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She Doesn't Believe In Love

There Was A New Girl In Town

Alex P.O.V.


My annoying alarm clock rang over and over. I groaned and trued hitting the alarm but failed miserably. Now fully awake thanks to my alarm I sat up and unplugged the clock. I rubbed my eyes and sighed before I got up from my comfortable bed. It was my final first day of school. Thank God who knows how much longer I could last in school. I went straight into my bathroom across the hall and undressed myself.

After turning on the water and I was satisfied with the temperature I stepped in. The warm water against my skin felt nice but I couldn't stay in here for ever. I rushed through my shower and walked back into my room where I found Jack sitting on my bed. "Good morning Alex!' He yelled. "Dude shut up it's way too early. Can you get me some jeans?" I asked Jack as I went to find some boxers and a shirt. I dug in my drawers and found some boxers and slipped them on. While I was looking for my Blink-182 shirt I felt something hit my head.

"Thanks Jack." I replied sarcastically. "You're welcome dude now hurry up we have to meet the guys." Jack whined. "I'm going just let me get a pen and a paper." I said as I pulled on my pants and looked for my supplies. I walked down the stairs with my paper and pen in hand and went outside to find Jack in the driver's seat of my car. "No Jack! Get in the passengers seat I actually want to make it alive!" I yelled. He pouted but I still didn't budge. jack huffed and moved to the passenger's seat. I loved the guy like my brother but when it came to driving that was another story.

Soon enough we were at school, after we parked we walked inside to see Rian and Kara waiting for us. "Rian! Kara!" Jack yelled as he jumped on both of them. They groaned and tried to push them off but jack wouldn't get off. "Jack seriously if you don't get off I will chop your balls off!" Kara yelled. jack got up as fast as he could and hid behind me. "Alex don't let the mean girl chop my balls off please." I laughed and looked around the hallways to see some familiar faces and some faces that I would rather not see.

"Guys let's go stalker at two o' clock." I whispered yelled. All three of them looked around and instead of waiting for them to figure out where that was I ran off without looking where I was going. I felt a body collide against mine and suddenly we were both on the floor. "What the hell is your problem?" A soft voice said. "I'm sorry I wasn-" I didn't get to complete my sentence because what I saw wasn't a girl. No, she couldn't have been. She was too beautiful. I started at her while I helped her up.

She had dark brown wavy hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a New Found Glory t-shirt and jeans, and her feet were adorned with a pair of converse. "Um hello? Is someone in there?" She asked. I snapped out of my trance and tried to remember my name. Oh um, I'm sorry for knocking you over. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you new here?" I rambled on. "Yes, I'm new and I really should get to class." She said. "Well where are you going I can help you if you want."

"No I'll be fine it's okay." She said and she started to walk away. "Wait I didn't get your name?" I shouted as she continued to walk off. "Who says I want you to know my name?" She shouted back. I don't know who she is or what her name is but I think I'm in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm starting a new story.
But I will go back to my Jack story I'm just a little stuck and I'm not getting enough comments.
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It's the sequel, read the prequel if you wish :)
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