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She Doesn't Believe In Love

We Wake Up With Headaches, And Trouble Remembering...

Ellie P.O.V.

I woke up to music blaring. The drums were loud, and I could hear the guitars and bass equally. Then I heard the lyrics with a familiar voice.

I know she hopes I choke on this last drink,
drop dead before my influence gets to her head...
She said, "I'll love you forever, or find something better.
It's all just the same as when we sleep together.
We wake up with headaches, and trouble remembering
what went wrong..."

It was catchy but I didn't know who it was. When I was finally awake I realized I wasn't in my room or any familiar room in general. I looked around the room and saw blue walls with Blink, and New Found Glory posters. The music continued playing until it came to a stop only for another song to begin. I found my shoes and walked out the bedroom and looked out the hallway. There was no one there but the music was louder. I was determined to find the source of the music so I followed it downstairs. There was no one home so I continued to walk until I found a basement door.

The music seemed to be coming from the basement so I opened the door and walked down the stairs. I peeked around the corner and saw Jack rocking out on his guitar while Alex sang and played. There was another guy on bass singing vocals. He had long black hair and looked about the same size of Alex and Jack. I peeked a bit further and saw Rian on the drums. None of them seemed to notice me so I just watched them practice their songs.

When they came to a halt they high fived each other and took out their water bottles. "Dude did you ever finish the song?" Rian asked Alex. "No, it's just not right yet, I need more time." Rian nodded and then Jack tackled Alex to the ground for no reason. "Dude!" Alex yelled they continued to yell and I decided to make my presence known. I walked to the bottom of the stairs until I was in their vision. The dark haired boy was the first to notice my presence. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm um Ellie and you?" The boys stuck out his hand as he smiled at me. "I'm Zack. I smiled at Zack and Alex and Jack suddenly stopped fighting. "ELLIE!" Jack yelled as he pushed Alex off him and ran towards me. He hugged me tightly and even though he was sweaty I still hugged back. "You're finally awake!" He yelled. I laughed and pulled away. "How long was I asleep?" I asked. "Since we got to the school." Alex replied. "Wow what time is it now?" "It's eight." Rian spoke up. "I've been asleep that long?!" I exclaimed. Alex simply nodded and chuckled."So who's house is this?" "Mine!" Rian exclaimed.

"Well thank you for letting me use your bed." I smiled. "No problem." Rian said as he flashed his ultra bright smile. "You guys sound amazing by the way." I said. "Really?" They all asked in unison. "Yeah, from what I heard you guys are amazing." "Thanks! Ellie you should come to our show next Friday!" Jack yelled. I smiled and nodded my head. "Pinky promise?" They all said as they stuck out their pinkies. "Promise." I stated as I wrapped my pinky around each of theirs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is short but I haven't had time to update. School is being bleh.
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Alexander Gaskarth;
Yay It's Alex!
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I'll update as soon as possible oh and if you haven't read this story yet
Luck Loves Me Not Tonight
Then I recommend that you do! Then read the sequel.
Peace Ninjas :)