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She Doesn't Believe In Love

You Caught Me Off Guard

Alex P.O.V.

Shit. My mother is going to kill me when they call her, I thought as I sat in the office. Fucking Derek just had to open his fucking mouth. "Well Mr. Gaskarth would you like to explain what this whole fight was about?" Mr. Lopez asked. "Derek was insulting my friends and I and he said some things that weren't necessary." I answered. "I see so what did he say that required you and Mr. Sanders to start a brawl in my hallway?" "Its not appropriate."

"Mr. Gaskarth you can either tell me what he said or get suspended for a week." I sighed and looked at Mr. Lopez. "He called Ellie and easy fuck and put my business out there. He called Jack a tiny piece of shit. And I wasn't going to let some asshole talk like that to my friends." Mr. Lopez stared hard at me before sighing and rubbing his eyes. "Alright Alex this is what's going to happen. If Mr. Barakat and Ms. Garrison's story match then you'll only be suspended for a two days since you did throw the first punch. Alright?"

"Sure. Thank you sir." "Your welcome now tell Ms. Garrison to come here then go to the nurse." I nodded and went to go Ellie." Ellie was sitting outside listening to her iPod, when she saw me she got up. "Alex are you okay? What happened?" "I'm fine I'll tell you later but he wants to talk to you." Ellie looked at me uncertainly and went into the office. After I saw her close the door I went to the nurse's office.

When I went in I saw the two beds and both had the sheets closed. I saw the nurse and tapped her shoulder. "Yes dear?" "Which one is Jack?" "Oh the second one, but don't make too much noise he's sleeping. Do you want some ice for your face?" "Yes please." I smiled. "Okay sweetie I'll be in there in a few minutes for you and your friend." I nodded and went to the bed.

Jack was curled up into a ball with his mouth open. "Jack?" he grumbled and turned onto his other side. "Dude wake up." "You dick fucker." He mumbled. "What?" I said as I laughed. "Dick fucker!" He yelled. I laughed harder and hit him which caused him to fall off the bed. "What the fuck man?" he said as he rubbed his head. "Dude you know you still talk in your sleep sometimes right?" "I do? What did I say?" He asked sleepily.

"You called me a dick fucker." Jack bursted out laughing and then suddenly stopped as he hit me. "Oh what the fuck was that for?" I yelled. "For pushing me off the bed!'' He pouted. "You fucking fell!" "But you laughed you bitch!" He retorted. "Boys! Boys! Watch your language." The nurse exclaimed as she walked in with the ice packs. "We're sorry." We said as we put our head down in shame. "She tsked us and then left. "Dude! Derek really got you." I whispered to Jack. "Yeah, and he hit you pretty good too." He referred to to the bruise on my left cheek.

"I know but not as good as I left him." I smirked. Jack laughed as he put the ice on his eye. "So what did you get?" "I'm gonna get suspended for two days as long as Ellie and your story match up. And then he's going to deal with Derek." Jack was about to open his mouth when Ellie came in. "Elli!'' Jack yelled as he jumped up to tackled Ellie in a hug.

"Jack are you okay? Oh my god your eye looks horrible! Does it hurt?" "Psh of course I'm okay! I'm a man! It'll feel better if you kiss it!" Jack yelled like a child. Ellie chuckled and kissed his black eye. "Oh and Mr. Lopez wants to talk to you now." Ellie said. "Aww okay. I'll see you guys later." Jack said as he made his way to the office.

She sat down in front of me and we sat in silence for a few minutes. "Alex?" Ellie spoke up. "Yes?" "Thank you for defending me. I appreciate it." "You're welcome and it's no problem." "Can I ask you a question though?" "Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"What exactly did Derek mean when he said that you were notorious for casual fucks?" She asked quietly. I swallowed and rubbed my neck awkwardly. "Well you see I don't exactly have the best reputation here. I'm kinda known for being the 'ladies man'." I chuckled bitterly. "Oh so when he said that you just wanted to sleep with me he wasn't lying." She said as tears started forming and she looked down. I got up and keeled in front of her.

"Ellie." I whispered but she wouldn't look at me so I pulled her chin up so we were at eye level. "No, I don't want you to be like the others. Yes, I have a reputation. But you're different." "Alex, I want to believe you but I want you to be completely honest with me when you say that you don't want to just sleep with me."

"Ellie, I mean it I don't want to just sleep with you. If I wanted just that do you think I would've gotten in a fight? Why don't you believe me?" I asked. She removed my hand from under my cheek and looked down. I tried lifting her chin again but she shook from my touch. "Why won't you tell me why you don't believe me?" I asked. She sighed and looked at me once again. "It's just one of the reasons I left home was because of something like this. I want to believe you and I want to trust your answer but it just."

"Just what? What happened back home?" "This isn't the time or place to talk about it." "Well I'm here whenever you want to talk about it." Ellie looked down again and I got up. Once I was up I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. I took her in my arms and hugged her. At first she didn't respond but then she hugged me as well. "I'm sorry Alex." "Ellie, you have nothing to be sorry about. But I'm going to promise you one thing." I whispered in her ear. "What?" "I will get you to believe that I'm here for you and I will get you to trust me." She pulled back and stared in my eyes. She looked like she was trying to figure out whether to believe my words or not. "Pinky promise?" She whispered as she stuck her pinky out.

"Pinky promise." I smiled as I wrapped my pink around hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo no school for me today which meant I could update :)
My awesome commenters:
Alexander Gaskarth; f-lies OMGEmilyGrace Music.DrownLife
Yay It's Alex!
I have Readers: 89; Subscribers: 15; Comments: 19
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Don't be a silent reader!
What do you think about this chapter?
Do I make Jack sound too much like a kid?
No lie, the part when Jack is sleep talking, that actually happened to me last night according to my friend that slept over. I didn't fall off the bed but apparently I said dick fucker.
So I decided to put that in this chapter :)
I'm going to start putting videos here. You know so you can listen to the song that happens to be my chapter name :)
Peace Ninjas! :)
P.S. Oh if you want me to read your stories tell me!