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She Doesn't Believe In Love

Boy Can I Tell You A Wonderful Thing?

Alex P.O.V.

"Ellie?" I asked softly. I got no answer and sighed when I realized she had fallen asleep. The room was quiet and all I could hear was the beep from the machine and Ellie's breathing. I started to stroke her hair and think about the events that had just happened a few minutes earlier. She felt something with both kisses and it gave me hope that I still had a chance with her. And honestly both times I've felt something in both my gut and heart. The message was the same from both: I have strong feelings for this girl.

I know its odd considering I don't know her very well but, something tells me that she;s the one for me. Her smile brightens my day and her laughter is contagious. I can't believe someone would hurt her. I frowned when I came back from my thoughts and remembered that she was in the hospital. I really hope she remembers who did this to her cause I'm going to give them hell. I sighed and held Ellie closer before shutting my eyes and drifting to sleep.

Ellie P.O.V.

"Who are you?!" I yelled at the hooded figures that were chasing me. I ran and ran but I kept going in a circle for some odd reason. It didn't matter how fast I ran because I would end up in the same place I started. I ran again hoping that I would end up in a different destination. Instead I tripped and fell on the ground. The hooded figures started getting closer to me while I simply backed up as much as I felt something behind me. I turned around and saw a door.

I knocked and knocked but no one would answer, the figures were getting closer. When they were two feet away from me they took off their hoods and I gasped at who I saw. It was none other than Carrie and Tyler. I knocked harder against the door but no one would open. I looked at the windows of the house and saw Alex peeking through the curtains. "Alex! Open the door!" I yelled but he simply shook his head and backed away from the window. "Alex! Alex!" I yelled but he never came.

Carrie and Tyler laughed at me before closing into me. I shut my eyes and when I opened them again I was back in the hospital room. It was bright and the annoying beeping noise was back in my ears. I suddenly realized that I was alone in my bed. I looked around and didn't see Alex anywhere in sight. I sighed and curled up into a ball. A knock was suddenly at my door and I looked up immediately and hoped it was Alex.

The door opened and I was disappointed when I saw it was Jack not Alex. "Ellie! You're awake!" He yelled as he ran towards my bed. I laughed and opened my arms up for a hug, he hugged me back and sat on my bed. "How are you feeling Ellie?" He asked. "Good I'm just hungry." I said as my stomach growled. Jack laughed and took out his backpack. "Lucky for you I just went to McDonalds." He said as he took out some chicken nuggets. "Jack have I told you how much I love you?" He chuckled at me as he took out some ketchup.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is really short. Sorry I'll update soon after my tests.
Thank you:
Alexander Gaskarth;
Alexandrias Nitemare
Yay It's Alex!
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Read my Jack Barakat story?
Umm this is it for now but I promise there will be more
Peace ninjas :)