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She Doesn't Believe In Love

I Had A Dream Last Night

Alex P.O.V.


I groaned and my head snapped up as I rubbed my eyes. "Dude quiet voice!" I yelled at Jack. "Look man you have to get ready we still have to get Ellie, remember?" Ellie? I looked down at my notebook on my desk and stared at what I had so far.

Inquisitive and thoughtful,
she was the challenge he'd been
waiting for.
A reminder that creativity runs deep
like secrets.

I smiled at myself and I felt jack reading over my shoulder. "Hey I like that. I'm going to take a big guess and say it's about Ellie?" Jack smirked. "Yes, it just came to me when I got home and then I had this dream and wow." "Wow you sound whipped and you're not even with the girl. Now go get ready mister we don't need to be late." "Yes mom." He laughed at me and I grabbed some clothes before I went to shower.

After I finished showering I grabbed a cookie and Jack was waiting for me outside. "Where are we going? To pick up Ellie! Vamonos!' Jack sang like Dora. I stared at him and he stared back. A few seconds later we bursted out laughing and got in the car. After turning on some music we drove off to Ellie's house. We arrived to her apartment complex and honked.

Ellie came running down the stars and hurriedly got in the car. "Good morning Ellie!" Jack chirped. "Good morning." She mumbled. I glanced at her through my mirror and she looked distraught. "What's wrong Ellie you look tired?" I asked. "Oh um, I'm just not used to the time change you know? I'm a Texas girl and the time over there is way different." She explained. She laid her head against the window and closed her eyes.

"Aww my new best friend is tired. Let's put on a relaxing song." Jack said as he played 'I Miss You' by Blink. Ellie smiled and her eyes closed. I wasn't fully sure I believed Ellie. But I was going to let it go for now.

Ellie's P.O.V.

Last night was horrible. I had cried myself to sleep last night and I woke up late. I ran to my shower and showered as quick as possible and looked for my things. While I was looking for my right shoe I heard a loud honk. "Shit" I cursed to myself. After finding my shoe I ran out the door and into Alex's car.

"Good morning Ellie!" Jack chirped. "Good morning." I mumbled as Is et my things down and put on my seat belt. "What's wrong Ellie you look tired?" Alex asked. "Oh um, I'm just not used to the time change you know? I'm a Texas girl and the time over there is way different." I rushed. I laid my head against the window and closed my eyes. Last night was horrible for me. After I cried myself to sleep last night I kept having nightmares and Tyler was in each and every one. I had finally fallen asleep around six in the afternoon and I was dying.

"Aww my new best friend is tired. Let's put on a relaxing song." Jack said as I heard 'I Miss You' by Blink-182 come on. I loved this song so much, I smiled and I eyes closed. I drifted off to sleep and a few minutes later I felt someone shake me gently. "Ellie come on we're here." I opened my eyes and I met Alex's brown ones. He smiled at me and grabbed my book bag. "Come on sleepyhead." He smiled as I rubbed my eyes and slowly got out of the car.

"Ellie! Come on let's go!" Jack yelled excitedly. "Is he always like this in the morning?" I whispered to Alex. He groaned. "You have no idea. This is just the beginning." I laughed and walked with Alex and Jack into the school.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is really short but I figures why not? :)
Thank you to my commenters:
Thanks to Alexander Gaskarth; f-lies and OMGEmilyGrace Music.DrownLife
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Peace Ninjas :)