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She Doesn't Believe In Love

Nothing Lasts Forever

Ellie P.O.V.

I looked at the return address once again and sure enough it was in my parents' address. A few minutes passed by and I contemplated on either throwing it away or reading it. I walked over to the trash can and before I could throw it away I decided against it. It might be something important concerning a family member if they wrote to me. When I opened it I glanced down to the ending signature and let out a deep breath when I realized it was from my fifteen year old sister. Well she wasn't technically my sister she was my cousin but we took her in when her parents died.

The day I left and made sure that I had all my arrangements I left my address with her in case she ever needed to contact me or if she just needed someone to talk to.

Dear Ellie,

I miss you, it's weird not seeing you around anymore. But I understand why you left and you had a good reason. I hate that mom and dad took Tyler's side because now you're not here anymore. There are some things that I have to tell you.

I'm starting sophomore year in a new school and so far they're nice. Nicer than the kids from the other school. How is your school if you started already?

When you left a week later Tyler came by when mom and dad weren't home an he kept asking where you were. I told him that we didn't know and he got angry. He's been coming over but I wouldn't open the door. Mom and dad have been here a couple of times but they say that they don't care where you are.

He gets angry and he almost busted the door two nights ago. Luckily we called the cops before anything happened. He went to jail. We watched him go in the cop car he said he wouldn't stop until he found you so Ellie just be careful please. His parents' already bailed him out so please be careful. Keep in touch big sister.

Love you,


I re-read the letter and after the shock I went to my room and laid on my bed. One of the main reasons that I left was so that Tyler wouldn't bother Hailey. As I laid in bed I started to remember what happened in Texas.

You see Tyler was my best friend since 6th grade and I started to like him in 8th. The feelings were mutual so we started going out. We were good until Junior year last year. He wanted to have sex and I wasn't ready. I had told him hundreds of times that I just wasn't ready and if he loved me he would wait.

He started getting impatient and when we would make out he would want to go farther. I would stop him but that made him angry. One night, we went to a party at a friend's house. He got drunk and came up to me, and told me he wanted to talk to me. I had this feeling in my gut that was telling me not to go but the curiosity got the best of me and we went upstairs. We sat on the bed and he started to kiss me. I kissed back until I realized that he was trying to pull my shirt off I pushed him off but he grabbed my arms and pinned them above my head.

The music was tool loud so my screaming didn't matter. I tried pushing him and kicking him but he was still too strong even in his intoxicated state. After he finished he left me on the bed and I curled up in a ball. Tyler, the one guy that I trusted and loved had raped me.

I tried to tell my parents' but I didn't have the guts. A few weeks later passed and no period. He hadn't used a condom, he got me pregnant. I went to his house to tell him the news. He looked at me and then punched me in the stomach. "There, now that problem is fixed." He said as I held my stomach in pain. He tried to kiss me but I ran off and went home. I ran to my room and sobbed for what seemed an eternity. My mom arrived a few minutes later and found me crying.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked. I told her everything and she stared at. She slapped me afterward. "Elena! How could you make up a lie like that!" "Mom I'm not lying! Why would I lie about something like this?" "You probably just want attention! When your father gets home we're speaking about this!" She yelled.

When my father came home and my mother told him what happened he had a fit. He also didn't believe me and the next day they called Tyler and his family. Why wouldn't they believe their daughter you may ask? Well Tyler's family was higher class. His mom was a lawyer and his father worked for the mayor. Tyler was a kid with a clean record. I was just a normal girl from a normal family. My father worked for his dad, and my dad was a kiss ass. I told them everything while Tyler glared at me the entire time.

When I finished his parents and mine laughed at me. I insisted that I was telling the truth. They took me to the doctor and when they found Tyler's sperm in me they had a cow. His parent's called me a slut and even thought the doctor clearly stated that it was rape my parents weren't having it. Soon enough it got around and I was the one to blame. I got called a slut, a whore and that I was easy. Tyler made my life a living hell. My sister didn't have it easy either. Everyone started to call her the sister's mini slut. It was horrible. My parents were being the worst, I wanted to get away so I emancipated myself.

By the end of junior year I knew where I was moving to. After getting one last glare from my parents and a final goodbye from my sister I left to Baltimore, Maryland.

Tears flowed down my cheeks and I prayed that he didn't find me or harm my family especially not Hailey. More tears fell and soon enough I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is all Ellie and I feel accomplished!
Thanks to Alexander Gaskarth; (I appreciate the shout out) f-lies and OMGEmilyGrace for commenting :D
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Peace Ninjas :)