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She Doesn't Believe In Love

Inquisitive and Thoughtful

Ellie P.O.V.

My first day of school was interesting. Jack, Alex, Rian and Kara were really nice and I'm glad I made some friends. It was a great day until Jack asked me about my parents. I didn't really want to talk about my past life but I really needed someone to talk to. I was walking home and I was three blocks away when I heard a loud honk. I looked to my left while taking out my headphones. A silver Audi came up next to me and the window rolled down. It was none other than Jack and Alex. "Hey guys what's up?" "Well we saw you walking and we were wondering if you wanted a ride." Alex answered. "It's okay guys I only have three more blocks I'll make it."

"Ellie it's starting to drizzle and really it's no problem at all." Alex said. "And do you want to walk by yourself or with two awesome guys!" Jack added. "Alright." I chuckled. I got in the back seat and Alex started driving. I was staring out the window when Alex cleared his throat. "Um Ellie, where do I go next?" "Oh make a right and it's the apartment buildings on the right." He nodded and drove to the apartment. He parked and both Jack and Alex turned around. "So Ellie are you going to walk to school tomorrow?" "Yeah, since I don't have a car I'm just going to have to walk." "I can give you a ride if you want you can carpool with us." "No it's okay I don't want to be a bother. "Really it's no deal I mean I give Jack a ride everyday so it'll be no problem." I looked over at Jack and he nodded his head excitedly.

I bit my lip and thought it over. "Um okay sure, what time will you be picking me up?" "At 7:50 since school starts at 8:10." "Okay I'll see you tomorrow morning guys." "Bye Ellie!" The both said happily. I took out my keys and opened the door to my apartment. After getting in I threw my stuff on the floor and checked to see if I had any mail. Most of it was just junk, bills, and something I thought I wouldn't see. It was a letter from my parents.

Alex P.O.V.

"See it wasn't that hard." Jack said. "That's what she said." I said and we both bursted out laughing. "Anyways I told you so." "Yeah, yeah I guess you're right, don't rub it in my face. Now put a song on." I commanded. "Jack got a random CD out and "Forget My Name" by New Found Glory came out. We raised up the volume and started singing as loud as we could.

We got to my house and I went to get my guitar while Jack got his, we met up back at my car and put everything in the trunk. I started the car again and made my way to Rian's house. When we got there they already had everything set up they were just waiting on us. "Finally you guys made it." Zack said. "Yeah, yeah lets just start.'' Rian counted us in and we started with "The Party Scene" after two hours of practicing we took a break and went to raid Rian's kitchen.

"So what took you guys a long time to get over here?" Rian asked. "We gave Ellie a ride home." "Who's Ellie?" Zack asked. "She's the new girl that Alex is crushing over." Jack said with his mouth full of chips. "Shut up." I said as I punched his shoulder. He punched me back and we kept going on until Zack hit us both. "Dude!'' We yelled at the same time. "Well stop fighting and why did you guys give her a ride?" "We gave her a ride because she was walking to her apartment." "Oh so how long before you, you know?" Zack asked uncomfortably.

"That's not going to happen this time." I yelled. "She's different." I whispered. "What? Am I hearing this correctly? Did the notorious Alex Gaskarth say that he doesn't want to sleep with this girl?" Rian asked. "Yes, she's just different. When I bumped into her this morning I couldn't get over the fact of how beautiful she was. And she didn't even drool over me like the other girls. She's the challenge that I've been waiting for." I said. "Wow, I've never thought I'd see the day that you would say something like this." Zack said.

"Are you serious about this?" Rian asked. "Yes, he is. You should've heard what he was saying when I found hum before first period. He was just staring at thin air and I quote 'She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.' Jack mimicked me. Rian and Zack burst out laughing. "Shut up Rian you said the same thing with Kara and remember when she denied you , you couldn't eat for a week." RIan immediately shut up, "And Zack remember when you kept stuttering every time Natalie talked to you." Zack also shut up. "And Jack, well you have no game so you can't say anything." "Hey that's not what your mom said last night!" He pouted and crossed his arms.

"Whatever but Rian how did you get Kara to say yes?" "Well I started to become her friend, I listened to her, and just became best friends. Then she finally told me that she liked me." I nodded my head and we went to the living room to watch some TV. At eight I finally got up and decided to go home mostly because Jack had to get home already and I was his only ride. We got in my car and drove home.

"So what are you going to do about Ellie, Alex?" Jack asked. "Well I'm going to become her friend and let her know that I'm there for her and then we'll see where it goes." Alright just watch out for Carrie. You know how she is." I groaned, "Ugh I had forgotten about her." "Just be careful you know how insanely jealous she is." Jack said as I parked in front of his house. "I will." "Okay I'll see you tomorrow." He went inside his house and I went to mine.

I got to my house and went straight to my room and got an idea for a song. After setting my backpack down, I took out my lyrics notebook and started writing the first things that popped in my head.

Inquisitive and thoughtful.
She was the challenge he'd
been waiting for.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thank you to f-lies and Alexander Gaskarth; for commenting.
Read their stories, they're great :D
I wrote it in Ellie's P.O.V. so you can kinda know what she's like. Shall I reveal her past in the next chapter?
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Peace Ninjas :)