt. His ribs snapped next, it seemed all of them did at the same time. He yelled in pain at first but it was quickly replaced by a howl.

His shirt became ripped, as his blood soaked body fell to the ground. His feet stretching much more than his skin and bones could handle. Claws started replacing his fingernails, and fur started to sprout from the pores in his arm.

I could only stare shocked and scared. This was furthest I've ever scene him transform. I knew then that I had no clue what I had gotten myself into. This was much more quick and bloody than I've ever scene it happen before. My body was warning me to get out of there, danger was shadowing over the Will standing before me, but for some reason I just couldn't seem to look away. I couldn't leave.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually was really into writing this chapter. Please comment? I love hearing anyones feedback on chapters. I also want to thank everyone who's commented lately, it's mean so much to me!

I'll try updating during the weekend possibly, I've been getting busier and busier with school, I'm getting really tired from it. Writing while I'm tired kinda looks like drunk texting, it just doesn't make any sense. I wouldn't want that to happen, so I'll try my best to keep this going every few days to a week updating routine going.

Comment, subscribe? Don't be a silent reader!

Avec l'amour
