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She Doesn't Believe In Love

Small Town Boy Meets a Big City Girl

Alex P.O.V.

"Hey dude why are you standing in the middle of the hallway just staring?" Jack asked breaking me out of my trance. "I just saw the new girl and she's beautiful." I said still staring. "What are you talking about bro?" Jack asked confused. "The new girl. I just saw her and she's beautiful." "Okay dude you can talk about her later we have to go to class." He said as he dragged me to our English class. We walked into our class and went to the back of the class.

The bell rang and everyone went to their seats while Mr. Johnson got his attendance sheet out. "Okay class we have a new student and her name is Elena Garrison." My head snapped up when he said new girl and sure enough there stood the new girl from the hallway."Um actually I prefer Ellie if you don't mind." She said and Mr. Johnson simply nodded. "Okay Ellie why don't you take a seat by Mr. Gaskarth and I'm sure he can help you find some of your classes if you need help." Ellie nodded and walked over to the seat next to me. "Jack that was the girl I was talking about." I whispered. "Whoa she's hot." Jack grinned. "Nice to see you again Alex." She smirked. "So your name is Ellie?" I asked. "Why yes that's my name now don't wear it out." She replied as she sat down.

"Who's your friend." She pointed at Jack. "Well pretty lady my name is Jack Bassam Barakat. Where are you from?" Jack asked as he put his hand out for her to shake. "Nice to meet you Jack and I'm from Texas." She replied as she shook his hand. "Why'd you move all the way over here?" I asked. "Well I emancipated myself from my parents and decided to move somewhere far away from them." "Whoa why here and how did you get here? And why did you emancipate yourself?" Jack asked. "I decided here because I got a map out and I threw a dart and it landed here. I've had some money saved up for a while. And my parents aren't the most understanding." Ellie said and she looked down.

"You guys had a fight or something?" I asked. "Something like that but I'd rather not talk about it if you don't mind." She replied sadly. We were all quiet for a while until Jack broke the silence. "So let's see your schedule." Ellie got her schedule out and gave it to him. She still looked sad and I wanted to know what happened but most importantly I wanted her to smile. She was way too pretty to be sad.

"So you have Calculus with Alex, Chemistry with Rian and Kara, P.E with me and Alex, Lunch with all of us. History with Alex and I. Oh and you have Study Hall with Alex." He said happily. "You're going to sit with us at lunch." Jack stated more than asked. "Sure." Ellie smiled as she responded. The bell rang and Ellie and I were off to Calculus. "So Ellie, you don't mind if we walk together to class do you?" I asked. "No it's fine." She replied sadly. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Are you sure because I'm a good listener if you ever want to talk." "Thanks but I'm okay." We walked to class in silence and we made our way to seats in the back. Mrs. Smith introduced everyone to Ellie and Derek, the school jock, eyed her up and down and needless to say I wanted to punch him. Ellie seemed to notice because she simply rolled her eyes and sat down.

After the bell rang I made my way into Chemistry and I took a nap since I didn't have Jack, Rian, Kara or Ellie in this class. The bell rang once again and I made my way into the gym. Jack was already there and he was talking to Ellie. I made my way over to them but I couldn't focus on what they were talking about I was still half asleep from my little nap. "Alex are you okay?" Ellie asked. "He's fine he just woke up from sleeping in class and it takes him a while to go back to normal." Jack explained. Ellie looked at me and I nodded my head yes. Since it was our first day back we didn't do anything we just sat and talked.

Finally lunch came and Jack, Ellie, and I made our way to the cafeteria. We got in line and got some food then made our way to our lunch table. Rian and Kara were already there and they waved at us when they saw us. "Hey guys, who's she?" Rian asked. "Hi, I'm Ellie and I'm new." Ellie responded and she extended her hand to Rian and Kara and they both shook it. Kara and Ellie started talking and they were getting along great. While Rian, Jack, and I were flinging fries into each others mouth. Well Rian and I were, Jack was missing the entire time.

The rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it school was over. I walked out to my car and Jack was standing by the driver's seat. "No Jack you are not driving." I said sternly. He pouted and went to the passenger's seat. I got in my car and turned it on. Jack put in a Blink CD while I pulled out of the parking lot. "So about what you were talking about in the morning." Jack started. "Yes what about it?" "Were you serious about that?" I nodded my head. "Wait wait let me get this straight. Alex Gaskarth, my best friend, the kind of one night stands, wants to go out with a girl and not get in her pants?" He asked shocked.

"Yes." I said. "Wow, well what are you going to do?" He asked. "I'm not sure today when I ran into her I couldn't say anything to her. It was as if my brain froze and I didn't know how to talk to her." I explained. "I'd never thought I'd see the day that Alex Gaskarth didn't know what to say to a girl." He chuckled. "I wish I could talk to her again." "Well your wish has been granted." "What are you talking about?"

"Look she's walking over there why don't you offer her a ride?" I looked through Jack's window and sure enough there was Ellie walking alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I made a second chapter and to be honest I hate it.
It's boring don't you think?
I have eleven readers and two subscribers woo!
Thanks to Alexander Gaskarth; and f-lies for commenting I appreciate it :)
Why do you think Ellie emancipated herself?
Tell me what you think so far, give me ideas :)
Peace ninja :)