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She Doesn't Believe In Love

The Dark Scene of The Crime

Ellie P.O.V.

"Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. What did I tell you?" Carrie said as she locked the door. I backed up against the wall and looked for a way to escape but there was no way. She turned towards me and shook her head. "Did I not warn you to stay away from Alex before the concert started?" She said as she walked closer. I nodded and she opened her mouth to speak but the music started to blare again and I couldn't hear her. Carrie walked closer to me and banged me against the wall. "I warned you Ellie but you simply didn't listen. Now you have to pay the price." She said as she brought her fist to my face. I tried blocking but she hit me everywhere she could. After a few punches everything turned dark and the last thing I hear was Carrie chuckling as she excited the restroom.

Alex P.O.V.

Ellie ran off the stage and as much as I wanted to follow her I had to continue the show. We finished the show and I kept looking at the Merch stand but Ellie never returned. I ran towards Kara and Natalie who were putting things away. "Hey where's Ellie?" I asked. "We don't know she didn't come back we thought she went back into the crowd." Natalie said. We waited until the mostly everyone left and started to load everything up. I was putting my guitar in its case when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around hoping that it was Ellie but was disappointed when I saw Carrie. "Hey baby." She said as she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away gently. "I'm not your baby, I told you that we're over remember?" I said as I closed the case.

"Alex I know you didn't mean that. You were just angry." She pouted. "Carrie it's over. We've been over. I don't know if you saw the show tonight but I've moved on." "Psh that whore. You'll get over her. Why would you want her when you have me?" She snorted. "She's not a whore and she's way better than you so why don't you leave." "Ugh, you'll come back to me soon." she said as she walked away. I shook my head and continued to help load everything.

Soon we finished and Ellie still wasn't in sight.We were all starting to get worried and we tried calling her but she never answered. "Guys she has to be here, no one saw her leave." I said to them. "Well we should search the venue. It's not that big and I'm sure we can find her." Rian said. We nodded and split into groups. Jack, Natalie, and I went to search inside while Rian, Kara and Zack searched outside.

We searched all around but couldn't find her. We got to the restrooms, Jack and I checked the guy ones while Natalie checked the girl ones. "Where do you think she went?" Jack asked. "I don't know, I just hope she didn't run because I kissed her." I sighed. Jack was about to answer when we heard Natalie scream our names. We ran out and went into the restroom she was in and we gasped when we saw Ellie on the floor.

She was covered in blood and bruises were starting to form on her face and body. I ran towards her and checked to see if I could feel her pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt something. "Jack call an ambulance!" I yelled as he took out his phone and called one while Natalie called Zack to tell them that we found her. "Ellie, please wake up. Please saw something, anything." I said as I hugged her tight. Natalie came back with some wet paper towels and cleaned some of the blood off. "Who could've done this?" She asked as she cleaned. "I don't know but when I find out they're dead." I said as I brushed the hair out of her face.

The ambulance soon arrived and they took Ellie to the hospital. Since I wasn't a relative they didn't let me ride with them. We drove to the hospital and called our parents to let them know what happened. The doctor came out after a while and walked over to us. "Are you guys family of Ms. Garrison?" He asked. "No she doesn't have any family here she's emancipated. Can you tell us how she is?" I rushed. The doctor stared at each of us before he sighed deeply.

"She's going to be fine just really sore. She has a couple of fractured ribs. A slight concussion and a lot of bruises. She's going to need a lot of rest." "When can we see her?" I asked. "You can go in now. Just don't be loud she needs to rest. She'll be awake soon." The doctor said as he walked away. We all looked at each other and walked towards her room.
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Hey guys. I updated again! :D
Saturday and Sunday were great so I got inspired
6 Stars?! This is awesome!
My lovely Commentors:
Alexander Gaskarth;
Alexandrias Nitemare
Yay It's Alex!
What did you think of this? What do yo think is going to happen next?
If you think this is dramatic wait until what I have planned in the next chapters.
I'll update soon since I'm on Spring Break and I have nothing else to do.
Until the next chapter.
Peace Ninjas :)