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She Doesn't Believe In Love

I Can Keep A Secrret

Alex P.O.V.

The drive to Jack's house seemed to be the longest ride ever, even though he didn't live very far away from Ellie. I needed answers from Jack and I was going to get them one way or another. I finally arrived at Jack's house and I unlocked the door with my key.

Yes, I have a key. The Barakats simply got tired of me knocking every day they just decided to give me a key. I went into the house and saw Mama Barakat in the living room. "Why hello Joyce how are you today?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm good how are you Alex?" She asked politely. "I'm good as well, is Jack home?" I asked with my smile. She nodded and pointed to his bedroom. I hugged her and made my way to Jack's room. "Jack Jack! I'm coming in!" I yelled as a warning. I didn't get a response so I barged in.

Jack was fast asleep on his bed, with his head hanging off one side of the bed and his feet hanging from the other side. I fought a laugh and made my way to his bed, and climbed onto it. "Jacky wake up. Wake the fuck up!" I yelled but nothing. So I made my way to his restroom and got some water in the cup that he had in there.

I made sure the water was freezing and made way back to his bed. I knew he was going to kill me so I said a few prayers and reminded myself why I was doing this. After a few seconds passed I poured the water onto his face. He shot up from bed coughing and looking around as I started to back away.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled as his eyes darted across the room and landed on me. I erupted into laughter, I just couldn't help myself. "YOU FUCKER!" He yelled as he jumped at me. I moved out of the way just in time and he made contact with the wall. "Dammit Alex." he said as he rubbed his head and I continues to laugh.

"Is that way you came over so you could hurt me?" He said as he pouted. "No that's not why I came but it was a plus." I said with a smile. "Was it necessary to pour fucking freezing water on me?" He said as he crossed his arms like a little kid. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "It was the only way you would wake up." I said. He grumbled something and I extended my arms out to him. "I'm sorry, forgive me?" I said with a smile. He extended his arms too and we hugged it out.

"So why are you here?" Jack asked. "I, um, wanted to talk to you about Ellie." I said. Jack stood up and went to his bed. "What about her?" He said nervously. "I heard you guys talking in the hospital." I said and Jack's head immediately shot up. "I know what you guys were talking about."

"How did you know?" Jack asked surprised. "I'm not stupid you know? I can put two and two together."

"Then you know why she didn't want to tell you about him." Jack said. Wait him?

"Who's him?" I asked confused.

"Who's who?" He asked equally confused.

"Tyler? That's who we're talking about right?" He asked.

"Who the fuck is Tyler?!" I yelled. Jack's eyes grew wide. "You don't know who Tyler is?" He asked slowly. I shook my head and he looked down. "What exactly did you hear back there?" He asked.

"You said you were protecting her from someone, from me right? That you would make sure 'he' wouldn't do anything stupid." I said while I made quotation signs with my fingers. Jack sighed and looked at me.

"Alex, you misunderstood what you heard back there. I think you should talk to Ellie and wait for her to tell you." he said. "Why can't you tell me?" I whined. "It's not really my secret to tell.

"Jack come on, we're best friends we tell each other everything." I begged. "Sorry dude but this isn't something that I can tell. Like I said, it's not my secret to tell." He said as he groaned.

I groaned and he looked at me. "Dude just go talk to her. Or she'll tell you when she's ready." He said calmly.

I stormed out the room and made my way to the car. I drove to my house but I knew that he was right. Ellie would tell me when she wanted to tell me.

I just had to be patient.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. Sorry it took me forever to update this but I've been having writer's block with this story.
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