Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon


The day after the hybrid fiasco, Will was understandably held up in his house all day. He had Helen carried off to the town morgue the minute he got home and bleached the entire kitchen almost obsessively. He told me it was to late to cancel the gathering with it less than two days away. He would have to hire help for the gathering. It wouldn't be quite the same without Helen there.

“Stop fidgeting, you look beautiful.” Tommy told me as the carriage took us to Will's. It's been so long since I've been to one of these business gathering ordeals, I'm afraid my manners are going to be a bit rusty.

“I'm not worried about my dress or my hair. I'm worried about Will's business partner's, I'm not as proper as I use to be.” Tommy was dressed up, looking actually pretty handsome.

“I'm sure you'll be fine.” Tommy patted my hand to stop me from picking at my dress. “On another note, what's our plan tonight?”

Tommy and I were still together in Will's presence. I just couldn't fake it anymore, I would feel much to guilty after Helen's death and his guilt right now. One of his closest friends lying to him should be the least of his worry's right now.

“I don't know, Tommy. It wouldn't feel right.” I told him honestly.

“Don't you want to make him jealous thought?”

“I want him to tell me on his own terms. I don't want to force it out of him, it wouldn't be fair.” I've dug myself in a hole now, I'd have to tell him eventually that it was fake. He'd probably feel a little hurt, hopefully he would just laugh it off? No, I don't think he will.

“In that case, he's very lucky to have you.” Tommy smiled. “If were going to end it, we should go out with a bang.”

I couldn't help but laugh a little,”What do you have in mind? A proposal?” I joked.
“That's exactly what I had in mind.” Tommy smiled mischievously.

My face turned serious. “No way, that would be so public. I couldn't reject you in front of everyone.”

“But if Will saw you reject him, maybe he would see it as a opportunity.”

“Opportunity or not, it'd be pointless to do if I had to explain to Will that we were fake all along.” I chimed. I didn't want that type of attention anyways.

Tommy sighed,”Alright, no proposal. We'll just do a boring break-up.”

“Thank you.” We pulled up and the carriage driver opened the door and helped me step out. The doors to the house were wide open, letting people flow into the house. I was under the impression this was a smaller more business like gathering, I was misunderstood.

“This is quite the gathering.” Tommy whispered to me as we entered the house arm in arm.

“This isn't like Will, he hates huge gatherings like this.” A man came up and asked for my overcoat, I shrugged it off and handed it to him. I was relieved to see that I wasn't overdressed, nor under-dressed.

“I wonder how he's handling it then.” Tommy led me towards the library where were suppose to me Emily and Collin.

We enter into the library and it was more hushed in here than it was out there. I spotted Emily and Collin towards the back of the room. To my surprise Lucy was there, her arms hooked around who I was assuming was Daniel.

“Eliza, Tommy.” Emily greeted as she came up and hugged me. I'd filled her in on what happened with the hybrid and Will. At first her pregnancy hormones took over and she got all teary eyed and worried, the next second though she was sure it was a sign that Will is more in love with me than I think that he could be close to at this moment. In all honesty, I think Will isn't quite in love with me yet. First time around, I could just sense it. I'm sensing something this time around.

“Lucy,” I stepped forward and she formally kissed both my cheeks. Yes, I forgot about that stupid greeting ritual.

“Eliza, this is Daniel, my fiance.” She introduced. He held his hand out and I grasped it, shaking hands with him.

“It's nice to put a name to a face.” Daniel smiled. He seemed like an all around business man, yet he looked to boyish for that world.

“Same to you.” I graciously responded.
Conversations were triggered and I was found not in one. I stood, memories of going to those conferences with my mother played out in my head. I felt like I was oddly enough at home, in my natural habitat. It didn't mean that I was enjoying it though, the feeling was just as mutual as before; I couldn’t wait to get out of here.

Tommy tilted his head close to my ear suddenly,” I don't think we have to worry about an opportunity for Will to make his mind up because he can't take his eyes off of you.”

I gave him a look and he just jumped back into the conversation he was in. I turned slowly to see what Tommy was talking about and met eyes with Will who was making his way towards us. I walked over to meet him halfway.

I stopped in front of him. “Quite the gathering you have here.”

He slightly scoffed and looked around a little. “I don't know half the people here.”

I smiled at the confession. “I don't either, I'm sticking around the only people I know.”

“It was suppose to be a small gathering but people wanted to bring guests and then those guests wanted to bring there own. It was out of my hands before I could give the okay.” He looked down and swirl the drink in his glass a little.

“Well at least the business men you don't want to talk to are already preoccupied.” I shrugged a little.

He nodded his head, the small talk dying out. “You look beautiful by the way, I just thought you should know.”

I couldn't control the slight and rare blush that crept up onto my face. “Thank you, it was all Emily's handy work.”

He was about to say something when I felt a hand place itself on the small of my back. “Sorry to interrupt but do you think I can steal her for a moment.”

Will nodded at Tommy, “She's all yours.”

Tommy led me away and I turned to him irritated. “We had something going!”

“Precisely, leave them wanting more.” Tommy glanced behind us slightly. “He'll think about you the entire time you're gone, I guarantee it.”

I grumbled a little. “You better be right.”

“Besides, I think now would be a good time to do our break-up.”

“Why now and not later? We just got settled.” I questioned.
“Because if we break-up now, Will can comfort you the rest of the time. It's a given opportunity.” Again with the opportunities. Why can't we just let it happen?

“No, let's just go back to talking to everyone. I was having a nice time.” I started to turn back but Tommy caught my wrist and turned me around.

“No, you owe me. I'm doing this out of pity mostly.” He snapped suddenly.

“What?” I contorted my face in confusion.

“I said I'm doing this out of pity. Who can't hold a guy they have down? It's pathetic really.”

That irked me a little. “What is your problem?”

“I don't have a problem. If anyone has problems you do, you are the abomination after all.”

My cocked my head back, offended. “You know that I couldn't help my curse! I've been paying for it everyday since I found out!” I hissed at him, trying to keep my voice low.

“You can make excuses Eliza, but let's be honest here; you may have gotten him the first time around but there's no way the second time around. You're the bottom of the socialite pyramid and he doesn't even know it. Your mother should of killed you when she got the chance.” His voice was hushed but it was low and biting. I couldn't believe that Tommy was saying all of this to me.

My hand flew and punched him straight in the nose. “Don't you dare speak a word against my mother! She was more of a victim that I was!” I couldn't control not shouting the last sentence.

He cupped his nose, trying to stop the blood from trickling out. My overflowing emotions started to leak through when I couldn't catch my breath. Everyone in the room was staring at me in alarm, wondering how this crazy girl got in here. More likely at my absolute unladylike reaction to punching him, but I wasn't going to slap him. That would have been to nice.

I did the only thing that I wanted to do and left. I pushed past the other man blocking my way, making him spill his drink. I had to get out of here, I felt my eyes fill with tears as I quickly reached the front door. At least the people out there didn't know what just happened.

I paced for a minute when I stepped out on to the porch but went to the bench in the corner and hung my head in my hands. “Don't worry, I'll leave without a scene.” I heard Tommy's voice. I looked over and saw two men escort him out, watching him as he walked down the steps.

He pasted right in front of me and looked at me. He was blocked by the one of the columns and he turned his gaze to me and smiled, mouthing,”I'm sorry.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and just stared after him. It took a minute or two but it dawned on me then and I felt absolutely foolish for not realizing it as it happened. Tommy got his big ending like he wanted, we went out with a bang. I shook my head and ran my hand under my eyes. I sniffled, getting a grip on myself. He was so convincing, it still made me mad at what he said and the fact that he got a rise out of me, something that you never see.

“Eliza?” Will walked up and sat down next to me. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath to settle myself.

“I'm fine, I'm fine.” I waved my hand lazily.

“What happened? Did you hurt you? I couldn't hear what he was saying but I could just tell he was asking for his as-”

“Will, I am fine. I won't be seeing him again.” I looked down, wondering if now would be the time to do it. It I wanted Will to come to me naturally, it couldn't be covered with lies.

“I never liked him anyways, he was always to happy. I won't tell you I told you so though, that'd be rude.” He rambled.

“It's fine, you were right.” I paused. “Will there's something I need to tell you.” He raised his eyebrows, unknowingly waiting for me to possibly demolish any trust he had for me. “It was a fluke.”

“What was?”

“The whole relationship, Tommy and I were never together.” I admitted, I couldn't look at him. I felt ashamed.

“But what about what just happened in there-”

“He pretty much ambushed me, he wanted to get a rise out of me. I realized it when he was escorted out. It was our way of breaking up.” I air quoted breaking up.

“So that whole time that you two were holding hands or kissing, it was all fake?” Will looked hurt like I expected.

“Yes.” I hung my head towards the ground.

“Why? Why did you fake a relationship?”

“When I think about it, it's pretty childish of me; I did it to make you jealous. It's stupid really, it was Emily's idea. After the first time that we went over to your house I didn't feel right about it but they convinced me to keep going.” I dug my foot into the ground.

“Why would you want to make me jealous?” He leaned against the railing of the porch and I stood up and saw that we were the only ones on the porch.

“Because.” I answered, unexpectedly becoming self-conscious.

“Because?” He motioned his hands for me to further explain.

I sighed heavily, seriously he can't figure out why someone goes out of their way to make someone else jealous? “You really can't figure it out? Why do people make other people jealous, Will?”

He raised his eyebrows at my annoyed tone and he stayed silent. I quickly grew agitated, “Are you really going to make me say it?” I snapped at him.

“Say what? Eliza, I don't know what you're talking about.” He retorted with as just much irritation as I did.

“Oh my god, are you this vapid?! Christ, Will! I love you okay? That's why I was making you jealous, it was because I love you and I wanted you to do something because I know you feel something but you're just to damn stubborn to admit it and you're still hung up on Lucy! Who by they way is engaged, you should really get off this self-loathing attitude and get over it.” I huffed angrily.

He face was in a mix of shock and confusion but eventually he went painfully quiet. So I continued my rant.

“Why do you think I risk my life every full moon and always go above and beyond to make sure that you're alright? You already knew that I felt something, you had to have.” I calmed down and pinched the bridge of my nose slightly. This is not how I wanted this to happen.

I could see him grit his teeth and he looked away, for some reason unable to make eye contact with me. We just stood still for minutes before I started to feel the guilt sink in. I shouldn't have unloaded this on him, not tonight. “Will I'm-”

“No,” he held his hand up to stop me from talking. I shut my mouth immediately.

“Just forget about it. I need to get back.” He walked off but he turned slightly. “You know what, no.” He walked back to directly in front of me.

“If you would have just told me that before this all happened, maybe this would have turned out differently. I hope you're satisfied because it worked, I was jealous. You betrayed my trust though, I don't know how honest you are anymore. I” He took a deep breath, clenching his hands into fists. “You should leave before I lose it.”

I wanted to apologize over and over again as this time he actually walked back into the house and I could tell one more word from me and he would lose it, just like he said. I just groaned and went over and sat back down on the bench. Someone sat down next to me not a minute later. “What happened?” Emily asked quietly.

“It was a disaster. I messed this up Emily, I told him and he just walked away. He's so mad at me.” My chest ached, the last thing I wanted was to hurt him but it was unavoidable with what I did. He must feel foolish, I wouldn't blame him.

“He'll come around, you guys are literally soul-mates.”

“Then why do I have to work for it almost twice as hard the second time around. Why can't it just dawn on him finally so I can just return to normalcy, so I can just be happy?” It was like Madame Gould wanted me to fail.

“Like I said, he'll come around. I mean it's Will, you know him inside and out.” Emily's efforts to cheer me up only brought me down further. This Will was different, he was more mature or just more stubborn.

“You didn't see the look on his face, the distrust and hurt. How do I get him to forgive me after something like that?” I sighed.

Emily hugged me tightly. “I should have never suggested it, it was bound to be a bad plan from the start.”

“No, don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault at all. I would have helped Tommy regardless, who I need to find.”

“About that, what did he say to you? I've never seen you react like that before.” Emily held me at arms length, looking concerned.

“He wanted to break-up, that was our plan tonight. But against my wishes, he made a scene out of it and he told me I was an abomination, that my mother should have killed me when I got the chance. I didn't realize he didn't mean a word of it until he was escorted out.”

“Even for not meaning it, that's harsh to hear.” Emily frowned.

“It's fine, at least I don't have to pretend anymore.” I stood up. “I should go, Will wants me gone.”

“Gone? He asked you to leave?”

“He's really mad at me Emily. Besides, I'd rather not be here anyways, not after the scene that unfolded.” She walked me down the carriage.

“Alright, I'll see you when I get back to the hotel then.” She gave me a quick huge and departed.

The driver held the door open for me but I realized that I have forgotten my overcoat. “Excuse me, I forgot my overcoat.”

He nodded as I went back up the stairs into the house. I just wanted to get in and get out, the dramatic fallout in the Library had probably spread throughout the entire party by now. The man who took my overcoat when I first arrived pointed me in the direction of where I would find mine, he was preoccupied with other people at the moment it looked like.

I knew where he was getting at, they were in the guest bedroom where I stayed after my mothers attack on me. I walked up the stairs and into the guest bedroom and saw the all the coats neatly hanged or layed out on the bed. I spotted mine and walked over, buttoning it on.

Walking down the steps, I had a few people staring at me but most didn't even know I was there. I muttered a thank you to the coat man and adjusted my overcoat but the next step I took forward, Lucy cut me off. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I was just leaving.” I told her, trying to step around but she stopped me once more.

She lowered her voice so I had to strain my ears to hear her. “Emily told me about what happened, I'm sorry.”

“It's alright. If anything I'm sure my dramatic scene will be out of everyone's head in a few days.” I smiled at her pitying look.

“I wasn't talking about that.” She clarified.


“If you want I could talk to him, try to bring him around?” She offered kindly.

“No.” I looked behind her and was almost startled to see Will sending deathly look in my direction, I quickly averted my gaze. “I think he just needs to be left alone, the emotional wound is fresh and you know how men are.”

“Oh, alright if you say so.”

“Thank you though, it was greatly appreciated.” I thanked her, knowing that it would just make everything worse if Lucy went to talk to Will about this.

She let me pass and I wanted nothing more than to go back to the hotel and wallow in guilt.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't realize how much I wrote until I was done, so yeah it's a little longer than usual. I'd like to apologize to the cringe worthy "I love you" paragraph. I thought it was pretty good but god knows I'm horribly awkward at writing those romantic, mushy scenes. This wasn't one of them but there's a reason why I don't have a lot of "moments" written in here somewhere.

Whatever, I'll shut up now. I can see this story having about 10+ more chapters to go, we'll just have to see how it plays out.

Drop a comment y'all.

Thank you to the beautiful people who subscribed and commented!

Avec l'amour
