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She Doesn't Believe In Love

There's A Look In Your Eye

Ellie P.O.V.

A week had passed since my little sister had arrived and she was still with us. Surprisingly my parents let her stay with me but they made it clear that they only wanted her with me for protection and that she would have to go back next week. Going back to school was easier than I thought thanks to the guys and Kara.

Since Hailey decided to surprise visit me she didn’t have to go to school, instead she stayed home and I checked up on her every three hours. She seemed to be fine so after day three, I stopped checking in on her frequently. The guys and Kara immediately warmed up to my baby sister but it seemed like she had the best connection with Jack. I was worried that it was more than just a friendly connection but they both said that it was nothing so I shrugged it off.

Life was great at the moment. There was no sign of Tyler and I hadn’t seen Carrie since the night of the concert. I was talking with the guys and Kara when I got up to go the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and texted Hailey to see how she was doing.
I sighed and looked down at the sink when I suddenly heard a toilet flush. The restroom stall door slammed opened and I jumped in surprise. “Well, well. Look who’s gotten better. You can barely see some of those bruises.” Carrie taunted. I backed away from the sink and slowly started walking back towards the wall.

“C-Carrie what are you doing here?” I asked nervously. “Well I am human I have to use the restroom every once in a while.” She said in a duh voice. I chuckled nervously and looked for a way put but it was impossible when she was so close. “You do remember our little discussion don’t you?” She said as she pinned my wrists to my sides. I nodded yes and she simply smirked.

“Good because if you get in my way of getting Alex. Let’s just say you’ll be visiting the hospital again. Okay?” She asked innocently. I nodded and she let go of my wrists and walked away. I sighed loudly and went towards the sink.
This seriously cannot be happening. I thought I left my problems in Texas. I guess I was wrong.

Alex P.O.V.

It’s been a week since I had my little discussion with Jack and I am going insane. I want to know who Tyler is but I can’t let Ellie know that I was eavesdropping. Hailey’s been living with Ellie for a week now and I’ve grown fond of her and so has everyone else. Especially Jack. I tried asking him if he liked her but he simply got red and changed the subject quickly.

We were currently in lunch and Ellie had been in the restroom for a long time now and I was getting worried. “Don’t you think Ellie’s been gone for a long time now?” I asked my friends. “Alex she’s a girl of course she’s going to take long.” Kara said with an eye roll.
I groaned and put my head on the table. The cafeteria door opened and my head snapped up expecting to see Ellie walking through the doors. I groaned more when I saw that it was none other than my stalker, Carrie. She scanned the cafeteria until her eyes landed on our table. “Guys she’s coming this way.” I whined.

They tried to make the table seem overly crowded but she still came over to our table. “Hey Alex.” She purred. “Hi, Carrie.” I said quickly. “Do you mind if I sit here?” She asked politely.
“Someone’s sitting there.” I replied through gritted teeth. I honestly wasn’t in the mood for her bullshit. “Well they’re not here right now. So may I?” She asked at the same time the cafeteria doors opened once again. And like a fool I once again looked towards the door. My frown turned into a smile when I saw that it was Ellie. Carrie turned to see what I was looking at and then scowled when she saw Ellie.

Ellie came back to the table and froze when she saw Carrie. “Ellie come take your seat!” I said a little too happily. “But um she’s sitting there and it would be rude for me just to make her get up you know.” Ellie said looking around the whole room. “Carrie.” I said through gritted teeth.

Carrie looked at Ellie who was looking around nervously and then back at me. “No, no Ellie. You were here first. So come on take your seat.” She said with a big smile. I cocked my head to the left. Something was off here.

Why was Ellie so nervous? And why was Carrie looking at her with such hatred. Ellie slowly made her way to Carrie and I while looking away from Carrie. Our eyes met and she had a look in her eyes that screamed, “HELP!”

Carrie stood up and allowed Ellie to sit while giving her a glare. “Goodbye sweet Ellie. Bye Alex.” She said as she left the table. “That girl gives me the creeps!” Jack said as he hugged onto Rian. “Jaaack that’s my boyfriend!” Kara whined. “Not anymore girlfriend!” He said in the highest pitched voice he could make. Kara pouted and shook Jack off him in order to kiss Kara. “Oh you cheater!” Jack fake cried. We all started laughing and Ellie soon joined in.

“Are you okay Ellie?” I asked when our laughter died down. “Super.” She said as she smiled.

But her smile didn’t reach her eyes. Something was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
I managed to update one chapter!
If the shitty wifi that I'm getting lasts I'll update again if not until
August 30.
Thank you for being patient and for commenting and subscribing.
Peace Ninjas :)