Status: The epilogue is up and posted. Thanks for reading, lovelies!

Blue Moon


“No,” I muttered as Will bickered with me.

“Why not? Just tell me; you can spare the gory details though,” he tried to reason.

I turned around to face him. We were currently in town, witch hunting. Will was bombarding me with questions of the life he thought was real only a week ago.

“Will, I just-,” I faltered. There wasn't any reason why I couldn't tell him, “I'll tell you later. For now I just want to find a witch.”

He looked like he wanted to say something but he just nodded and took my hand into his own. He led me down the busy street further, knowing that I didn't want to continue the conversation any further.

It's not like I didn't want to talk to him about it, it's all how he's going to feel about it. He'll feel guilty, it'll just eat him up. I can't lie to him either, I wouldn't do that to him. I don't know how much he remembers, for all I know I could be his only lifeline back to that life. I wonder if he remembers Lucy? Specifically how he felt for her. I was extremely lucky to have Will, to have this chance with him again. I just hope everything can pan out, can go back to the way it use to be. Oh how wonderful that would be.

“We've checked just about everywhere,” Will stressed, “we could always go check the black market.”

I tensed just the slightest, “Do you really think that there would be any witches there?”

“Possibly, they wouldn't have to hide out there,” Will looked down at me. I could make out the hidden, desperate look. He really wants to find a witch.

“Let's go tomorrow? I'm a little tired of walking,” I smiled meekly.

“Sure,” he kissed my hair. I smiled up at him but as he turned away, my smile faded. He must not remember what happened. How do I tell him I was almost raped? Surely he would have to remember something like that? If he did, the black market would be more than out of the question. There was more work to this than I expected, I was prepared to have him asking questions. How do I tell him he was almost engaged to Lucy? How do I reminded him of all the events that happened?

It was after dinner and all was calm in the house. Will has been going back and forth from his house to mine all week. He usually leaves around this time. I chewed on my lip slightly, thinking about when I should tell him. I wanted to just get it out of the way.

I walked to the spare bedroom where Will resides most nights. I saw him lying down on the bed, his eyes close but his breath was uneven. He was probably just thinking.

“Are you leaving soon?” I asked quietly, probably giving away my nervousness.

His eyes opened and he propped himself up slightly, “Eventually, I'm just tired from today.” He got up after a minute and walked over to me, leaning against the other side of the door frame.

“You can stay the night,” I proposed. He pretty much lives here.

“As long as you stay with me,” he smiled slyly.

I looked down at my feet and smiled a little, trying to hide the rising blush forming on my face. I kicked his shoe with mine, silently wondering if I really needed to talk to him about it now.

“What's bothering you?” He asked knowingly, inching closer to me.

“How much do you remember? I mean, I really want to help you remember but there's just so much,” I stressed.

“Bits and pieces, mostly just small chunks but never a full memory,” he sighed.

“Come on,” I took his hand and led him over to the bed and I sat down, bringing him down with me. “What do you want to know?”

Will thought for a moment, “How did we meet?”

I smiled, “You remembered Emily for some reason. When we planned a visit, I posed as her cousin and from then on we became good friends.”

“I remember another woman, she had blonde hair. I feel like we were I was in love with her,” Will looked at me sorrowfully.

“You were, her name was Lucy. She's very nice, doesn't have a mean bone in her,” I reassured him as I spoke about her. I could tell he was already feeling badly as I told him about how hung up on her he was. “Don't feel guilty, if you had end up with someone else besides me, I would have happily chosen her.”

“Are you friends with her?” Will asked a little surprised.

“Yes, I couldn't hate her for something she had no control over. When I showed up she was just living her life with you, she handled it with grace, never evilly.”

“I would like to meet her, if that's okay with you,” Will slowly asked.

“Of course, she's a close friend now. Collin is actually her brother, so you would be seeing her around eventually.”

“I remember being friends with Collin, I also have an odd memory,” he stopped, squinted his face a little in thought,” it's of you.”

“What memory is it?” I asked curious.

“It's raining and you're almost hysterical, I've never seen you so broken before but I can't remember what broke you,” he shook his head.

I shut my eyes, if I told him he would never go to the blank market and he would never find a witch. I had to though, I owed it to him. “I'm surprised you don't remember. It was, well, painful.”

“You don't have to tell me,” he grabbed my hand in his own.

“No, I do. If I don't it wouldn't be right,” I sucked in a deep breath,” I went to the black market, looking for a witch. It was an idiotic decision really, going there by myself. I was molested, pretty viciously and it really broke me. It still haunts me, what could have I done differently to avoid it? You were the first person I saw and you were relentless with trying to help me but honestly I couldn't be helped. It was hard to get over it but I did and now it's just a bad memory.”

“Eliza-,” Will started, but instead he just embraced me tightly. I just held on to him, knowing that he was holding me for him more than me.

“I can tell you anything else when the time comes, it would take me forever to covering everything,” I said as he let go.

“Alright,” he nodded.

I gave him smile and rose up from the bed, preparing to leave. He grabbed my hand and turned me around. “You think you're leaving after telling me that? Besides, you're staying with me tonight, remember?”

I could only smile and let him guide me down next to him. He held me close as I had my head rested on his shoulder. I could get use to this.

“I love you,” he turned to face me.

“I love you too,” I told him, not a doubt in my mind. I realized it then, Will's life before is not his life now. Those memories can't change who we are anymore. I had nothing to worry about, all I could do is live my life with him now and I couldn't wait.
♠ ♠ ♠

No, I'm just kidding..there's no way that would be the ending.

Wow, guys, I give you permission to tie to a stake and burn me, I deserve it. I did the thing that I hate, I didn't update for two months! I'm sorry, I really am.

Here's a list of pathetic excuses that are totally overused but are completely true:

- I started college and I'm getting the hang of it but I have homework again and I'm trying to find the time to write.

- I had writers block, probably the worse I've had in awhile.

- I honestly wasn't going to write until I felt like it, which I still kind of don't but I had to update with something.

- I'm a hypocrite, I really am.

Yeah, I really want to keep writing this but right now I just don't want to write. I don't know when I'll update next, it would be tomorrow or some weeks from now.

I don't know.

Don't take that as an excuse to unsubscribe though! I will finish this story, even if it takes forever.

I love you all, thank you for putting up with my lazy college ass.

Comment if you want, it would be awesome! Who knows, maybe some comment will inspire me to write?! Subscribe too!

Avec l'amour
