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She Doesn't Believe In Love

But I Know You Won't Believe

Alex P.O.V.

I couldn't concentrate on what my mom was telling me to do. Ellie had a sister? Why had she never mentioned it? Was she something from her past that she just doesn't want to talk about? All these thoughts just made me even more curious to find out about Ellie.

"Alex! ALEX!" I heard my name being yelled. I broke out of my trance and saw my mother glaring at me. "Yes mom?" I asked politely. She looked down and sighed. "I said you can go see Ellie now since you can't even focus on folding the laundry."

Oh so that's what I was doing, or at least attempted to do. I looked down and saw the mess of towels, I looked back at my mom and smiled at her. "Thanks mom." I said as I kissed her cheek. She smiled at me and waved me off. I dashed outside and made it to my car.

After turning on the engine and making my way to the hospital and made it to Ellie's room. I heard Jack, Ellie and her sister's voice. I decided to eavesdrop before I opened the door. "I'm sorry Ellie, I promise I won't let him hurt you. Jack said. Who wasn't Jack protecting Ellie from? Me?

"Thank you Jack but I don't know what I'm going to do if he knows."Ellie responded. "Don't worry about it you have us if he decides to do anything stupid." Jack said. So Ellie did think I was going to hurt her? Why couldn't she tell me this herself?

Did she still really not trust me? What was I going to have to do to get her to trust me. I sighed and decided to walk into the room already. "Hey guys!" I said with a big smile on my face. Ellie looked up and smiled while Jack and her sister (Who's name I had forgotten) were fighting over some nuggets. I walked over to them and took it from them. "HEY!" They exclaimed at the same time. I put it in my mouth and ate it while the simply pouted at me.

"Guys can you whisper?" Ellie whispered as she covered her phone. We all zipped our mouths shut and looked at each other intently. I looked at her sister and we had a staring contest. My eyes were starting to burn but she didn't at all seemed to be fazed by me. I really needed to blink so I just gave up and blinked. She jumped up and pumped her fist while I groaned and rubbed my eyes.

"I win!" She whispered yelled. I looked at her and she was doing a victory dance with Jack. Ellie burst out laughing and I turned towards her. She was still on the phone but she couldn't stop laughing at Jack and her sister. "Hailey, Jack seriously I can't talk correctly if you guys are being funny!" She yelled as she got back on the phone.

So Hailey was her name. "Yes, mom she's fine. I'll get her back home safely. Just be careful okay. And yes I will be careful as well." She said as she sighed. I guess she had told her mom about Carrie, but why was she telling her mom to be careful? "Love you too." She said as she hung up.

"So Ellie are you happy that you're leaving this hospital tonight?" I asked. "Yes! I miss my bed and I want good food. This one sucks." She pouted. I laughed and looked over at Jack and Hailey who were busy having a ninja fight. "Looks like they're having a good time." I pointed towards them. Ellie chuckled and nodded her head.

"Ellie can I ask you something?" She nodded for me to continue. "Why did you just tell your mom to be careful?" "Well because there are um robbers and stuff. And even though I left with a not so good relationship it doesn't mean I don't care about them and I uh just want them to be safe you know? Um and yeah." She rambled. "Okay." I said not completely buying it.

"So why is your little sister here?" I inquired. "Is it 'Ask Ellie Day' today?" She said irritated. "Chill chill." I said as I put my hand up in defense. "I was just asking. She sighed and looked out the window. "She just wanted to surprise me. That's all." She said softly as she started to look down. I put my finger on her chin and made her look into my eyes. I tried searching them to see if she would tell me the truth. But I got nothing.

I could tell that there was something that she wasn't telling me but I also knew that she would tell me if she wanted to and it was obvious that she didn't. "Okay I believe you, just don't get so touchy." I smiled. She smiled back at me and before I could say anything I was on the floor. I looked up and saw Jack and Hailey laughing at me. "You think that's funny Jack-ass?" He laughed harder and then I tackled him to the floor.

We had a full fight before Hailey came over and splashed us with water. Soon enough it was time to leave and take Ellie with us. Jack helped me take her to my car while Hailey got in the back seat. We waved good-bye to Jack and drove off to Ellie's house. I dropped them off and made my way back to my house. I thought about what I heard before I got in the room.

I needed to talk to Jack.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am SO sorry for the lack of Alex but Ellie's P.O.V. is just interesting to watch considering she has the interesting past and such. But don't worry I will include Alex as much as possible I'm sorry it won't be as often but I will try :D
I'm lazy to name commenters but thank you so much!
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If you're reading my other story Nothing More Than A Casual Fuck go to it and look at this little announcement that I had to say before I continued writing.
Thank you and I'll update as soon as possible!
Peace Ninja!